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캐논정리/JKR interviews

JKR interview with TLK and MN, July 16, 2005

Anelli, Melissa and Emerson Spartz. "The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part One," The Leaky Cauldron, 16 July 2005


(x: http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2005/0705-tlc_mugglenet-anelli-2.htm)

정작 리키콜드런에선 인터뷰 페이지 날아가있음. 

HP& HBP가 7월 16일에 발간되었으니 그 발간 기념 인터뷰인듯...  와 진짜 길었다....너무 길어가지고 오 일 붙잡고 있었음 전문에는 론헤르/ 해리지니/ 말포이 등등 캐릭터 관련 이야기 많음...


  • Jo agrees that Dumbledore can seem trusting almost to the point of recklessness. 
  • We will earn more about Dumbledore's backstory in Book 7. 
  • Dumbledore's "wisdom has isolated him ... where is his equal, where is his confidante, where is his partner?" 
  • Although McGonagall is a worthy second in command, she is not Dumbledore's equal. 
  • Dumbledore is detached and likes to let people solve problems on their own. He thinks "let's wait and see if he can work this out." 
  • JK won't tell us what Dumbledore would see in front of the Mirror of Erised, or what his boggart is, though we might be able to guess the boggart from clues in Book 6. 
  • It is possible that we will find out what spell Dumbledore was trying to cast on Voldemort in the Ministry. 
  • "Draco would not have killed Dumbledore." 
  • JK won't tell us if Dumbledore was planning to die. "I have to give people hope." 
  • Dumbledore is primarily self-taught. He also had access to superb teachers at Hogwarts.
  • JK: “Dumbledore's family would be a profitable line of inquiry.” 
(x: http://www.mugglenet.com/2005/11/a-profitable-line-of-inquiry/) <<< 머글넷 팬썰인데 어떻게 이거 한마디 캐치해서 알버스가 로켓 파괴하면서 포션 마시고 본 환영이 겔러트가 가족을 죽이는 모습이었을것이다 추측해내는거 넘 재밌다...

  • Dumbledore’s line “the prophecy is significant only because you and Voldemort choose to make it so” is a key point in Book 6. 
  • Dumbledore’s “gleam of triumph” (GoF) will be enormously significant to Book 7. 
  • Dumbledore's guesses about how to kill Voldemort are “never very far wide of the mark.” Harry will need to get rid of four horcruxes, and then “go for Voldemort.” Dumbledore has given Harry “some pretty valuable clues” and Harry "has amassed more knowledge than he realizes." 

ES: I know Dumbledore likes to see the good in people but he seems trusting almost to the point of recklessness sometimes.

[Laughter] Yes, I would agree. I would agree.

ES: How can someone so -

JKR: Intelligent -

ES: be so blind with regard to certain things?

JKR: Well, there is information on that to come, in seven. But I would say that I think it has been demonstrated, particularly in books five and six that immense brainpower does not protect you from emotional mistakes and I think Dumbledore really exemplifies that. In fact, I would tend to think that being very, very intelligent might create some problems and it has done for Dumbledore, because his wisdom has isolated him, and I think you can see that in the books, because where is his equal, where is his confidante, where is his partner? He has none of those things. He’s always the one who gives, he’s always the one who has the insight and has the knowledge. So I think that, while I ask the reader to accept that McGonagall is a very worthy second in command, she is not an equal. You have a slightly circuitous answer, but I can't get much closer than that.

ES: No, that was a good answer.

MA: It's interesting about Dumbledore being lonely.

JKR: I see him as isolated, and a few people have said to me rightly I think, that he is detached. My sister said to me in a moment of frustration, it was when Hagrid was shut up in his house after Rita Skeeter had published that he was a half-breed, and my sister said to me, “Why didn't Dumbledore go down earlier, why didn't Dumbledore go down earlier?” I said he really had to let Hagrid stew for a while and see if he was going to come out of this on his own because if he had come out on his own he really would have been better. "Well he's too detached, he's too cold, it's like you,” she said!" [Laughter] By which she meant that where she would immediately rush in and I would maybe stand back a little bit and say, “Let's wait and see if he can work this out.” I wouldn't leave him a week. I'd leave him maybe an afternoon. But she would chase him into the hut.

Q. 덤블도어가 사람들의 좋은점을 보는 건 알지만 가끔 recklessness한 부분도 신뢰하는 것 같아요. 그렇게 지적인 사람이 어떻게 어떤 점들에 대해선 눈이 멀어버릴 수가 있는지?

-7권에서 관련 정보들이 풀릴 거예요. 하지만 제 생각엔 이미 드러났다고 생각해요. 특히 책 5권과 6권에서는 "엄청난 두뇌를 가졌다고 해서 감정적인 실수를 저지르는 것을 막지는 못한다"는 걸 보여주니까요. 그리고 전 덤블도어가 이 예시에 들어맞는 사람이라고 생각하죠. 사실, 전 이렇게 생각하는데... 아주, 아주 지적인 사람이 어떤 problem들을 만들어낼 수 있고.. 덤블도어에게도 이런 문제가 있었다는 거죠. 왜냐하면 그의 지혜가 그를 고립시켰고, 책에서 보셨겠지만, 그와 동등한 사람이 어디있나요, 그에게 (사적인 문제를 의논할 수 있을만한)절친한 친구가 있나요? 그에게 파트너가 있나요? 그에게는 이런 사람이 아무도 없어요. (equal, confidante, partner) 그는 언제나 주는 사람이고(gives),  그는 언제나 통찰력과 지식을 가진 사람이죠. 그러니까 내 생각에, 난 독자들이 맥고나걸을 아주 가치있는 두번째 사람으로 받아들이도록 설정해왔지만, 그는 덤블도어와 "동등한" 사람은 아니라는거죠.   

덤블도어가 외롭다는 것은 굉장히 흥미롭네요.

-전 그를 고독한 사람이라고 보고 있어요. 그리고 아주 몇몇 사람만이 제가 생각하는 것과 동일하게 말하는데, 그는 분리되어있는(초연한) 사람이라는 것이죠.(He is detached). 제 동생이 저한테 좀 안타까운 장면--해그리드가 리타 스키터 그가 거인 혼혈이라는 사실을 신문에 써내고 그의 집에서 말수를 잃은 채로 지내는 장면 말이죠---에 대해 이야기 한 적이 있는데, 제 동생이 저에게 말하길, "왜 덤블도어가 일찍 가지 않았어? 왜 더 일찍 가지 않았냐구?" 제가 대답했죠. 덤블도어는 해그리드가 혼자만의 걱정할 시간을 갖도록하고(stew for a while) 해그리드가 이 문제를 스스로 극복할 수 있는지 보러 간 것이라고, 왜나하면 해그리드가 그 문제를 스스로 극복해내면 그에게도 훨씬 더 좋을 테니까요. "아 너무 무관심해(detached) 너무 차갑다고, 언니처럼!" 동생이 말하더군요.(웃음) 제 동생이 말한것처럼 그녀는 문제가 생겼다면 바로 달려갔을 타입이고.. 전 뒤에서 한발짝 물러서서 "기다려보자, 그가 어떻게 해결하는지 지켜보자" 하는 타입이니까요. 일주일씩 내버려 두지는 않아요. 오후 한나절 정도 내버려두는거죠. 하지만  제 동생은 바로 일이 터지면 그를 위로하러 오두막으로 달려가는 사람이고요.

+) giver, taker는 뉴트를 사이에 두고 새로 설정된 워딩이라고 생각했는데 이쯤 되면 겔:user라고 계속 언급하고 있지만 giver, taker도 알버스랑 겔에서 끌고 온 단어는 아닐까 싶기도 하고 뭐 동사가 그렇게 많지 않으니까 거기서 거기긴 하지만...

약간 JKR 인터뷰 읽다보면 정말 재밌는게 캐해석 덕후들이랑 되게 비슷해서ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ진짜 계정파고 활동하는건 아닌가 가끔 궁금하기도 하고... "Where is is his equal, where is his confidante, where is his partner?"하는 부분에서 되게 와..싶었다 다주네 막주네... 항상 그의 지성과 통찰력으로 인해 그는 남들이 알지 못하는 부분까지 다 알고 있었고 영원히 외로웠고.. 그러니까 그 어린 시절에 만났던 겔러트에게 순간 눈 멀어버렸던 것이겠지 the one and only my formidable companion.. 아마 겔에게도 그런 충격이었을 것이고.. 다만 그게 사랑의 감정이냐 아니냐로 비극이 빚어지는 것인데 겔의 죽음을 생각하면 사랑으로 보답하지 않아도 사랑하는 마음에 대한 신의는 보여줬다 생각하면 크오오오 ㅋㅑㅑ아아아ㅏ 제가 좋아뒤짐...

+) 개인적으로는 약간 detached된 면 개인적으로 되게 이해가는 측면이고 약간 저의 자기애-확장적 측면에서 알버스의 그런 면들도 사랑하기 때문에ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.. 롤링이 자기 성격 나눠서 어린 시절은 헤르미온느에게 많이 주고 본인 성향+a는 알버스에게 많이 보낸 듯 함

ES: Why does Dumbledore allow Peeves to stay in the castle?

JKR: Can't get him out.

ES: He's Dumbledore, he can do anything!

JKR: No, no no no no. Peeves is like dry rot. You can try and eradicate it. It comes with the building. You’re stuck. If you've got Peeves you're stuck.

ES: But Peeves answers to Dumbledore -

JKR: Allegedly.

MA: Allegedly?

JKR: Yeah. I see Peeves as like a severe plumbing problem in a very old building, and Dumbledore is slightly better with the spanner than most people, so he can maybe make it function better for a few weeks. Then it’s going to start leaking again. Would you want Peeves gone, honestly?

-왜 덤블도어는 피브스를 성 안에 놔두는거죠?

-쫓아낼 수 없는거죠.

-그는 덤블도어잖아요, 뭐든지 할 수 있잖아요!

-아뇨아뇨아뇨아뇨아뇨. 피브스는 dry rot (부정부패, 감자에 핀 곰팡이..)같은 존재예요. 시도는 할 수 있겠죠 없애보려고.. 그냥 호그와트 건물과 함께 존재하는거예요. 딱 붙박혀있는거죠. 피브스가 일단 있으면 그냥 거기 있는거예요(의역

-하지만 피브스는 덤블도어한테 대답하잖아요

-Allegedly(주장에 의하면)


-네, 전 피브스를 고성의 배관설비같은 문제라고 생각하는데요, 덤블도어는 다른 사람들보다 좀 더 좋은 배관공인 셈이죠. 몇 주 동안은 더 잘 작동할 수 있게 만드는 그런 사람. 그리고 다시 물이 줄줄 새는거죠. 음, 솔직히 피브스가 사라졌으면 좋겠어요?

ES: MuggleNet “Ask Jo” contest winner Asrial, who’s 22, asks, “If Voldemort saw a boggart, what would it be?”

JKR: Voldemort's fear is death, ignominious death. I mean, he regards death itself as ignominious. He thinks that it's a shameful human weakness, as you know. His worst fear is death, but how would a boggart show that? I'm not too sure. I did think about that because I knew you were going to ask me that.

ES: A corpse?

JKR: That was my conclusion, that he would see himself dead.

ES: As soon as it became clear this question was going to win, I started getting dozens of emails from people telling me I shouldn't ask it because the answer was too obvious. Except they all disagreed on what the obvious answer was. Some were sure it would be Dumbledore, some were sure it would be Harry and some were sure it would be death. A couple of follow-ups on that, then — what would he see if he were in front of the mirror of Erised?

JKR: Himself, all-powerful and eternal. That's what he wants.

ES: What would Dumbledore see?

JKR: I can't answer that.

ES: What would Dumbledore's boggart be?

JKR: I can't answer that either, but for theories you should read six again. There you go.

-만약 볼드모트가 보가트를 본다면, 볼드모트의 보가트는 무엇인가요?

-볼드모트의 공포는 죽음이예요. 불명예스러운 죽음. 제 말은, 그는 죽음 자체를 불명예스러운 것이라고 생각해요. 그는 사람의 약점을 부끄러워하죠, 아시겠지만. 그의 가장 끔찍한 공포는 죽음이예요. 하지만 보가트는 어떻게 보일까요? 알 수 없군요.  그 질문 들어올 거라고 생각해서 생각해봤어요..


-그게 제 결론이랍니다. 아마 자기 자신의 시체겠죠.

-누군가는 그의 보가트가 덤블도어일거라고 하고, 누군가는 해리일거라고 생각하고, 누군가는 죽음이라고 생각하네요. 그럼 소망의 거울에서 볼드모트가 보는 것은 무엇이죠?

-자기 자신이죠, 아주 강력하고 영원한. 그게 그가 원하는 것이니까요.

-덤블도어는 무엇을 보나요?

-대답할 수 없어요.

-덤블도어의 보가트는요?

-그것도 대답할 수 없어요. 6권을 읽어보면 힌트가 될 거예요!

+)마법부 결투 씬에서 "there is nothing worst than death!" 생각나고.. 알버스는 "There is much worse than death"라고 대답했죠 그걸 모르는 것 자체가 너의 약점이라고... 그리고 알버스가 계속 주장하는것은 볼드모트는 사랑을 모른다, 그것이 그의 약점이다 라고 대답하고.. 이후 DH에서 그린델왈드(알버스가 사랑했던 사람인)가 다시 한번 정확히 "넌 영원히 네 뜻을 이룰 수 없어, 왜냐면 넌 모르는게 많으니까" 라고 다시 반복하는 그 지점 너무 좋았다.. 해리포터 시리즈에서 계속되는 사랑, 죽음이란 테마에서 제가 좀 더 좋아하는 부분은 죽음이고 진정한 죽음의 지배자의 조건에 대해 롤링이 덧붙인 것도 넘 좋았음

+)각 권 발간될때마다 인터뷰에서 소망의거울/보가트 질문이 들어오는데 DH 완결 이후에야 밝혀줬지 가족들이 모두 모인 모습과 아리아나의 시체.. 

ES: What prompted people to start referring to Voldemort as You-Know-Who and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?

JKR: It happens many times in history — well, you’ll know this because you’re that kind of people, but for those who don’t, having a taboo on a name is quite common in certain civilizations. In Africa there are tribes where the name is never used. Your name is a sacred part of yourself and you are referred to as the son of so-and-so, the brother of so-and-so, and you're given these pseudonyms, because your name is something that can be used magically against you if it’s known. It’s like a part of your soul. That’s a powerful taboo in many cultures and across many folklores. On a more prosaic note, in the 1950s in London there were a pair of gangsters called the Kray Twins. The story goes that people didn’t speak the name Kray. You just didn’t mention it. You didn’t talk about them, because retribution was so brutal and bloody. I think this is an impressive demonstration of strength, that you can convince someone not to use your name. Impressive in the sense that demonstrates how deep the level of fear is that you can inspire. It’s not something to be admired.

ES: I meant, was there a specific event?

JKR: With Voldemort? It was gradual. He was killing and doing some pretty evil things. In the chapter “Lord Voldemort’s Request,” when he comes back to request that teaching post in book six, you get a real sense that he’s already gone quite a long way into the dark arts. By that time a lot of people would be choosing not to use his name. During that time his name was never used except by Dumbledore and people who were above the superstition.

무엇이 사람들로 하여금 볼드모트를 "그 사람" "이름을 불러서는 안 될 사람"으로 부르게 만들었나요?

-역사에서 여러번 반복되는 일이죠.. 만약 당신이 이런 유형의 사람이라면 아시겠지만, 그렇지 않은 사람들이라면, 이름에 생기는 터부는 여러 문명에서 꽤 자주 발생했던 것들이예요. 아프리카의 어떤 부족들은 이름을 절대 사용하지 않아요. 당신의 이름은 당신 스스로의 성스러운 부분이고 당신은 so-and-so의 아들, so-and-so의 형제로 불리죠. 이런 가명(pseudonyms)이 주어지는거예요, 왜냐면 당신 이름은 그게알려진다면 주술적으로 활용될 수 있는 어떤 것들이거든요. 당신의 영혼과 같은거죠. 여러 민속담에 존재하는, 여러 문화권에서 굉장히 강력한 터부이죠. 좀 더 평범하게 말해보자면, 1950년대 런던에선 Kray Twins 라고 불리는 갱스터 한 쌍이 있었어요. 사람들은 그 이름을 Kray라고 부르지 않았어요. 그냥, 언급을 하지 않았죠. 그들에 대한 이야기를 하지 않았어요, 왜냐면 응징이 굉장히 잔인하고 악랄했거든요. 전 이걸 권력에 대한 인상깊은 설명이라고 생각해요. 다른 사람이 당신 이름을 쓰지 못하도록 설득(convince)하는거죠. 이런 면에서 굉장히 인상깊은건데, 공포의 깊이가 얼마나 깊은지가 당신에게 영감을 주는 것에 대한 설명이 되는거죠..(번역 문장이 구리다:   Impressive in the sense that demonstrates how deep the level of fear is that you can inspire. ) 존경받아야 할 것이 아니예요.

제 말은, 어떤 특정 사건이 있었냐는것이죠?

-볼드모트에게요? 어떤 사건이 있었다기보단 점진적인 것이었어요. 그는 살해를 했고 꽤 많은 악랄한 짓들을 하고 돌아다녔죠. "볼드모트경의 요청" 챕터에서, 6권에서 그가 교수직을 요청하려고 돌아왔을 때 말이에요. 확실하게 알 수 있죠, 그가 어둠의 마법에 이미 꽤 깊이 발을 담그고 있다는 사실을요. 그 시절부터, 수많은 사람들은 그의 이름을 부르지 않았어요. 그 시절동안 그의 이름을 부르는 사람은 오로지 덤블도어와 그런 미신으로부터 자유로운 사람들이었어요.

MA: Speaking of world events –

JKR: Chapter one?

MA: Yeah, chapter one, and current world events, specifically in the last four years. Terrorism and the like; has it factored into your writing, has it shaped your writing?

JKR: No, never consciously, in the sense that I've never thought, "It's time for a post-9/11 Harry Potter book," no. But what Voldemort does, in many senses, is terrorism, and that was quite clear in my mind before 9/11 happened. I was going to read last night [ie, do the midnight reading at the castle] from chapter one. That was the reading until the 7th of July [bombings in London]. It then became quite clear to me that it was going to be grossly inappropriate for me to read a passage in which the Muggle prime minister is discussing a mass Muggle killing. It just wasn't appropriate, as there are touches of levity in there. It was totally inappropriate, so that's when I had to change, and I decided to go for the joke shop, which is all very symbolic because, of course, Harry said to Fred and George, “I’ve got a feeling we’ll all be needing a few laughs before long.” It all ties together nicely. So no, not consciously, but there are parallels, obviously. I think one of the times I felt the parallels was when I was writing about the arrest of Stan Shunpike, you know? I always planned that these kinds of things would happen, but these have very powerful resonances, given that I believe, and many people believe, that there have been instances of persecution of people who did not deserve to be persecuted, even while we're attempting to find the people who have committed utter atrocities. These things just happen, it's human nature. There were some very startling parallels at the time I was writing it.

세계사를 언급해보자면-
1장 말인가요?
네 그래요 챕터원, 그리고 현재 전세계 역사들을 보면요, 특히 지난 4년간이요.(인터뷰 시점 기준 2005년이므로 2001 911테러 이후 4년이 지남) 테러리즘과 그 비슷한 것들이, 당신 글에 영향을 미쳤나요? 당신 글의 방향을 만들어줬나요?
-아니요, 의식해본 적이 없어요, 생각해 본 적이 없어요, "이제 911 테러 이후의 해리포터를 쓸 순간이 왔군" 같은 식으로는요. 아니예요. 하지만 볼드모트가 한 일들은, 많은 의미로 테러리즘이죠. 그리고 볼드모트의 행적은 911 이전에도 제가 구상하고 있었던 것들이예요. 어제 밤에 챕터 원부터 읽으려고 했는데요. 7월 7일까지의 리딩이었죠(런던 폭발). 그 때 많은게 명확해졌어요.. 머글 수상이 대규모 머글 학살에 대해 토론하는 문단을 읽는다는게 굉장히 부적절한 것이라는게 말이죠... 적절하지 않았고, 좀 경솔한 것이었죠. 그 때가 변해야 할 떄였고, 모든게 상징적인 joke shop에 가야겠다고 결심했죠. 왜냐하면, 물론, 해리는 프레드와 조지에게 이렇게 말했죠 "우리 모두 좀 웃음이 필요한 때인 것 같아". 모든게 괜찮게 묶이죠. 그러니까 음, 의식적-의도적으로는 아니지만, 명백하게 평행이죠. 스탠 션파이크의 이야기를 쓸 때 쯤 패러렐이라고 느꼈어요. 언제나 이런 일들이 일어날 것이라고 계획하고 있었는데, 하지만 이런것들은 굉장히 강력한 공명을 갖죠, 제가 믿기론, 그리고 많은 사람들이 믿는 바는.. 박해받지 않아야 하는 사람들을 박해해 온 예시가 있어왔다는 거죠. 우리가 전쟁상황에서 완전하게 잔혹한 일들을 저지른 사람들을 찾으려고 하는 와중에 말이예요. 이런 일들은 그냥 발생하는 일들이예요, 인간의 본성이죠.. 제가 글쓰기 작업을 할 때에는 놀랄만한 패러렐들이 몇 개 좀 있었어요.

MA: Now that Dumbledore is gone, will we ever know the spell that he was trying to cast on Voldemort in the Ministry?

JKR: Uuuummmm...[makes clucking noise with tongue ]

ES: Let the record show she made a funny sound with her mouth.

[All laugh, Jo maniacally.]

JKR: It’s possible, it's possible that you will know that. You will — [pause] — you will know more about Dumbledore. I have to be sooo careful on this.

MA: Can we have a book just on Dumbledore? Like a life story?

ES: Please?

JKR: Oh, all right then.

[All laugh.]

ES & MA , hi-fiving: YES!

JKR: That's not a binding contract! [Laughter.]

MA: No, it's an oral agreement - where's Neil [her lawyer, not her husband]?


이제 덤블도어는 가버렸어요.. 그가 마법부 결투에서 볼드모트에게 사용하려던 주문이(spell) 어떤 것인지 알 수 있을까요?

-가능해요. 가능해요 알게 될 거예요. 알게-. 덤블도어에 대해 더 많이 알게 될 거예요. 이 점에 대해 굉장히 신중해야 하는데 말이예요.

-덤블도어에 대한 책을 볼 수 있을까요? 전기같은 것?/제발요.

-오, 좋아요.

이건 오클러먼시에 대해 나와있길래

MA: I wanted to go back to Draco.

JKR: OK, yeah, let's talk about Draco.

MA: He was utterly fascinating in this book.

JKR: Well, I'm glad you think so, because I enjoyed this one. Draco did a lot of growing up in this book as well. I had an interesting discussion, I thought, with my editor Emma, about Draco. She said to me, "So, Malfoy can do Occlumency," which obviously Harry never mastered and has now pretty much given up on doing, or attempting. And she was querying this and wondering whether he should be as good as it, but I think Draco would be very gifted in Occlumency, unlike Harry. Harry’s problem with it was always that his emotions were too near the surface and that he is in some ways too damaged. But he's also very in touch with his feelings about what's happened to him. He's not repressed, he's quite honest about facing them, and he couldn't suppress them, he couldn't suppress these memories. But I thought of Draco as someone who is very capable of compartmentalizing his life and his emotions, and always has done. So he's shut down his pity, enabling him to bully effectively. He's shut down compassion — how else would you become a Death Eater? So he suppresses virtually all of the good side of himself. But then he's playing with the big boys, as the phrase has it, and suddenly, having talked the talk he's asked to walk it for the first time and it is absolutely terrifying. And I think that that is an accurate depiction of how some people fall into that kind of way of life and they realize what they're in for. I felt sorry for Draco. Well, I’ve always known this was coming for Draco, obviously, however nasty he was.

Harry is correct in believing that Draco would not have killed Dumbledore, which I think is clear when he starts to lower his wand, when the matter is taken out of his hands.

-드레이코 얘기를 좀 해볼까요.

-이번 책(HBP)에서 정말로 매력적이에요.

-그렇게 생각해주신다니 기뻐요, 왜냐면 저도 즐거웠거든요. 이번 책에서 드레이코는 꽤 많이 성장을 했죠.. 제 에디터 엠마와 드레이코에 대한 아주 흥미로운 토론을 했는데요. 엠마가 저에게, "그래서, 말포이는 오클러먼시를 할 수 있겠네요." 해리가 절대 마스터하지 못했던 것이고 이제는 할 생각을, 아예 시도조차 포기해버린 그 것 말이죠. 그녀는 그(말포이)가 어떻게 오클러먼시를 잘 할 수 있냐고 궁금해했는데, 제 생각에 드레이코는 오클러먼시에 아주 천부적인 재능을 보였을 거예요, 해리와는 달리 말이죠. 해리의 문제는 언제나-그가 느끼는 감정들이 옆에 있었고 그는 어떤 의미로는 상처를 많이 받은(damaged) 상태라는 거죠. 하지만 동시에 해리는  그에게 일어났던 일들에 대해 그가 느끼는 감정들에 touch with 해요.. 그 감정들에 굴복하지 않아요, 하지만 그 감정들을 꽤 정직하게 마주하죠. 그리고 그 감정들에 억눌리지도 않고, 그 기억들에 억눌리지도 않아요. 하지만 제 생각에, 드레이코는, 그의 삶과 그의 감정을 별개로 잘 분리할 수 있는(compartmentalizing) 유형의 사람이죠. 실제로도 언제나 그래왔고요. 그래서 그는 그의 동정심(pity)을 차단할 수 있고, 이로 인해 더 효과적으로 bully 할 수 있는거예요. 그는 연민(compassion)의 감정을 버리는거죠---Death Eater가 되려면 어떻게 해야겠어요? 그는 그의 내면에 존재하는 모든 선한 면들을 억누르는거예요. 하지만 그러면서 big boys들과 어울리고(playing with), 말마따나, 갑자기,, 그걸 위해 처음으로 걸어나올것을 명령받고 그건 절대적으로 두려운 것이죠(이 문장은 해석이 잘 안됨^^;;;;;;;) 

그리고 제 생각에, 이건 아주 정확한 묘사랍니다---어떻게 사람들이 이런 유형의 삶에 빠져드는지, 그리고 그들이 무엇을 위해 존재하는지 깨닫는---. 드레이코에겐 유감이예요. 음, 하지만 전 언제나 드레이코에게 이런 순간이 다가올것이라고 생각했어요, 노골적으로, 그 애가 얼마나 심술궂은(nasty) 애였던간에 말이예요.

해리가 믿고있는것이 옳아요, 드레이코는 덤블도어를 죽이지않았을(would not have killed)거예요, 제 생각에도 명백해요 그가 자기 지팡이를 내리는 그 순간, 모든 문제는 이미 그 애의 손을 떠나게 된거죠.

+) 이건 예전에 위키에 오클러먼시 파트에서 해리가 더없이 슬픈 감정을 느끼면서 오클러먼시를 완벽하게 해내게 되었다. 라고 나와있었는데.... 그게 아니라 볼드모트의 특징이 1) 사람의 감정-특히 사랑(우정, 이타심, 연대)을 믿지않는다 2) 레질리먼시를 한다 . 인데 

해리가 볼드모트와 연결되어있었던 것이 2)에 대한 2')오클러먼시를 해낸다 가 아니라 1')타인의 희생에 대한 깊은 슬픔을 느끼고 이런 감정에 익숙하지 않은 볼드모트를 차단해내게 되었다. 인걸 약간 꼬아버린듯.. 

작중에도 나와있던건 계속 생각을 비워라, 마음을 비워라, 감정에 현혹되지 말아라였고 JKR이 다시 한번 말하는 것도 해리는 감정에 예민하고 현 상황에 대한 감정이입을 잘하고 자기 감정에 똑바로 맞설 수 있고 이와 대비되어 드레이코는 자기의 감정을 완벽하게 분리해낼 수 있고 그래서 오클러먼시를 잘한다는거네...  겔 또한 그런 사람이었을 것이고 --자기 감정을 잘 분리해내는 타입. 감정을 깊이 느끼는 사람이 아니라...

ES: Was Dumbledore planning to die?

JKR: [Pause.] Do you think that's going to be the big theory?

MA & ES: Yes. It’ll be a big theory.

JKR: [Pause.] Well, I don't want to shoot that one down. [A little laughter.] I have to give people hope.

MA: It goes back to the question of whether Snape is a double-double-double-triple-

JKR: [Laughs] Double-double-quadruple-to-the-power-of - yeah.

MA: …whether this had been planned, and since Dumbledore had this knowledge of Draco the whole year, had they had a discussion that said, "Should this happen, you have to act as if it is entirely your intention to just walk forward and kill me, because if you don't, Draco will die, the Unbreakable Vow, you'll die," and so on —

JKR: No, I see that, and yeah, I follow your line there. I can't — I mean, obviously, there are lines of speculation I don't want to shut down. Generally speaking, I shut down those lines of speculation that are plain unprofitable. Even with the shippers. God bless them, but they had a lot of fun with it. It's when people get really off the wall — it's when people devote hours of their time to proving that Snape is a vampire that I feel it's time to step in, because there's really nothing in the canon that supports that.

ES: It's when you look for those things —

JKR: Yeah, it's after the 15th rereading when you have spots in front of your eyes that you start seeing clues about Snape being the Lord of Darkness. So, there are things I shut down just because I think, well, don't waste your time, there's better stuff to be debating, and even if it's wrong, it will probably lead you somewhere interesting. That's my rough theory anyway.

덤블도어는 죽을 준비를 하고 있었던 건가요?

-그게 큰 이론이 될 거라고 생각하는건가요?


-음, 이건 셧다운하고 싶지 않군요. 사람들에게 희망을 줘야 한다구요.

-결국 Snape가 double-double-double-triple이냐에 대한 질문으로 돌아가게 되니까요(더블 스파이 이런거)

-(웃음)double-double-quadruple-to the power of- 

-계획 여부와 상관없이, 그리고 덤블도어가 드레이코에 대한 정보를 일년 내내 알고있었으니, 그럼 이런 이야기를 나누었겠군요, "이 일은 일어나야만해, 걸어들어와서 날 죽이는게 전적으로 자네의 뜻인 것처럼 행동해야해. 왜냐면 자네가 하지 않으면, 드레이코는 죽을것이고, 깨어질수없는 맹세에 의해, 자네도 죽겠지" 뭐 이런-

-음.. 제 말은, 분명히, 셧다운 해버리고 싶지 않은 추측들이 있어요. 음 일반적으로 말하자면, 이런 추측들은 셧다운하죠: "전혀 이득이 없다." 쉬퍼들에게도 말이에요. 그들에게 갓블레스유, 하지만 그들은 정말 즐기고 있으니까요. 사람들이 벽을 마주하게되면-음 사람들이 자기 시간을 써가면서 Snape 뱀파이어썰을 증명하려고 하면.. 그럼 그땐 제가 관여해야할 때인거죠. 왜냐면 그런 썰을 지지할 수 있는 논리는 캐논에 없으니까요.

네, 15번째 정주행 뒤였답니다. 제 앞에 사람들이 좌르륵 모여앉아, Snape가 마왕이었군 하는 단서들을 보고있는거죠.. 이런면들은 제가 셧다운하는 것들인데 왜냐면 제 생각에, 음 시간 낭비하지마세요, 토론할만한 가치를 가진 주제들이 많답니다. 그리고 그게 틀렸다고 하더라도, 

어쨌든 재밌는 다른 썰들을 많이 발견하게 될 테니까요. 이게 제 러프한 썰이네요.


MA: One of our Leaky “Ask Jo” poll winners is theotherhermit, she's 50 and lives in a small town in the eastern US. I think this was addressed in the sixth book, but, “Do the memories stored in a Pensieve reflect reality or the views of the person they belong to?”

JKR: It’s reality. It’s important that I have got that across, because Slughorn gave Dumbledore this pathetic cut-and-paste memory. He didn't want to give the real thing, and he very obviously patched it up and cobbled it together. So, what you remember is accurate in the Pensieve.

ES: I was dead wrong about that.

JKR: Really?

ES: I thought for sure that it was your interpretation of it. It didn’t make sense to me to be able to examine your own thoughts from a third-person perspective. It almost feels like you'd be cheating because you'd always be able to look at things from someone else's point of view.

MA: So there are things in there that you haven't noticed personally, but you can go and see yourself?

JKR: Yes, and that's the magic of the Pensieve, that's what brings it alive.

ES: I want one of those!

JKR: Yeah. Otherwise it really would just be like a diary, wouldn’t it? Confined to what you remember. But the Pensieve recreates a moment for you, so you could go into your own memory and relive things that you didn't notice the time. It’s somewhere in your head, which I'm sure it is, in all of our brains. I'm sure if you could access it, things that you don't know you remember are all in there somewhere.

"펜시브에 있는 기억들은 현실 그대로를 보여주나요 아니면 그 기억 주인의 관점을 투영하나요?"

-현실이예요. 중요하죠-왜냐하면 슬러그혼이 덤블도어에게 이 pathetic한, 편집된 기억을 주었으니까요. 진짜를 주기 싫어서 그는 오려붙이기를 좀 했죠.. 그러니까, 기억하고 있는게 펜시브에 그대로 뜨는거예요.

-오 대박..


-전 기억에 대해 재해석이 좀 들어간 것인 줄 알았거든요. 약간 말이 안되는게, 내 기억을 제 3자 입장에서 볼 수 있다는게.. 약간 치팅하는 것 같아요, 모든 것들을 다른 사람의 관점으로 볼 수 있다는 거잖아요.

-그럼 내가 눈치채지 못했던 것들도 볼 수 있는거네요? 그 당시에 나까지?

-네, 그게 펜시브가 가진 마법이죠. 

-와 갖고싶다!

-어떤면에선 그냥 일기같은거죠, 안그래요? 내 기억에만 국한되는거니깐. 하지만 펜시브는 날 위한 순간을 재생산해내서, 내가 가진 기억속으로 들어가서 그 당시엔 느끼지 못했던 것들을 볼 수 있는거예요. 내 머리속 어딘가에 있었지만 내가 몰랐던 것들.. 분명히 내 머리속에 존재하는거죠. 만약 펜시브를 쓸 수 있다면, 내가 기억하는 줄 몰랐던 것들도 볼 수 있겠죠.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ세상에 이건 HBP 나온 날 질문인데 DH에서 주요인물인 GG 나오는게 넘 신기하다 읽으면서 나도 깜놀

ES: Our other “Ask Jo” question (the one about James and Lily’s sacrifices), was from Maria Vlasiou, who is 25, of the Netherlands. And then the third is from Helen Poole, 18, from Thirsk, Yorkshire – also one of the “Plot Thickens” fan book authors. It’s the one about Grindelwald, which I’m sure you’ve been gearing up for us to ask.

JKR: Uh huh.

ES: Clearly -

JKR: Come on then, remind me. Is he dead?

ES: Yeah, is he dead?

JKR: Yeah, he is.

ES: Is he important?

JKR: [regretful] Ohhh...

ES: You don’t have to answer but can you give us some backstory on him?

JKR: I'm going to tell you as much as I told someone earlier who asked me. You know Owen who won the [UK television] competition to interview me? He asked about Grindelwald [pronounced "Grindelvald" HMM…]. He said, “Is it coincidence that he died in 1945,” and I said no. It amuses me to make allusions to things that were happening in the Muggle world, so my feeling would be that while there's a global Muggle war going on, there's also a global wizarding war going on.

ES: Does he have any connection to --

JKR: I have no comment to make on that subject.


MA: Do they feed each other, the Muggle and wizarding wars?

JKR: Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Mm.

MA: You've gone very quiet.

[All laugh; JKR maniacally.]

MA: We like when you get very quiet, it means —

ES: You’re clearly hiding something.

-그 다음 질문은~ 그린델왈드에 관한 것인데요. 아마 대답을 짱짱하게 준비해오셨겠죠.

-JKR: 아하. 그럼 말해봐요, 그가 죽었나요?

-아, 죽었나요?

-JKR: 네, 죽었어요.

-중요한 인물인가요?

-JKR: 오오오오오...

-대답하지 않아도 괜찮아요 하지만 백스토리를 좀 알려줄 순 없나요? 

-JKR: 음 예전에 누군가가 미리 물어봤었는데 그 만큼만 알려줄게요. Owen 아세요, 저랑 인터뷰하는 경쟁에서 우승했었죠. 그가 그린델발드("그린델발드"라고 발음함)에 대해 질문했었는데, 그가 말하길 "그가 1945년에 죽었다는 사실이 우연의 일치인가요?" 라고 했고, "아니요"라고 대답했죠.  머글 세상에 일어나는 일들에 대한 allusion을 만들어내는건 너무 재미있는 일인데요, 그러니깐 제 생각엔 그때 머글 세계에 세계대전이 일어나고 있었고, 법사 세계에서도 세계대전이 있었을 거란 거죠..

-그가 혹시 어떤 관련이-

-그 주제에 대해서는 노코멘트 하겠어요.(웃음)

-머글과 법사 전쟁이 서로 영향을 미쳤나요?

-네, 그렇게 생각해요. 네. 음..

-말수가 없어지시네요(모두가 웃는다, JKR이 미친듯이 웃음)

-이렇게 말수가 줄어들때는/분명 뭔가 숨기고 있는거죠.

+) 백스토리를 주는 것 자체가 7권 대스포되버리니깐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아니 근데 죽었다고 했었네..? 아니 뭐 죽기야 죽었지 근데 7권 전엔 안 죽은 상태잖아 죽었다고 했다가 스토리 짜면서 뒤집은것인지 모르겠다.. 알버스 설정 자체를 처음부터 (그 당시에는 금지된)사랑에 눈이 멀었었고 상대방은 독버섯이었고 큰 대가 치룬 이후 현자되었던 캐릭터로 설정한것 같은데 평생 짝사랑 이용설정은 좀 미안했던지 무덤을 지키기 위해 목숨을 바쳤다고 설정 추가해준듯 결과적으로도 자신을 사랑했던 사람의 무덤을 지키기 위해 (오클러먼시왕) 모든 정보를 안고 죽었으니 아무도 믿지않고 우정도 사랑도 인간적인 감정도 없는 볼디와는 차별화되는 캐릭이었지... 

아 근데 시발 1945에 주근게 코인시던스냐고 물었는데 아니라고 한거잖아.........웅앵웅 나치독일과의 연관성을 물어보려고 하니까 그건 노코멘트라고 한 것 같은데 미친 모욕적이군요 이게 아니라

ES: Dumbledore is unrivaled in his knowledge of magic –

JKR: Mmhm.

ES: Where did he learn it all?

JKR: I see him primarily as someone who would be self-taught. However, he in his time had access to superb teachers at Hogwarts, so he was educated in the same way that everyone else is educated. Dumbledore's family would be a profitable line of inquiry, more profitable than sweet wrappers.

MA: His family?

JKR: Family, yes.

MA: Should we talk about that a little more?

JKR: No. But you can! [Laughter.]

-덤블도어는 마법의 지식에 관해선 따라올 사람이 없잖아요-


-다 어디서 배운거죠?

JKR: 전 그를 스스로 꺠우친 사람이라고 생각하고 있어요. 하지만, 호그와트에 있는동안 뛰어난 교수들과 함께할 수 있었고, 모두가 교육받은 그 방법대로 교육받았죠. 덤블도어 가족은 "inquiry"측면에선 굉장히 profitable할 거예요, 음 sweet rappers보다는 훨씬요.

-그의 가족이요??

-가족이요, 네.

-더 얘기해주면 안돼요?


+)라이벌이 없다는 워딩에 겔러트 생각하고 있었던 걸까.. 그리고 DH는 거의 6권 내내 숨겨져왔던 비밀(반전)들이 밝혀지는 권수였고 D family는 말그대로 "실마리"였으니깐..

JKR: 보세요, HBP는 모두를 만족시키지 못할걸 알고있어요. 왜냐면 몇몇 이론은 셧다운했으니까요, 제 말은, 안 그랬으면 제 일을 제대로 안한거죠. 다들 별로 좋아하지 않을거고, 많은 사람들은 죽을만큼 싫어할거고, 하지만 언제나 계획했던대로 이루어져야하니까요. 우린 아직도 진짜 leak이 존재하는지 여부 조차 모르는걸요, 그리고 정확히 어떤 일이 일어날지도 추측하기 힘들죠.


-내기했던것 기억해요?

-아, 네 내기요. 자 이제 반반이죠. 기억나신다면, 5권에서, 초챙에게 내기를 걸었었는데 아마 그때 내기 내용이.. 누군가 초챙이 죽을것이다에 만 파운드를 걸었었고  그렇게 돈낭비 하는 사람이 있을거라곤 못 믿었겠죠, 그래서 그때 그들이 내부정보를 갖고있다고 생각했었구요. 덤블도어에 대해선, 우린 아직 몰라요. genuine leak이 있을까요? 아님 누군가 정확히 맞춘걸까요?

-머글넷에 올려놨던 투표가 기억나네요. 사람들에게 그가 죽을 것 같냐고 물어봤었죠.

-결과 어땠어요? 오 흥미로운데요.

-대다수가 그가 6권에서 죽을거라고 예측하더군요. 음, 6권 아니면 7권에서요. 대부분은 7권이라고 생각했어요. 


-아마 비율이 65/35였던 것 같아요, 하지만 확실하게 대부분은 그가 죽을거라고 예측했죠.

-오, 그래요. 아마 한 발 물러서서 제가 작업중인 글의 장르를 본다면, 아마 언제나 히어로는 홀로 가야하니까요. 그게 이 장르의 숙명이고, 우리 모두가 알고있죠. 그러니까 문제는, 언제 어떻게 죽느냐죠 안그래요? 이 장르 플롯이 어떻게 구성되는지 알고있다면 말이죠.

-현명하고 나이많은 수염이 긴 마법사는 언제나 죽게되죠.

-그래요 그게 제가 말하려던거예요. 맞아요(웃음)

-흥미로운건, 왜냐면 그 순간이-제 생각엔 우리 모두가 그가 죽겠구나 하고 느꼈던 건데, 그가 자신의 거대한 지혜를 전해주던 그 순간부터 말이예요. 해리가 말하던 그 순간요. "나는 이제 깨달았어, 우리 부모님도 이걸 깨달으셨겠지, 그리고 이건 이 선택에 대한 것이야" 그때 우린, "그래 좋아, 모두가 따라잡게하자, 그리고 이 얘길 해보자 왜냐면 1) 덤블도어가 죽어가고있다 2)끝을 향해 가는 power의 시그널이네" 제 생각에 이건 모든 시리즈를 defining하는 순간이었어요. 동의하시나요?

JKR: 네, 맞아요. 왜냐면 제 생각에도 "비밀의방"에서 그런 순간이 있는데.. 덤블도어가 그 유명한 말을 하죠 "우리의 선택이 우리를 정의하는 거란다, 우리의 능력이 아니라." 사무실에 앉은 덤블도어가 해리에게 말하죠. "예언은 너와 볼드모트가 그렇게 하겠다고 선택할 때에만 유효한 것이란다" 해리와 볼드모트가 같이 가자고 한다면, 둘 다 살수 있는거죠! 그게 이 말의 bottom line이에요. 만약 그 둘 모두 "음 됐다"하고 각자 갈 길 간다면... 그런 일은 일어나지 않겠지만, 왜냐면 볼드모트가 걱정하듯이 해리는 위협이니까요. 그들은 서로를 만나야만하죠.

기억나요-5권 읽을때, 어떤 일이 일어났을까요? 만약 해리와 볼드모트가 그냥 -하기로 결정했다면 -

J: 악수하고, 서로 자기 갈길 가기로요? 오 우리 모두 거기에 반대하는데 동의?

만약 예언을 듣지 못했다면요?

J:그럼 그냥 땡이죠. 안그래요? 제가 말했지만, 그러니까 사이트에도 썼지만- 이건 "맥베스" 아이디어였어요. 전 맥베스 정말 좋아하거든요.  셰익스피어 극 중 가장 좋아하죠. 방금 그 질문은 이런 거잖아요, 만약 맥베스가 마녀를 만나지 않았더라면, 그가 던컨을 죽이지 않았더라면? 무슨 일이 일어나겠어요? 이건 숙명일까요 아니면 그가 만든 일일까요? 제 생각엔 그가 그렇게 만든거죠.

-만약 모두가 그냥 화해하고 골프나 치러가면, 모든게 좋을텐데. 책에는 아주 intense한, 충성과 용기에 대한 이슈들이 등장하죠.  주로 희생이라는 형태와 연관되어서 말이에요. 특히 3권을 보면, "친구를 배신하느니 죽음을 택했어야지", 그리고 비슷한 주제들이 엄청나게 쏟아져나오고요. 음, 굉장히 강력한 메시지예요. 책을 읽는 여덟살이나 열살 독자들에겐 말이죠. 우리 친구를 위해 죽어야한다니.

JKR: 명백히, 아주 highly charged 상황이란 맥락속에서 생각했던 것들인걸요. 세상에-일반적으로, 여덟살짜리들은 다른 누구를 위해서 죽어야 할 일이 없는걸요, 하지만 우리는 성인들에 대해서 이야기하고있죠. 제가 고려했던 것은, 전쟁 상황이구요. 이건 성인들의 전쟁 상황이었어요. 진짜 질문은 이거네요 당신이 독자로서, 시리우스는 죽어야만 했다고 믿는건가요? 왜냐하면, 시리우스가 그렇게 말했으니까?

JKR: Well, there you go. See, I'm aware that “Half-Blood Prince” will not delight everyone, because it does shoot down some theories. I mean, if it didn't, I haven't done my job right. A few people won't particularly like it, and a lot of people aren't going to like the death very much, but that was always what was planned to come.

We still don't know whether there was a genuine leak on that, or whether it was speculation that happened to be accurate.

ES: With this book?

MA: Remember the bets?

ES: Oh yeah -

JKR: Yeah, the betting scam. Well, we're now 50/50. If you remember, on “Phoenix,” the betting went for Cho Chang, and it was exactly the same thing. Suddenly someone put up something like £10,000 on Cho Chang to die, and you wouldn't think someone would waste that kind of money, so we think that they thought they had inside information. On the Dumbledore one, we still don't know. Was there a genuine leak or did someone just guess, and get it right?

ES: I remember actually putting a poll up on MuggleNet asking people if they thought he was going to bite it.

JKR: And what was the result? That's really interesting.

ES: The majority thought he was going to die in book six — well, six or seven. Most thought it was going to be in seven.

JKR: Really. Yeah.

ES: It was probably 65/35, but definitely, most thought he was going to die.

JKR: Yeah, well, I think if you take a step back, in the genre of writing that I'm working in, almost always the hero must go on alone. That's the way it is, we all know that, so the question is when and how, isn't it, if you know anything about the construction of that kind of plot.

ES: The wise old wizard with the beard always dies.

JKR: Well, that's basically what I'm saying, yes.


MA: It's interesting, because that moment — I think we all sort of felt like he was going to die as soon as he started imparting these huge swallows of wisdom.

JKR: Mm.

MA: And the moment when Harry said, ‘I realize this, and my parents realized this, and this is about this choice,’ we stopped, and we said, “All right, let's let everyone catch up, and talk about this, because a) Dumbledore is dying, b) this is the flag that signals that we're going to power through to the end.” I feel like that was a defining moment of the entire series. Do you tend to agree?

JKR: Yes, definitely, because I think there's a line there between the moment in “Chamber of Secrets” when Dumbledore says so famously, ‘It's our choices that define us, not our abilities,’ straight through to Dumbledore sitting in his office, saying to Harry, “the prophecy is significant only because you and Voldemort choose to make it so.” If you both chose to walk away, you could both live! That's the bottom line. If both of them decided, “We're not playing,” and walked away… but, it’s not going to happen, because as far as Voldemort’s concerned, Harry’s a threat. They must meet each other.

ES: I remember thinking when I read “Order of the Phoenix,” what would happen if Harry and Voldemort just decided to —

JKR: Shake hands, and walk away? We'll agree to disagree!


ES: What if he never heard the prophecy?

JKR: And that's it, isn't it. As I said, that's what I posted on my site -

ES: I'm glad you put that up.

JKR: It's the “Macbeth” idea. I absolutely adore “Macbeth.” It is possibly my favorite Shakespeare play. And that's the question isn't it? If Macbeth hadn't met the witches, would he have killed Duncan? Would any of it have happened? Is it fated or did he make it happen? I believe he made it happen.

MA: If everyone would just shake hands and play a round of golf, everything would be fine.


MA: There are a lot of intense loyalty and bravery issues that are really tied to self-sacrifice — specifically in book three, “You should have died rather than betray your friends.” And then, there's a ton of that throughout. That’s a pretty intense message to pass to, say, an 8-year-old, or a 10-year-old, who is reading the book, saying we should die for our friends.

JKR: Obviously I imagine it in the context of a very highly charged situation. God forbid — I hope that in the general run of things, an 8-year-old would not be required to die for anyone, but we're talking here about a fully grown man who was in, what I consider to be, a war situation. This was a full-fledged war situation. I think the question really is do you, as readers, believe that Sirius would have died? Because Sirius is saying that.

왜 슬리데린 기숙사는 아직도-

JKR: 아직도 없어지지 않았는가? (모두  빵터짐)

네, 제 말은, 수치와도 같잖아요(stigma)

JKR:하지만 모두가 나쁜 건 아니예요. 말 그대로 모두가 나쁜 건 아니예요. 음, 깊은 대답을 하자면, 피상적인 대답 말고, 모든 사람들을 다 포용해야 하는거예요, 단점 그대로 사람을 포용해야하죠. 모두가 단점이 있으니까요. 학생들도 똑같은 거예요. 만약 그들이 완벽하게 unity를 달성해낸다면, 그건 완벽하게 아무도 어찌할 수 없는 힘이 되는거죠. 그래서 전 unity와 전체에 대한 갈망은 곧 그들이 학교의 1/4를 차지하는 것이라고 생각해요. 학교는 가장 자비로움과 고귀함의 질의 예시가 아닐 수도 있지만. 하지만 희망적으로, 덤블도어적인 희망으로, 그들은 연대를 해 낼 것이고, 하모니를 달성해낼 거예요. 하모니가 바로 키워드죠.


JKR: 그냥 다 쏴버리면 안되냐구요? 안돼요, 그럴 수 없었어요!

ES: Why is Slytherin house still –

JKR: Still allowed!

[All laugh]

ES: Yes! I mean, it's such a stigma.

JKR: But they're not all bad. They literally are not all bad. [Pause.] Well, the deeper answer, the non-flippant answer, would be that you have to embrace all of a person, you have to take them with their flaws, and everyone's got them. It’s the same way with the student body. If only they could achieve perfect unity, you would have an absolute unstoppable force, and I suppose it's that craving for unity and wholeness that means that they keep that quarter of the school that maybe does not encapsulate the most generous and noble qualities, in the hope, in the very Dumbledore-esque hope that they will achieve union, and they will achieve harmony. Harmony is the word.

ES: Couldn’t —

JKR: Couldn't they just shoot them all? NO, Emerson, they really couldn’t!

대체 애버포스 덤블도어는 염소들하고 뭘 하고 있는거예요?

(모두 기절)

JKR: 당신 생각이 내가 생각하는 거예요(악마의 웃음)

완벽해요. 그리고 덤블도어는 그 건에 대해서 약간의 조크를 했는데, 바에 있는 사람들이랑 아는 사이 같은...(about knoing ppl in bars)

JKR: 네,정확해요. 네, 맞아요. 그리고 거기서 애버포스를 딱 볼 수 있죠.

ES: What on earth was Aberforth Dumbledore doing with those goats?

[Big laughs from all]

JKR: Your guess is as good as mine! [Evil laugh!]

MA: Excellent. And Dumbledore makes a little joke about him in this one, about knowing people in bars.

JKR: Yes, absolutely. Yeah, that's right. And you of course see Aberforth very briefly.

승리의 눈빛은 아직도 등장하지 않는건가요?

JKR: 아직도 엄청나게 중요해요. 자 인정하자구요, 제가 말하지 않은것들은 엄청나게 중요해요, 그러니까 마음껏 상상해보세요.

-제 생각에 아마 모두가 그 문장을 읽자마자 이건 정말 중요한 대목인데 하고 생각했을 거예요, 하지만 5권이나 6권에서 관련 이야기가 나오지 않았잖아요.

JKR: 하지만 여전히 중요해요.

-큰 발견을 기다리는 중인거군요 우리는.

JKR: 정확해요, 7권에 나올거예요. 7권에.

MA: Does the gleam of triumph still have yet to make an appearance?

JKR: That's still enormously significant. And let's face it, I haven’t told you that much is enormously significant, so you can let your imaginations run free there.

ES: I think everybody realized it was significant when they read it but we didn’t see it materialize in 5 or 6.

JKR: Well, it still is.

ES:We’ve been kind of waiting for the big revelation.

JKR: Absolutely, that's for seven. That's for seven.

이제 끝인데, 우리가 해리가 무엇을 해야 하는지 알았다고 생각하는 것 같은데, 하지만 이게 나머지 줄거리의 throughline이 될 수 있는거예요?

JKR: 전체는 아니죠. 확실히 전체는 아니지, 여전히 그게 볼드모트를 죽일 수 있는 방법이예요. 그게 엄청나게 고통스럽고 힘든 여정이 되지 않을거라고 확언할 순 없지만, 그게 해리가 해야하는 거예요. 해리도 이제 알죠-음 글쎄 본인이 알고있다고 믿고있죠-그가 직면한 것들이 무엇인지. 덤블도어의 추측은 절대 빗나가지 않아요. 이 자리에서 다 말하고 싶진 않지만, 하지만 덤블도어는 말했죠, "네 개 남았단다. 네가 네개를 없앴어, 볼드모트에게 맞서렴" 이게 그가 누구인지, 그가 무엇을 해야하는지에 대한 설명이죠.

무리한 요구예요.

어마무시한 요구죠. 하지만 덤블도어는 해리에게 꽤 쓸만한 힌트들을 주었고, 해리 또한, 지난 6권동안 그가 인식하고 있는 것보다 많은 지식들을 모아왔다구요. 

MA: Here at the end you sort of get the feeling that we know what Harry’s setting out to do, but can this really be the entire throughline of the rest of the story?

JKR: It's not all of it. Obviously it's not all of it, but still, that is the way to kill Voldemort. That's not to say it won't be extremely an torturous and winding journey, but that's what he's got to do. Harry now knows — well he believe he knows – what he’s facing. Dumbledore's guesses are never very far wide of the mark. I don't want to give too much away here, but Dumbledore says, ‘There are four out there, you've got to get rid of four, and then you go for Voldemort.’ So that's where he is, and that's what he's got to do.

ES: It's a tall order.

JKR: It's a huge order. But Dumbledore has given him some pretty valuable clues and Harry, also, in the course of previous six books has amassed more knowledge than he realizes. That's all I am going to say.

전문: 아까워서 작가 본인 얘기도 냅뒀다.. 흥미로운 QnA는 볼드체로 표시, Dumbledore-related QnA는 위로 올림

Emerson Spartz, MuggleNet (ES): Who do you discuss Harry Potter with?

JKR: When I'm working on it, you mean? Virtually no one, which is, for me, it's a necessary condition of work, I have this reputation for being reclusive. Now, that came, I’m not sure that it holds so true in America, but in Britain you really can’t read an article on me, and I read probably a hundredth of what's out there so I know it must be happening more, without the world reclusive being attached to my name. I’m not reclusive in the slightest. What they mean is that I'm secretive and I don’t do a lot of – I’m secretive because that for me is necessary condition of work. It's got nothing to do with the franchise, it's got nothing to do with trying to protect "the property” – I hate it being called “the property” but other people call it “the property” – it’s because I think if you discuss the work while you’re doing it you tend to dissipate the energy you need to do it.

You will meet, we've all met, a hell of a lot of people who stand in bars and discuss the novels they are writing. If they were writing they'd be at home actually writing it. Very occasionally I might tell Neil that, I say, I've had good day, or I've, you know, I wrote good joke, it made me laugh, whatever, but I would never discuss in details. And then once I’ve handed in the manuscript then my editors, and that's Emma, who is my UK editor, and Arthur, who is my American editor, they would both see the manuscript at the same time. They collaborate on what they both think about it and then they come back to me and suggest things. Of course, it’s very liberating once someone’s read it to be able to then discuss it, so you know I've kept it quiet for 18 months while I've been working and then you get this explosion, because you really want to talk to someone about it now, so Emma and Arthur are the ones who get my first effusions and then it's wonderful to hear what they think. They were both very positive about this book, they really liked it. And then we have arguments as well, obviously.

ES: This is kind of a strange question but how many times have you read your own story?

JKR: That is not a strange question, it's a very valid question because once the book is published I rarely reread. A funny thing is when I do pick up a book to check a fact which I obviously do a lot, if I start reading then I do get kind of sucked in myself and I may read several pages and then I put it away and go back to what I’m doing, but I would never, if for example I was heading to the bath, and I wanted to pick up something to read, I’d never pick up one of my own books. Therefore there are thousands of fans who know the books much better than I do. My one advantage is I know what’s going to happen, and I’ve got a lot of backstory.

Melissa Anelli, The Leaky Cauldron (MA): How many boxes is it, now, of backstory?

JKR: It really is hard to say because I’m so disorganized, but yeah, there’s boxes. It’s mainly in notebooks because the backstory is so valuable, so I mainly need that in a format I can retrieve, because I lose stuff. So, it’s harder to lose a book than it is a bit of paper.

ES: When book seven is out, will you keep the Web site open to keep answering questions?

JKR: Yeah, I don’t see the Web site closing, like on the stroke of midnight when the seventh book’s finished. No, definitely not. My feeling is, I couldn’t possibly answer all the questions, because the novel is the wrong form in which to, for example, present a catalog of your characters’ favorite colors. But people actually want to know – it’s that kind of detail, isn’t it? So, I’m never going to answer everything that an obsessive fan would want to know in the novels, and the Web site is another way of doing that.

Also I think people will continue to theorize about the characters even at the end of book seven because some people are very interested in certain characters whose past lives are not germane to the plot, they’re not central to the story, so there is big leeway there still for fanfiction, just as there is, I mean – Jane Austen, I'm a huge Jane Austen fan and you wonder about the characters lives at the end of the story. They still exist, they still live, you're bound to wonder, aren't you? But I am as sure as I can be currently that seven will be the final novel, even though I get a lot of really big puppy dog eyes. “Just one more!” Yeah, I think it will be seven.

ES: Seven books is a long series.

JKR: Yeah, exactly, I don’t think they’re going to say you wimped out, come on!

MA: If you were to write anything else on the Harry Potter series would it be about Harry Potter himself or another character or a reference book?

JKR: The most likely thing I’ve said this a few times before, would be an encyclopedia in which I could have fun with the minor characters and I could give the definitive biography of all the characters.

MA: OK, big big big book six question. Is Snape evil?

JKR: [Almost laughing] Well, you've read the book, what do you think?

ES: She's trying to make you say it categorically.

MA: Well, there are conspiracy theorists, and there are people who will claim -

JKR: Cling to some desperate hope [laughter] -

ES: Yes!

MA: Yes!

ES: Like certain shippers we know!

[All laugh]

JKR: Well, okay, I'm obviously – Harry-Snape is now as personal, if not more so, than Harry-Voldemort. I can't answer that question because it's a spoiler, isn't it, whatever I say, and obviously, it has such a huge impact on what will happen when they meet again that I can't. And let's face it, it's going to launch 10,000 theories and I'm going to get a big kick out of reading them so [laughs] I'm evil but I just like the theories, I love the theories.

ES: I know Dumbledore likes to see the good in people but he seems trusting almost to the point of recklessness sometimes.

[Laughter] Yes, I would agree. I would agree.

ES: How can someone so -

JKR: Intelligent -

ES: be so blind with regard to certain things?

JKR: Well, there is information on that to come, in seven. But I would say that I think it has been demonstrated, particularly in books five and six that immense brainpower does not protect you from emotional mistakes and I think Dumbledore really exemplifies that. In fact, I would tend to think that being very, very intelligent might create some problems and it has done for Dumbledore, because his wisdom has isolated him, and I think you can see that in the books, because where is his equal, where is his confidante, where is his partner? He has none of those things. He’s always the one who gives, he’s always the one who has the insight and has the knowledge. So I think that, while I ask the reader to accept that McGonagall is a very worthy second in command, she is not an equal. You have a slightly circuitous answer, but I can't get much closer than that.

ES: No, that was a good answer.

MA: It's interesting about Dumbledore being lonely.

JKR: I see him as isolated, and a few people have said to me rightly I think, that he is detached. My sister said to me in a moment of frustration, it was when Hagrid was shut up in his house after Rita Skeeter had published that he was a half-breed, and my sister said to me, “Why didn't Dumbledore go down earlier, why didn't Dumbledore go down earlier?” I said he really had to let Hagrid stew for a while and see if he was going to come out of this on his own because if he had come out on his own he really would have been better. "Well he's too detached, he's too cold, it's like you,” she said!" [Laughter] By which she meant that where she would immediately rush in and I would maybe stand back a little bit and say, “Let's wait and see if he can work this out.” I wouldn't leave him a week. I'd leave him maybe an afternoon. But she would chase him into the hut.

ES: This is one of my burning questions since the third book - why did Voldemort offer Lily so many chances to live? Would he actually have let her live?

JKR: Mmhm.

ES: Why?

JKR: [silence] Can't tell you. But he did offer, you're absolutely right. Don't you want to ask me why James's death didn't protect Lily and Harry? There’s your answer, you've just answered your own question, because she could have lived and chose to die. James was going to be killed anyway. Do you see what I mean? I’m not saying James wasn't ready to; he died trying to protect his family but he was going to be murdered anyway. He had no - he wasn't given a choice, so he rushed into it in a kind of animal way, I think there are distinctions in courage. James was immensely brave. But the caliber of Lily's bravery was, I think in this instance, higher because she could have saved herself. Now any mother, any normal mother would have done what Lily did. So in that sense her courage too was of an animal quality but she was given time to choose. James wasn't. It's like an intruder entering your house, isn't it? You would instinctively rush them. But if in cold blood you were told, "Get out of the way," you know, what would you do? I mean, I don't think any mother would stand aside from their child. But does that answer it? She did very consciously lay down her life. She had a clear choice -

ES: And James didn't.

JKR: Did he clearly die to try and protect Harry specifically given a clear choice? No. It's a subtle distinction and there's slightly more to it than that but that's most of the answer.

MA: Did she know anything about the possible effect of standing in front of Harry?

JKR: No - because as I've tried to make clear in the series, it never happened before. No one ever survived before. And no one, therefore, knew that could happen.

MA: So no one - Voldemort or anyone using Avada Kedavra - ever gave someone a choice and then they took that option [to die] -

JKR: They may have been given a choice, but not in that particular way.

Source: http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/extras/aa-jointerview1.html

ES: When Sirius was framed for the death of Pettigrew and the Muggles, did he actually laugh or was that something made up to make him look even more insane?

JKR: Did he actually laugh? Yes, I would say he did. Well, he did, because I’ve created him. Sirius, to me, he's kind of on the edge, do you not get that feeling from Sirius? He's a little bit of a loose cannon. I really like him as a character and a lot of people really liked him as a character and are still asking me when he's going to come back. [Laughter.] But Sirius had his flaws – I’ve sort of discussed that before – some quite glaring flaws. I see Sirius as someone who was a case of arrested development. I think you see that from his relationship with Harry in “Phoenix.” He kind of wants a mate from Harry, and what Harry craves is a father. Harry's kind of outgrowing that now. Sirius wasn't equipped to give him that.

The laughter – he was absolutely unhinged by James's death. Harry and Sirius were very similar in the way that both of them were craving family connections with friends. So, Sirius with James wanted a brother, and Harry has nominated Ron and Hermione as his family. This is the thing I found interesting — it might have been on MuggleNet's comments, this is a while back when I was actually looking for fan sites of the month (or whatever arbitrary time period I do) — it was around the time I was reading comments for the first time and there was something in there where kids were saying, “I don't understand why he's shouting at Ron and Hermione, I mean, I’d shout at my parents, I would never shout at my best friends.” But, he has no one else to shout at. That was interesting from young kids, because I just don't think they could make that leap of imagination. He’s very alone. Anyway I've wandered miles away from Sirius.

He was unhinged. Yes, he laughed. He knew what he'd lost. It was a humorless laugh. Pettigrew, who they, in a slightly patronizing way, James and Sirius at least, who they allowed to hang round with them, it turned out that he was a better wizard than they knew. Turned out he was better at hiding secrets than they knew.

MA: You said that during the writing of book six something caused you fiendish glee. Do you remember what that was?

JKR: Oh, god. [Long silence as Jo thinks.] What was it? It wasn't really vindictive [laughter] – that was more of a figure of speech. I know what I've enjoyed writing – you know Luna's commentary during the Quidditch match? [Laughter.] It was that. I really enjoyed doing that. Actually I really enjoyed doing that.

You know, that was the last Quidditch match. I knew as I wrote it that it was the last time I was going to be doing a Quidditch match. To be honest with you, Quidditch matches have been the bane of my life in the Harry Potter books. They are necessary in that people expect Harry to play Quidditch, but there is a limit to how many ways you can have them play Quidditch together and for something new to happen. And then I had this moment of blinding inspiration. I thought, Luna’s going to commentate, and that was just a gift. It’s the kind of commentary I’d do on a sports match because I'm — [laughs]. Anyway yeah, it was that.

MA: That was a lot of fun. She’s fun.

JKR: I love Luna, I really love Luna.

ES: Why does Dumbledore allow Peeves to stay in the castle?

JKR: Can't get him out.

ES: He's Dumbledore, he can do anything!

JKR: No, no no no no. Peeves is like dry rot. You can try and eradicate it. It comes with the building. You’re stuck. If you've got Peeves you're stuck.

ES: But Peeves answers to Dumbledore -

JKR: Allegedly.

MA: Allegedly?

JKR: Yeah. I see Peeves as like a severe plumbing problem in a very old building, and Dumbledore is slightly better with the spanner than most people, so he can maybe make it function better for a few weeks. Then it’s going to start leaking again. Would you want Peeves gone, honestly?

MA: If I was Harry I might, but as a reader I enjoy him. I enjoyed him most when he started obeying Fred and George at the end of book five.

JKR: Yeah, that was fun. I enjoyed that. That was satisfying. [Laughter.]

ES: When I signed onto IM [instant messenger] after the book came out, there were at least four or five people whose away messages were, "Give her hell from us, Peeves." Everybody loved that line.

JKR: [Laughter] Awww. Well, Umbridge, she’s a pretty evil character.

MA: She's still out and about in the world?

JKR: She's still at the Ministry.

MA: Are we going to see more of her? [Jo nods.] You say that with an evil nod.

JKR: Yeah, it's too much fun to torture her not to have another little bit more before I finish.

ES: MuggleNet “Ask Jo” contest winner Asrial, who’s 22, asks, “If Voldemort saw a boggart, what would it be?”

JKR: Voldemort's fear is death, ignominious death. I mean, he regards death itself as ignominious. He thinks that it's a shameful human weakness, as you know. His worst fear is death, but how would a boggart show that? I'm not too sure. I did think about that because I knew you were going to ask me that.

ES: A corpse?

JKR: That was my conclusion, that he would see himself dead.

ES: As soon as it became clear this question was going to win, I started getting dozens of emails from people telling me I shouldn't ask it because the answer was too obvious. Except they all disagreed on what the obvious answer was. Some were sure it would be Dumbledore, some were sure it would be Harry and some were sure it would be death. A couple of follow-ups on that, then — what would he see if he were in front of the mirror of Erised?

JKR: Himself, all-powerful and eternal. That's what he wants.

ES: What would Dumbledore see?

JKR: I can't answer that. (이후 아리아나와 부모님이 모두 살아있고 애버포스와 화해하여 가족이 다 함께 모인 모습이라 밝힘)

ES: What would Dumbledore's boggart be?

JKR: I can't answer that either, but for theories you should read six again. There you go. (아리아나의 시체)

MA: If Harry was to look in the Mirror of Erised at the end of book six, what would he see?

JKR: He would have to see Voldemort finished, dead gone, wouldn't he? Because he knows now that he will have no peace and no rest until this is accomplished.

ES: Is the last word of book seven still scar?

JKR: At the moment. I wonder if it will remain that way.

MA: Have you fiddled with it?

JKR: I haven't actually physically fiddled with it. There are definitely a couple of things that will need changing. They’re not big deals but I always knew I would have to rewrite it.

MA: But it's definitely still on that track?

JKR: Oh definitely. Yeah, yeah

MA: How do you feel that you're starting the last book?

JKR: It feels scary, actually. It’s been 15 years. Can you imagine? One of the longest adult relationships of my life.

MA: Have you started?

JKR: Yeah. Realistically, I don't think I'm going to be able to do real work on it until next year. I see next year as the time that I’m really going to write seven. But I've started and I am doing little bits and pieces here and there when I can. But you’ve seen how young Mackenzie still is, and you can bear actual witness to the fact that I do have a very small, real baby, so I'm going to try and give Mackenzie what I gave David, which is pretty much a year of uninterrupted “me time,” and then I'll start writing seriously again.

ES: What prompted people to start referring to Voldemort as You-Know-Who and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?

JKR: It happens many times in history — well, you’ll know this because you’re that kind of people, but for those who don’t, having a taboo on a name is quite common in certain civilizations. In Africa there are tribes where the name is never used. Your name is a sacred part of yourself and you are referred to as the son of so-and-so, the brother of so-and-so, and you're given these pseudonyms, because your name is something that can be used magically against you if it’s known. It’s like a part of your soul. That’s a powerful taboo in many cultures and across many folklores. On a more prosaic note, in the 1950s in London there were a pair of gangsters called the Kray Twins. The story goes that people didn’t speak the name Kray. You just didn’t mention it. You didn’t talk about them, because retribution was so brutal and bloody. I think this is an impressive demonstration of strength, that you can convince someone not to use your name. Impressive in the sense that demonstrates how deep the level of fear is that you can inspire. It’s not something to be admired.

ES: I meant, was there a specific event?

JKR: With Voldemort? It was gradual. He was killing and doing some pretty evil things. In the chapter “Lord Voldemort’s Request,” when he comes back to request that teaching post in book six, you get a real sense that he’s already gone quite a long way into the dark arts. By that time a lot of people would be choosing not to use his name. During that time his name was never used except by Dumbledore and people who were above the superstition.

MA: Speaking of world events –

JKR: Chapter one?

MA: Yeah, chapter one, and current world events, specifically in the last four years. Terrorism and the like; has it factored into your writing, has it shaped your writing?

JKR: No, never consciously, in the sense that I've never thought, "It's time for a post-9/11 Harry Potter book," no. But what Voldemort does, in many senses, is terrorism, and that was quite clear in my mind before 9/11 happened. I was going to read last night [ie, do the midnight reading at the castle] from chapter one. That was the reading until the 7th of July [bombings in London]. It then became quite clear to me that it was going to be grossly inappropriate for me to read a passage in which the Muggle prime minister is discussing a mass Muggle killing. It just wasn't appropriate, as there are touches of levity in there. It was totally inappropriate, so that's when I had to change, and I decided to go for the joke shop, which is all very symbolic because, of course, Harry said to Fred and George, “I’ve got a feeling we’ll all be needing a few laughs before long.” It all ties together nicely. So no, not consciously, but there are parallels, obviously. I think one of the times I felt the parallels was when I was writing about the arrest of Stan Shunpike, you know? I always planned that these kinds of things would happen, but these have very powerful resonances, given that I believe, and many people believe, that there have been instances of persecution of people who did not deserve to be persecuted, even while we're attempting to find the people who have committed utter atrocities. These things just happen, it's human nature. There were some very startling parallels at the time I was writing it.

ES: Has the sorting hat ever been wrong?

JKR: No.

ES: Really?

JKR: Mm-mm. Do you have a theory?

ES: I have heard a lot of theories.

JKR: [laugh] I bet you have. No. [laugh] Sorry.

MA: That's interesting, because that would suggest that the voice comes more from a person's own head than the hat itself -

JKR: [makes mysterious noise]

MA: And that maybe when it talks on its own it comes from -

JKR: The founders themselves.

MA: Yeah. Interesting. How much of a role are the founders going to play in book seven?

JKR: Some, as you probably have guessed from the end of six. There's so much that I want to ask you, but you're supposed to interview me, so come on. [Laughter.]

ES: I know you get asked this in every interview, but the length of the book, has it changed at all?

JKR: Seven? Shorter than “Phoenix,” you mean, “Phoenix” always being our benchmark of a book that's really, really nudging the outer limits? I still think it will be shorter than “Phoenix.”

ES: Significantly?

JKR: I don't know. That is the honest truth, I don't know. I have a plan for seven that's not yet so detailed that I could honestly gauge the length. I know what's going to happen, I know the story, but I haven't sat down and plotted it to the point where you think, “We’re really looking at 42 chapters,” or, “We’re looking at 31 chapters.” I don’t know yet.

MA: R.A.B.

JKR: Ohhh, good.

[All laugh.]

JKR: No, I'm glad! Yes?

MA: Can we figure out who he is, from what we know so far?

[Note: JKR has adopted slightly evil look here]

JKR: Do you have a theory?

MA: We've come up with Regulus Black.

JKR: Have you now?

MA: Uh-oh.


JKR: Well, I think that would be, um, a fine guess.

MA: And perhaps, being Sirius’s brother, he had another mirror –

JKR: [drums fingers on soda can]

MA: Does he have the other mirror, or Sirius’s mirror —

JKR: I have no comment at all on that mirror. That mirror is not on the table. [Laughter from all; Jo's is maniacal.]

MA: Let the record note that she has drummed her fingers on her Coke can in a very Mr. Burns-like way.


JKR: Oh, I love Mr. Burns.

ES: If you had the opportunity to rewrite any part of the series so far, what would it be and why?

JKR: There are bits of all six books that I would go back and tighten up. My feeling is that Phoenix is overlong, but I challenge anyone to find the obvious place to cut. There are places that I would prune, now, looking back, but they wouldn't add up to a hugely reduced book, because my feeling is you need what's in there. You need what's in there if I'm going to play fair for the reader in the resolution in book seven. One of the reasons “Phoenix” is so long is that I had to move Harry around a lot, physically. There were places he had to go he had never been before, and that took time — to get him there, to get him away. That was the longest non-Hogwarts stretch in any of the books, and that's really what bumps up the length. I'm trying to think of specifics, it's hard.

ES: Any subplots that you think could have been left out, in hindsight?

JKR: I find it very hard to pinpoint any because I feel that they were necessary. How can any of us judge? Even I, until seven's finished, will not be able to look back really accurately and say, “That was discursive.” And maybe at the end of seven I'll look back and say, thinking about it, “I didn't really need to be quite so elaborate in that place there.” Until it's written it’s a hard thing to be accurate about. But certainly there are turns of expressions that irritate me in hindsight. There are repetitions that drive me crazy in hindsight.

MA: Now that Dumbledore is gone, will we ever know the spell that he was trying to cast on Voldemort in the Ministry?

JKR: Uuuummmm...[makes clucking noise with tongue ]

ES: Let the record show she made a funny sound with her mouth.

[All laugh, Jo maniacally.]

JKR: It’s possible, it's possible that you will know that. You will — [pause] — you will know more about Dumbledore. I have to be sooo careful on this.

MA: Can we have a book just on Dumbledore? Like a life story?

ES: Please?

JKR: Oh, all right then.

[All laugh.]

ES & MA , hi-fiving: YES!

JKR: That's not a binding contract! [Laughter.]

MA: No, it's an oral agreement - where's Neil [her lawyer, not her husband]?


ES: How many wizards are there?

JKR: In the world? Oh, Emerson, my maths is so bad.

ES: Is there a ratio of Muggles to wizards -

MA: Or in Hogwarts.

JKR: Well, Hogwarts. All right. Here is the thing with Hogwarts. Way before I finished “Philosopher's Stone,” when I was just amassing stuff for seven years, between having the idea and publishing the book, I sat down and I created 40 kids who enter Harry's year. I'm delighted I did it, [because] it was so useful. I got 40 pretty fleshed out characters. I never have to stop and invent someone. I know who’s in the year, I know who's in which house, I know what their parentage is, and I have a few personal details on all of them. So there were 40. I never consciously thought, “That's it, that' s all the people in his year,” but that's kind of how it's worked out. Then I've been asked a few times how many people and because numbers are not my strong point, one part of my brain knew 40, and another part of my brain said, “Oh, about 600 sounds right.” Then people started working it out and saying, "Where are the other kids sleeping?" [Laughter.] We have a little bit of a dilemma there. I mean, obviously magic is very rare. I wouldn't want to say a precise ratio. But if you assume that all of the wizarding children are being sent to Hogwarts, then that's very few wizard-to-Muggle population, isn’t it? There will be the odd kid whose parents don't want them to go to Hogwarts, but 600 out of the whole of Britain is tiny.

Let's say three thousand [in Britain], actually, thinking about it, and then think of all the magical creatures, some of which appear human. So then you've got things like hags, trolls, ogres and so on, so that's really bumping up your numbers. And then you've got the world of sad people like Filch and Figg who are kind of part of the world but are hangers on. That's going to bump you up a bit as well, so it's a more sizable, total magical community that needs hiding, concealing, but don't hold me to these figures, because that's not how I think.

MA: How much fun did you have with the romance in this book?

JKR: Oh, loads. Doesn't it show?

MA: Yes.

JKR: There's a theory - this applies to detective novels, and then Harry, which is not really a detective novel, but it feels like one sometimes – that you should not have romantic intrigue in a detective book. Dorothy L. Sayers, who is queen of the genre said — and then broke her own rule, but said — that there is no place for romance in a detective story except that it can be useful to camouflage other people’s motives. That's true; it is a very useful trick. I've used that on Percy and I’ve used that to a degree on Tonks in this book, as a red herring. But having said that, I disagree inasmuch as mine are very character-driven books, and it’s so important, therefore, that we see these characters fall in love, which is a necessary part of life. How did you feel about the romance?

[Melissa puts her thumbs up and grins widely while…]

ES: We were hi-fiving the whole time.

JKR: [laughs] Yes! Good. I'm so glad.

MA: We were running back and forth between rooms yelling at each other.

ES: We thought it was clearer than ever that Harry and Ginny are an item and Ron and Hermione — although we think you made it painfully obvious in the first five books —

JKR: [points to herself and whispers] So do I!

ES: What was that?

JKR: [More loudly] Well so do I! So do I!

[All laugh; Melissa doubles over, hysterical, and may have died.]

ES: Harry/Hermione shippers - delusional!

JKR: Well no, I'm not going to - Emerson, I am not going to say they're delusional! They are still valued members of my readership! I am not going to use the word delusional. I am however, going to say — now I am trusting both of you to do the spoiler thing when you write this up —

[More laughter.]

JKR: I will say, that yes, I personally feel - well it's going to be clear once people have read book six. I mean, that’s it. It’s done, isn’t it? We know. Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione. I do feel that I have dropped heavy -

[All crack up]

JKR: - hints. ANVIL-sized, actually, hints, prior to this point. I certainly think even if subtle clues hadn't been picked up by the end of “Azkaban,” that by the time we hit Krum in Goblet...

But Ron — I had a lot of fun with that in this book. I really enjoyed writing the Ron/Lavender business, and the reason that was enjoyable was Ron up to this point has been quite immature compared to the other two and he kind of needed to make himself worthy of Hermione. Now, that didn't mean necessarily physical experience but he had to grow up emotionally and now he's taken a big step up. Because he's had the meaningless physical experience - let’s face it, his emotions were never deeply engaged with Lavender -

[Much laughter in which Melissa emits a "Won-Won"]

JKR: - and he's realized that that is ultimately not what he wants, which takes him a huge emotional step forward.

ES: So he's got a little bit more than a teaspoon, now there’s a tablespoon?

JKR: Yeah, I think. [Laughter]

MA: Watching all this, were you surprised when you first logged on and found this intense devotion to this thing that you knew was not going to happen?

JKR: Yes. Well, you see, I'm a relative newcomer to the world of shipping, because for a long time, I didn't go on the net and look up Harry Potter. A long time. Occasionally I had to, because there were weird news stories or something that I would have to go and check, because I was supposed to have said something I hadn’t said. I had never gone and looked at fan sites, and then one day I did and oh - my - god. Five hours later or something, I get up from the computer shaking slightly [all laugh]. ‘What is going on?’ And it was during that first mammoth session that I met the shippers, and it was a most extraordinary thing. I had no idea there was this huge underworld seething beneath me.

ES: She’s putting it into a positive light!

JKR: Well I am, I am, but you know. I want to make it clear that delusional is your word and not mine! [Much laughter.]

MA: You're making our lives a lot easier by laying it on the table -

JKR: Well I think anyone who is still shipping Harry/Hermione after this book -

ES: [whispered] Delusional!

JKR: Uh - no! But they need to go back and reread, I think.

ES: Thank you.

JKR: Yeah.

MA: That is going to -

JKR: Will it make your lives slightly easier?

[All three]: Yeah, yeah.

JKR: I think so.

MA: I have to tell you, I'm looking forward to [this coming out], because, you know, a lot of this is predicated upon a necessary hate for another character. Ron has suffered horribly at the hands of Harry/Hermione shippers.

JKR: That bit makes me very uncomfortable, actually. Yeah, that bit does make me uncomfortable.

ES: Honestly, I think the Harry/Hermione shippers are a very small percentage of the population anyway.

MA: Yeah, if you do a general poll -

ES: They seem more prominant online, but that’s just because the online fandom is very -

MA: Militant was the best word I heard -

JKR: Militant is a beautifully chosen word. Energetic. Feisty.


MA: What does it do to you to see a character that you love, for people to express sheer hate -

ES: Or vice versa.

JKR: It amuses me. It honestly amuses me. People have been waxing lyrical [in letters] about Draco Malfoy, and I think that's the only time when it stopped amusing me and started almost worrying me. I'm trying to clearly distinguish between Tom Felton, who is a good looking young boy, and Draco, who, whatever he looks like, is not a nice man. It’s a romantic, but unhealthy, and unfortunately all too common delusion of — delusion, there you go — of girls, and you [nods to Melissa] will know this, that they are going to change someone. And that persists through many women's lives, till their death bed, and it is uncomfortable and unhealthy and it actually worried me a little bit, to see young girls swearing undying devotion to this really imperfect character, because there must be an element in there, that "I'd be the one who [changes him]." I mean, I understand the psychology of it, but it is pretty unhealthy. So, a couple of times I have written back, possibly quite sharply, saying [Laughter], "You want to rethink your priorities here."

이것때문에 겔 캐릭터도 무지막지하게 보내버릴 생각인가 흑흑 우리도 현실과 덕질은 구분해서 할 수 있거든여... 

ES: Delusional!


JKR: Again, your word!


ES: On our Web sites we have a tendency to have very different stances on shipping. On The Leaky Cauldron they tow this fine political line —

MA: Down the line. We say, "If that's your thing, that's your thing."

ES: And on MuggleNet, we say -

JKR: [Laughing] You say you're delusional lunatics?

MA: He basically says, “If you don't think this, just get off my site.”

[JKR cracks up]

ES: We say, “You're clearly delusional!”

JKR: What's that section on your site again, when you post the absolute absurdities that you've received?

ES: The Wall of Shame?

JKR: The Wall of Shame. We could have a Wall of Shame. We could have them pasted up here, some of the ludicrous things I receive.

MA: What kind of things?

JKR: Very similar stuff. Very similar. From pure abuse, to just ramblings — we could say of an existential nature. Not from kids, from older people. What made me laugh out loud, I think, was your [Emerson’s] comment on there saying, “Please don't try and send me a stupid email so you end up on the Wall of Shame.” Isn't that human nature? It starts off as let's expose these [laughter], and people are competing to be on there?

ES: Delusional, like I said. It’s my word of the day.


JKR: Sorry, I just snorted my drink. Sorry, go on.

MA: I wanted to go back to Draco.

JKR: OK, yeah, let's talk about Draco.

MA: He was utterly fascinating in this book.

JKR: Well, I'm glad you think so, because I enjoyed this one. Draco did a lot of growing up in this book as well. I had an interesting discussion, I thought, with my editor Emma, about Draco. She said to me, "So, Malfoy can do Occlumency," which obviously Harry never mastered and has now pretty much given up on doing, or attempting. And she was querying this and wondering whether he should be as good as it, but I think Draco would be very gifted in Occlumency, unlike Harry. Harry’s problem with it was always that his emotions were too near the surface and that he is in some ways too damaged. But he's also very in touch with his feelings about what's happened to him. He's not repressed, he's quite honest about facing them, and he couldn't suppress them, he couldn't suppress these memories. But I thought of Draco as someone who is very capable of compartmentalizing his life and his emotions, and always has done. So he's shut down his pity, enabling him to bully effectively. He's shut down compassion — how else would you become a Death Eater? So he suppresses virtually all of the good side of himself. But then he's playing with the big boys, as the phrase has it, and suddenly, having talked the talk he's asked to walk it for the first time and it is absolutely terrifying. And I think that that is an accurate depiction of how some people fall into that kind of way of life and they realize what they're in for. I felt sorry for Draco. Well, I’ve always known this was coming for Draco, obviously, however nasty he was.

Harry is correct in believing that Draco would not have killed Dumbledore, which I think is clear when he starts to lower his wand, when the matter is taken out of his hands.

ES: Was Dumbledore planning to die?

JKR: [Pause.] Do you think that's going to be the big theory?

MA & ES: Yes. It’ll be a big theory.

JKR: [Pause.] Well, I don't want to shoot that one down. [A little laughter.] I have to give people hope.

MA: It goes back to the question of whether Snape is a double-double-double-triple-

JKR: [Laughs] Double-double-quadruple-to-the-power-of - yeah.

MA: …whether this had been planned, and since Dumbledore had this knowledge of Draco the whole year, had they had a discussion that said, "Should this happen, you have to act as if it is entirely your intention to just walk forward and kill me, because if you don't, Draco will die, the Unbreakable Vow, you'll die," and so on —

JKR: No, I see that, and yeah, I follow your line there. I can't — I mean, obviously, there are lines of speculation I don't want to shut down. Generally speaking, I shut down those lines of speculation that are plain unprofitable. Even with the shippers. God bless them, but they had a lot of fun with it. It's when people get really off the wall — it's when people devote hours of their time to proving that Snape is a vampire that I feel it's time to step in, because there's really nothing in the canon that supports that.

ES: It's when you look for those things —

JKR: Yeah, it's after the 15th rereading when you have spots in front of your eyes that you start seeing clues about Snape being the Lord of Darkness. So, there are things I shut down just because I think, well, don't waste your time, there's better stuff to be debating, and even if it's wrong, it will probably lead you somewhere interesting. That's my rough theory anyway.

ES: What's one question you wished to be asked and what would be the answer to that question?

JKR: Um — [long pause] — such a good question. What do I wish I could be asked? [Pause.] Today, just today, July the 16th, I was really hoping someone would ask me about R.A.B., and you did it. Just today, because I think that is — well, I hoped that people would.

MA: Is there more we should ask about him?

JKR: There are things you will deduce on further readings, I think — well you two definitely will, for sure — that, yeah, I was really hoping that R.A.B. would come out.

MA: Forgive me if I'm remembering incorrectly, but was Regulus the one who was murdered by Voldemort —

JKR: Well Sirius said he wouldn't have been because he wasn't important enough, remember?

MA: But that doesn’t have to be true, if [R.A.B.] is writing Voldemort a personal note.

JKR: That doesn't necessarily show that Voldemort killed him, personally, but Sirius himself suspected that Regulus got in a little too deep. Like Draco. He was attracted to it, but the reality of what it meant was way too much to handle.

Oh, how did you feel about Lupin/Tonks?

ES: That was -

MA: I was surprised!

ES: I was surprised, but not shocked.

JKR: Right.

MA: I think I was a little shocked.

JKR: Someone out there, and I don't know if it was on either of your sites — I nearly fell off my chair. Someone, this is when I do my trawls — I mean, I sound like I spend my life on the Internet and that's why I don't get my novels finished more quickly. I swear that's not true, and I'd like to make that clear for all the recording devices on the table. Because I've now got my site, I go looking for the FAQs and for fan sites that I like to put up, so that's how I find out comments and things. And someone out there, I could not believe it, had said it. Had said, “Oh no, Tonks can't marry so-and-so, (God knows who it was) because Tonks is going to end up with Lupin, and they’re going to have lots of little multicolored werewolf cubs together,” or something.

MA: I've seen that!

JKR: Did you see that? Was that on Leaky, then?

MA: Maybe — no offense [to Emerson] but I don't usually have time to read the MuggleNet comments —

JKR: I suppose, so many people are posting, that you would expect them to come up with virtually every possibility.

ES: Oh, yeah, they have come up with everything.

MA: Harry/Basilisk.

[All crack up.]

JKR: Ain't it the truth. I know! I suppose if I did spend all my time on there, pretty much my whole future plot would be on there somewhere.

ES: How much time do you go on the fan sites?

JKR: It really varies. When my site is quiet, it is genuinely because I'm working really hard or I'm busy with the kids or something. When I update a few times in a row, I've obviously been on the net. So the FAQs and that kind of stuff is just compiled by hard copy post that I get here and fan sites. I go looking to see what people want answered. It's fantastic, it's sometimes frustrating, but I do want to make clear, I do not post in comments, because I know that's been cropping up. You've both been really responsible about that, but that slightly worries me. I did go in the MuggleNet chatroom, it was hysterical. That was the first time I ever Googled Harry Potter. I was just falling into these things and Leaky — actually Leaky I already knew about, but I discovered MuggleNet that first-ever afternoon and I went in the chatroom, and it was so funny. I was treated with outright contempt. [Laughter.] It was funny, I can't tell you.

ES: I’d like to apologize for, uh -

JKR: No, no no no, not in a horrible way, but, "Yeah, yeah, shut up, you're not a regular, you don't know a thing." You can imagine!

Source: http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/extras/aa-jointerview2.html

MA: One of our Leaky “Ask Jo” poll winners is theotherhermit, she's 50 and lives in a small town in the eastern US. I think this was addressed in the sixth book, but, “Do the memories stored in a Pensieve reflect reality or the views of the person they belong to?”

JKR: It’s reality. It’s important that I have got that across, because Slughorn gave Dumbledore this pathetic cut-and-paste memory. He didn't want to give the real thing, and he very obviously patched it up and cobbled it together. So, what you remember is accurate in the Pensieve.

ES: I was dead wrong about that.

JKR: Really?

ES: I thought for sure that it was your interpretation of it. It didn’t make sense to me to be able to examine your own thoughts from a third-person perspective. It almost feels like you'd be cheating because you'd always be able to look at things from someone else's point of view.

MA: So there are things in there that you haven't noticed personally, but you can go and see yourself?

JKR: Yes, and that's the magic of the Pensieve, that's what brings it alive.

ES: I want one of those!

JKR: Yeah. Otherwise it really would just be like a diary, wouldn’t it? Confined to what you remember. But the Pensieve recreates a moment for you, so you could go into your own memory and relive things that you didn't notice the time. It’s somewhere in your head, which I'm sure it is, in all of our brains. I'm sure if you could access it, things that you don't know you remember are all in there somewhere.

ES: Our other “Ask Jo” question (the one about James and Lily’s sacrifices), was from Maria Vlasiou, who is 25, of the Netherlands. And then the third is from Helen Poole, 18, from Thirsk, Yorkshire – also one of the “Plot Thickens” fan book authors. It’s the one about Grindelwald, which I’m sure you’ve been gearing up for us to ask.

JKR: Uh huh.

ES: Clearly -

JKR: Come on then, remind me. Is he dead?

ES: Yeah, is he dead?

JKR: Yeah, he is.

ES: Is he important?

JKR: [regretful] Ohhh...

ES: You don’t have to answer but can you give us some backstory on him?

JKR: I'm going to tell you as much as I told someone earlier who asked me. You know Owen who won the [UK television] competition to interview me? He asked about Grindelwald [pronounced "Grindelvald" HMM…]. He said, “Is it coincidence that he died in 1945,” and I said no. It amuses me to make allusions to things that were happening in the Muggle world, so my feeling would be that while there's a global Muggle war going on, there's also a global wizarding war going on.

ES: Does he have any connection to --

JKR: I have no comment to make on that subject.


MA: Do they feed each other, the Muggle and wizarding wars?

JKR: Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Mm.

MA: You've gone very quiet.

[All laugh; JKR maniacally.]

MA: We like when you get very quiet, it means —

ES: You’re clearly hiding something.

MA: Our next winner question is from Delaney Monaghan, who is 6 years old, via her mother, Vanessa Monaghan. They’re from Canberra, Australia. “What is the significance, if any of the gum wrappers that Mrs. Longbottom keeps giving Neville?”

ES: Quick, go on the record [with what you think] before she answers —

MA: I think they're a sad mark of an insane woman.

JKR: That was also asked of me this morning. That idea was one of the very few that was inspired by a real event. I was told what, to me, was a very sad story by someone I know about their elderly mother who had Alzheimer's, and the elderly mother was in a closed ward. She was very severely demented and no longer recognized her son, but he went faithfully to visit her twice a week, and he used to take her sweets. That was their point of connection; she had a sweet tooth, she recognized him as the sweet-giver. That was very poignant to me. So I embroidered the story. Neville gives his mother what she wants, and (it makes me sad to think of it) she wants to give something back to him, but what she gives back to him is essentially worthless. But he still takes it as worth something because she's trying to give, so it does mean something, in emotional terms.

But, the theories on the sweet wrappers, are really out there.

ES: You can’t blame them.

JKR: I mean she's not trying to pass him secret messages.

MA: She's not really sane —

JKR: No. You're right. But that's a classic example of, "Let's just shut that one down," because it doesn't really lead anywhere very interesting even if they're wrong.

MA: It's probably one of the most touching moments in the books.

JKR: I think it is important as a character moment.

MA: Our third winner question is from Monique Padelis, who’s 15, of Surrey. How and when was the veil created?

JKR: The veil's been there as long as the Ministry of Magic has been there, and the Ministry of Magic has been there, not as long as Hogwarts, but a long time. We’re talking hundreds of years. It's not particularly important to know exactly when, but centuries, definitely.

MA: Was it used as an execution chamber or just studying?

JKR: No, it's just studying. The Department of Mysteries is all about studying. They study the mind, the universe, death…

MA: Are we going back to that room, that locked room?

JKR: No comment.

ES: Dumbledore is unrivaled in his knowledge of magic –

JKR: Mmhm.

ES: Where did he learn it all?

JKR: I see him primarily as someone who would be self-taught. However, he in his time had access to superb teachers at Hogwarts, so he was educated in the same way that everyone else is educated. Dumbledore's family would be a profitable line of inquiry, more profitable than sweet wrappers.

MA: His family?

JKR: Family, yes.

MA: Should we talk about that a little more?

JKR: No. But you can! [Laughter.]

MA: What about Harry's family — his grandparents — were they killed?

JKR: No. This takes us into more mundane territory. As a writer, it was more interesting, plot-wise, if Harry was completely alone. So I rather ruthlessly disposed of his entire family apart from Aunt Petunia. I mean, James and Lily are massively important to the plot, of course, but the grandparents? No. And, because I do like my backstory: Petunia and Lily's parents, normal Muggle death. James's parents were elderly, were getting on a little when he was born, which explains the only child, very pampered, had-him-late-in-life-so-he's-an-extra-treasure, as often happens, I think. They were old in wizarding terms, and they died. They succumbed to a wizarding illness. That's as far as it goes. There's nothing serious or sinister about those deaths. I just needed them out of the way so I killed them.

MA: That sort of shuts down Heir of Gryffindor [theories], as well.

JKR: [Pause.] Yeah. Well - yeah.

MA: Another one bites the dust.


JKR: Well, there you go. See, I'm aware that “Half-Blood Prince” will not delight everyone, because it does shoot down some theories. I mean, if it didn't, I haven't done my job right. A few people won't particularly like it, and a lot of people aren't going to like the death very much, but that was always what was planned to come.

We still don't know whether there was a genuine leak on that, or whether it was speculation that happened to be accurate.

ES: With this book?

MA: Remember the bets?

ES: Oh yeah -

JKR: Yeah, the betting scam. Well, we're now 50/50. If you remember, on “Phoenix,” the betting went for Cho Chang, and it was exactly the same thing. Suddenly someone put up something like £10,000 on Cho Chang to die, and you wouldn't think someone would waste that kind of money, so we think that they thought they had inside information. On the Dumbledore one, we still don't know. Was there a genuine leak or did someone just guess, and get it right?

ES: I remember actually putting a poll up on MuggleNet asking people if they thought he was going to bite it.

JKR: And what was the result? That's really interesting.

ES: The majority thought he was going to die in book six — well, six or seven. Most thought it was going to be in seven.

JKR: Really. Yeah.

ES: It was probably 65/35, but definitely, most thought he was going to die.

JKR: Yeah, well, I think if you take a step back, in the genre of writing that I'm working in, almost always the hero must go on alone. That's the way it is, we all know that, so the question is when and how, isn't it, if you know anything about the construction of that kind of plot.

ES: The wise old wizard with the beard always dies.

JKR: Well, that's basically what I'm saying, yes.


MA: It's interesting, because that moment — I think we all sort of felt like he was going to die as soon as he started imparting these huge swallows of wisdom.

JKR: Mm.

MA: And the moment when Harry said, ‘I realize this, and my parents realized this, and this is about this choice,’ we stopped, and we said, “All right, let's let everyone catch up, and talk about this, because a) Dumbledore is dying, b) this is the flag that signals that we're going to power through to the end.” I feel like that was a defining moment of the entire series. Do you tend to agree?

JKR: Yes, definitely, because I think there's a line there between the moment in “Chamber of Secrets” when Dumbledore says so famously, ‘It's our choices that define us, not our abilities,’ straight through to Dumbledore sitting in his office, saying to Harry, “the prophecy is significant only because you and Voldemort choose to make it so.” If you both chose to walk away, you could both live! That's the bottom line. If both of them decided, “We're not playing,” and walked away… but, it’s not going to happen, because as far as Voldemort’s concerned, Harry’s a threat. They must meet each other.

ES: I remember thinking when I read “Order of the Phoenix,” what would happen if Harry and Voldemort just decided to —

JKR: Shake hands, and walk away? We'll agree to disagree!


ES: What if he never heard the prophecy?

JKR: And that's it, isn't it. As I said, that's what I posted on my site -

ES: I'm glad you put that up.

JKR: It's the “Macbeth” idea. I absolutely adore “Macbeth.” It is possibly my favorite Shakespeare play. And that's the question isn't it? If Macbeth hadn't met the witches, would he have killed Duncan? Would any of it have happened? Is it fated or did he make it happen? I believe he made it happen.

MA: If everyone would just shake hands and play a round of golf, everything would be fine.


MA: There are a lot of intense loyalty and bravery issues that are really tied to self-sacrifice — specifically in book three, “You should have died rather than betray your friends.” And then, there's a ton of that throughout. That’s a pretty intense message to pass to, say, an 8-year-old, or a 10-year-old, who is reading the book, saying we should die for our friends.

JKR: Obviously I imagine it in the context of a very highly charged situation. God forbid — I hope that in the general run of things, an 8-year-old would not be required to die for anyone, but we're talking here about a fully grown man who was in, what I consider to be, a war situation. This was a full-fledged war situation. I think the question really is do you, as readers, believe that Sirius would have died? Because Sirius is saying that.

ES: Oh, absolutely.

MA: Yeah.

JKR: Right, well, that's what I believed. Sirius would have done it. He, with all his faults and flaws, he has this profound sense of honor, ultimately, and he would rather have died honorably, as he would see it, than live with the dishonor and shame of knowing that he sent those three people to their deaths, those three people that he loved beyond any others, because like Harry he is a displaced person without family.

You're right, it is an intense message, but I am ultimately writing about evil, and I have said before, I think, that I'm surprised when sometimes people say to me, “Oh, you know, the books are getting so dark.” I'm thinking, “Well, which part of ‘Philosopher's Stone’ did you think was light and fluffy?” You know, there is an innocence about it, Harry is very young when he goes to the school, but the book opens with a double murder. The possibility of death, I think, is present throughout “Philosopher’s Stone,” and I feel that there are a couple of really gruesome images in “Philosopher’s Stone.” I think the first book contains more gruesome imagery than the second, despite the giant snake, because the cloaked figure drinking the unicorn blood is pretty damn creepy. It was to me when I thought of it, and I really, right up until now, all these years later, think that the idea of the face in the back of the head [Voldemort sharing Quirrell’s body] is one of the most disturbing images in the whole book. (The whole book; I call it one big book. In the whole series.)

So, yes, it's intense, I agree with you, but I would say it's been pretty intense throughout. There are a lot of things in there that are disturbing, intentionally so, but I really don’t think I've ever crossed the line into shocking for shocking's sake. I feel that I could justify every single piece of morbid imagery in those books. The one that I wondered whether I was going to be able to get past the editors was the physical condition of Voldemort before he went into the cauldron, do you remember? He was kind of fetal. I felt an almost visceral distaste for what I had conjured up, but there's a reason it was in there and you will see that. And I discussed that with my editor and she was okay with it. In fact, she was more disturbed with the idea of the grave cracking open. I think it's the desecration idea, isn't it, again. There's nothing really to see there — but again it's the violation of a taboo.

MA: What color are Ron's eyes?

JKR: Ron's eyes are blue. Have I never said that, ever? [JKR covers her eyes.]

MA: They’ve been dying for us to ask this.

JKR: Blue. Harry's green, Ron's blue, and Hermione's are brown.

MA: What's Ron's Patronus?

JKR: Ron's Patronus? Have I never said that either? Oh no, that's shocking! [Laughter.] Ron's Patronus is a small dog, like a Jack Russell, and that's a really sentimental choice, because we've got a Jack Russell. He's insane.

MA: This is not a short one but I really want to ask you this — with all the fame and wealth you've amassed, how do you keep your kids grounded and normal and rooted in the real world?

JKR: It is my top priority in life. I think and I hope that we lead a pretty normal life, believe it or not. Surreal things happen where I walk out of my house and into an illuminated castle, and so on, but that really has very little effect on them. I think as much as one can, we do lead a very normal life. We go out to the shops like anyone else, we walk around town like anyone else. That's my feeling anyway. I also think that, importantly, all three children will grow up seeing Neil and I both working. There are no plans on either of our parts to stop working, put our feet up and go yachting around the world or anything, pleasant though that would be and does seem sometimes. We keep working and I think that's a pretty good example to set to your children, that whatever money you might have, self-worth really lies in finding out what you do best. It's doing your proper job, isn't it?

MA: Yeah. Have you discovered the two missing Gryffindor students?

JKR: [Covers eyes] Ohh! [Frustrated.] I was going to go and get that for you, I'm sorry I haven't got it, I'll put it on my site.

해리/지니에 대한 JKR의 썰풀기

MA: Did Ginny send Harry the valentine?

JKR: Yeah, bless her.

MA: Was it a Tom Riddle thing, or Ginny Weasley?

JKR: No, Ginny Weasley.

MA: Well, she got paid back for it.

JKR: [laughs] Eventually.

MA: I think you set that up from the train compartment scene [in book one], where he was watching — all the relationships, that scene probably set it up.

JKR: I think so. I hope so. So you liked Harry/Ginny, did you, when it happened?

ES: We've been waiting for this for years!

JKR: Oh, I'm so glad.

MA: Oh my gosh, that kiss!

JKR: Yeah.

ES: It actually materialized!

JKR: It actually happened, I know! I felt a little bit like that.

MA: Had you been trying to get them —

JKR: Well I always knew that that was going to happen, that they were going to come together and then part.

ES: Were you always -----ing it? [We can’t figure out what Emerson actually said here.]

JKR: Well, no, not really, because the plan was, which I really hope I fulfilled, is that the reader, like Harry, would gradually discover Ginny as pretty much the ideal girl for Harry. She's tough, not in an unpleasant way, but she's gutsy. He needs to be with someone who can stand the demands of being with Harry Potter, because he's a scary boyfriend in a lot of ways. He's a marked man. I think she's funny, and I think that she's very warm and compassionate. These are all things that Harry requires in his ideal woman. But, I felt — and I'm talking years ago when all this was planned — initially, she's terrified by his image. I mean, he's a bit of a rock god to her when she sees him first, at 10 or 11, and he's this famous boy. So Ginny had to go through a journey as well. And rather like with Ron, I didn’t want Ginny to be the first girl that Harry ever kissed. That's something I meant to say, and it's kind of tied in.

One of the ways in which I tried to show that Harry has done a lot of growing up — in “Phoenix,” remember when Cho comes into the compartment, and he thinks, ‘I wish I could have been discovered sitting with better people,’ basically? He's with Luna and Neville. So literally the identical thing happens in “Prince,” and he's with Luna and Neville again, but this time, he has grown up, and as far as he's concerned he is with two of the coolest people on the train. They may not look that cool. Harry has really grown. And I feel that Ginny and Harry, in this book, they are total equals. They are worthy of each other. They've both gone through a big emotional journey, and they've really got over a lot of delusions, to use your word, together. So, I enjoyed writing that. I really like Ginny as a character.

MA: Does she have a larger importance; the Tom Riddle stufff, being the seventh girl —

JKR: The backstory with Ginny was, she was the first girl to arrive in the Weasley family in generations, but there's that old tradition of the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter and a seventh son of a seventh son, so that's why she's the seventh, because she is a gifted witch. I think you get hints of that, because she does some pretty impressive stuff here and there, and you'll see that again.

ES: Why is Slytherin house still –

JKR: Still allowed!

[All laugh]

ES: Yes! I mean, it's such a stigma.

JKR: But they're not all bad. They literally are not all bad. [Pause.] Well, the deeper answer, the non-flippant answer, would be that you have to embrace all of a person, you have to take them with their flaws, and everyone's got them. It’s the same way with the student body. If only they could achieve perfect unity, you would have an absolute unstoppable force, and I suppose it's that craving for unity and wholeness that means that they keep that quarter of the school that maybe does not encapsulate the most generous and noble qualities, in the hope, in the very Dumbledore-esque hope that they will achieve union, and they will achieve harmony. Harmony is the word.

ES: Couldn’t —

JKR: Couldn't they just shoot them all? NO, Emerson, they really couldn’t!

[All laugh]

ES: Couldn't they just put them into the other three houses, and maybe it wouldn’t be a perfect fit for all of them, but a close enough fit that they would get by and wouldn't be in such a negative environment?

JKR: They could. But you must remember, I have thought about this —

ES: Even their common room is a gloomy dark room—

JKR: Well, I don't know, because I think the Slytherin common room has a spooky beauty.

ES: It's gotta be a bad idea to stick all the Death Eaters' kids together in one place.

[All crack up again ]

JKR: But they're not all — don't think I don't take your point, but — we, the reader, and I as the writer, because I'm leading you all there — you are seeing Slytherin house always from the perspective of Death Eaters' children. They are a small fraction of the total Slytherin population. I'm not saying all the other Slytherins are adorable, but they're certainly not Draco, they're certainly not, you know, Crabbe and Goyle. They're not all like that, that would be too brutal for words, wouldn’t it?

ES: But there aren't a lot of Death Eater children in the other houses, are there?

JKR: You will have people connected with Death Eaters in the other houses, yeah, absolutely.

ES: Just in lesser numbers.

JKR: Probably. I hear you. It is the tradition to have four houses, but in this case, I wanted them to correspond roughly to the four elements. So Gryffindor is fire, Ravenclaw is air, Hufflepuff is earth, and Slytherin is water, hence the fact that their common room is under the lake. So again, it was this idea of harmony and balance, that you had four necessary components and by integrating them you would make a very strong place. But they remain fragmented, as we know.

ES: Was James the only one who had romantic feelings for Lily?

JKR: No. [Pause.] She was like Ginny, she was a popular girl.

MA: Snape?

JKR: That is a theory that's been put to me repeatedly.

ES: What about Lupin?

JKR: I can answer either one.

ES: How about both? One at a time.

JKR: I can't answer, can I, really?

ES: Can you give us any clue, without misleading us [Emerson misspoke; he meant “without giving too much away”] --?

JKR: I've never, to my knowledge, lied when posed a question about the books. To my knowledge. You can imagine, I've now been asked hundreds of questions; it's perfectly possible at some point I misspoke or I gave a misleading answer unintentionally, or I may have answered truthfully at the time and then changed my mind in a subsequent book. That makes me cagey about answering some questions in too much detail because I have to have some leeway to get there and do it my way, but never on a major plot point.

Lupin was very fond of Lily, we'll put it like that, but I wouldn't want anyone to run around thinking that he competed with James for her. She was a popular girl, and that is relevant. But I think you've seen that already. She was a bit of a catch.

MA: How did they get together? She hated James, from what we’ve seen.

JKR: Did she really? You're a woman, you know what I'm saying. [Laughter.]

ES: How on earth did Fred and George know that Ireland would win and Bulgaria would get the Snitch?

JKR: Well, I think that if you were really into Quidditch you could have predicted that. What they had -

ES: But how can you predict that, because you don't know when the Snitch is going to show up.

JKR: It was a risk. They risked everything on it. That is Fred and George, isn't it? They are the risk-takers in the family. You've got Percy at one end of the family — conform, do everything correctly — and you've got Fred and George, who just take a totally different life path and were prepared to risk everything. They risked all they had, which is as much as anyone can do.

MA: How did they figure out how to work the map?

JKR: Don't you — well. This is how I explained it to myself at the time, and this does sound glib. Don't you think it would be quite a Fred and Georgeish thing to say in jest, and then see this thing transform?

MA: Yeah.

JKR: Can't you just see them?

ES: But the exact word combination? Is that just a lot of luck, or Felix Felicis —

JKR: Or, the map helped.

MA: Yep, yeah. You can see them sort of answering and joking with each other —

JKR: And the map flickering into life here and there when they got closer and closer, and finally they hit upon the exact right word combination and it just erupts.

ES: What on earth was Aberforth Dumbledore doing with those goats?

[Big laughs from all]

JKR: Your guess is as good as mine! [Evil laugh!]

MA: Excellent. And Dumbledore makes a little joke about him in this one, about knowing people in bars.

JKR: Yes, absolutely. Yeah, that's right. And you of course see Aberforth very briefly.

MA: Does the gleam of triumph still have yet to make an appearance?

JKR: That's still enormously significant. And let's face it, I haven’t told you that much is enormously significant, so you can let your imaginations run free there.

ES: I think everybody realized it was significant when they read it but we didn’t see it materialize in 5 or 6.

JKR: Well, it still is.

ES:We’ve been kind of waiting for the big revelation.

JKR: Absolutely, that's for seven. That's for seven.

MA: Here at the end you sort of get the feeling that we know what Harry’s setting out to do, but can this really be the entire throughline of the rest of the story?

JKR: It's not all of it. Obviously it's not all of it, but still, that is the way to kill Voldemort. That's not to say it won't be extremely an torturous and winding journey, but that's what he's got to do. Harry now knows — well he believe he knows – what he’s facing. Dumbledore's guesses are never very far wide of the mark. I don't want to give too much away here, but Dumbledore says, ‘There are four out there, you've got to get rid of four, and then you go for Voldemort.’ So that's where he is, and that's what he's got to do.

ES: It's a tall order.

JKR: It's a huge order. But Dumbledore has given him some pretty valuable clues and Harry, also, in the course of previous six books has amassed more knowledge than he realizes. That's all I am going to say.

ES: It seems like it would be impossible. If Harry had gone to the cave, he never could have done it on his own, it seems like.

JKR: Well, I'm prepared to bet you now, that at least before the week is out, at least one of the Horcruxes will have been correctly identified by careful re-readers of the books.

MA: Someone put it to me last night, that if Ginny, with the diary -

JKR: Harry definitely destroyed that piece of soul, you saw it take shape, you saw it destroyed, it’s gone. And Ginny is definitely in no way possessed by Voldemort.

MA: Is she still a parselmouth?

JKR: No.

MA: Does she have a life debt to Harry from book two?

JKR: No, not really. Wormtail is different. You know, part of me would just love to explain the whole thing to you, plot of book seven, you know, I honestly would.

ES: We wouldn't want to hear it.

JKR: "Yeah, go on, we're not listening!"


ES: Who is Harry's godmother?

JKR: Didn't have one.

ES: Really?

JKR: Well, Sirius never had time to get a girlfriend, let alone marry.

ES: They could have just picked some other close friend of the family.

JKR: At the time that they christened Harry, they were in hiding. This was not going to be a widely attended christening, because he was already in danger. So this is something they were going to do very quietly, with as few people as possible, that they wanted to make this commitment with Sirius. And — yeah. Can’t say much more.

[We’re starting to realize the time…]

MA: Can we do this again?


JKR: It's a possibility.

MA: I mean, seriously, for a week.

[All laugh.]

JKR: Just lock me in some underground room —

MA: Well, my family is Sicilian, Jo -


MA: Hold on, we have to ask you one more question [Melissa puts on the green glasses and takes out the green quill that Lexicon_Bel~ and Puffin from the LeakyLounge prepared for her as a joke for Jo] –

[All crack up]

JKR: RITA! I’ve missed you!

JKR: I tell you, there is only one way to deal with the Rita articles, and that’s laugh, otherwise you’re going to go slightly mad. And of course, I now have my Rubbish Bin [on my site]. It’s really amazing how liberating that is, to be able to say directly to people who read the books, “That was rubbish.” It’s never important stuff, but taken as a whole, it can really mislead a person, I think. Anyway, Rita. I like this, very much.

MA: Isn’t this funny? They made this up for me.

JKR: That’s fantastic. You know, Miranda Richardson is playing her in the “Goblet of Fire.” I’m so looking forward to that.

MA: We’ve seen, we went to the set on a day that she was working.

JKR: Did you?

ES: She looks fantastic for the role.

JKR: She’s such a great actress.

ES: Oh, I have a question about that. When you write the books now, do you see the actors from the movies, or do you see your own characters?

JKR: My own characters. Every time.

ES: Their faces don’t infiltrate your head at all?

JKR: Not at all. I still see my Ron, I still see my Harry, I still see my Hermione. I was writing them for too long before the films came out for the film images to displace what’s in my head. I was lucky in that sense. I’d lived with these characters so long, it just couldn’t have any effect. Occasionally I will — Ron/Lavender, I did kind of think of Rupert. I mean, it was always planned that way, obviously, but I would kind of emerge for a coffee break and I might have a wry smile about Rupert.

MA: Doing that?

JKR: Not so much doing it, he’ll be more than adequate to the task of doing it, but thinking about him attending the castings for Lavender, stuff like that. It just kind of makes you smile once you know the people who are acting it. But I really mean what I’ve said before – you would have to go a very long way to find three better-adjusted people, given what they’ve been through, Rupert, Dan and Emma. They’re incredible.

[Pause as we look at time…]

JKR: I know.

MA: Sixty-six pages of questions, Jo.

JKR: Oh my goodness.

ES: Let’s just keep asking questions until she throws us out.

[All laugh.]

ES: Hagrid’s Keeper of the Keys title: does that mean anything?

JKR: Just simply that he will let you in and out of Hogwarts, so it’s slightly more interesting than that but it’s not loads more interesting. So, again, that is something that people shouldn’t get too excited about.

MA: Will Harry and Ron ever read “Hogwarts, a History”?

JKR: Never. [Laughter.] It’s a gift to me, because all my exposition can be dressed up as, “When are you going to read it?” So Hermione fills in the reader as well, so I could never let them read it.

MA: Did Dobby know about the prophecy?

JKR: No.

MA: Did he know about the Potters —

JKR: He knew their story, but obviously his knowledge would be narrowed down to what was known in the Malfoy household.

MA: Oh, here’s one [from our forums] that I’ve really got to ask you. Has Snape ever been loved by anyone?

JKR: Yes, he has, which in some ways makes him more culpable even than Voldemort, who never has. Okay, one more each!

ES: Why don’t witches and wizards Disapparate when they’re in danger?

JKR: Well. This is like all of these things. It’s tedious to stop and tell the reader when you’re writing an action scene but there would be ways of stopping that happening. Sometimes they do Disapparate, but very often, when you’re watching that kind of scene, it’s within a place that you can’t Disapparate from, like Hogwarts. So, that’s not an option when Harry’s at school. There would be other reasons why you wouldn’t Disapparate. You might want to stand your ground and fight. But they do Disapparate sometimes. There has to be an equal and opposite action.

JKR: [to Melissa] Go on, hit me with it.

MA: Was there anyone else present in Godric’s Hollow the night Harry’s parents were killed?

JKR: No comment.

[All laugh.]

JKR: I’m sorry!

Source: http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/extras/aa-jointerview3.html

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