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캐논정리/JKR interviews

JKR, interview Oct 12, 1999

Lydon, Christopher. J.K. Rowling interview transcript, The Connection (WBUR Radio), 12 October, 1999

(x: http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/1999/1099-connectiontransc2.htm)

전문은 위로. 덤블도어 언급 파트만 올려봄 

시리즈는 90년부터 구상하기 시작했고  98-99년사이에 4권 집필중이었다고..

Lydon: What about names themselves? Muggles, to begin, but the whole catalogue of - er - wizards: Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort - er - Hagrid.

JKR: I'm big on names - I like names, generally. You have to be really careful giving me your name if it's an unusual one, because you will turn up in book six. Erm - I - I collect - some of them are invented; Voldemort is an invented name, Malfoy is an invented name, Quidditch is invented, erm - but I also collect them, from all kinds of places: maps, street names, people I meet, old books, old saints, erm - Mrs Norris, people will have recognised, comes from Jane Austen. Erm - Dumbledore is an old English word meaning bumblebee. Because Albus Dumbledore is very fond of music, I always imagined him as sort of humming to himself a lot.

Q.이름들은 어떻게 떠올리게 되나요, 알버스 덤블도어, 볼드모트, 해그리드..이런 이름들 말이예요.

A. 제가 이름하면 또 빠질 수 없죠. 전 이름을 정말 좋아해요. 저한테 자기소개할때 좀 신경쓰셔야할거예요. 왜냐면 특이한 이름이면, 이제 책 6권에 등장하게 될테니까요. 전 이름을 수집해요. 몇몇개는 만들어냈죠. 볼드모트, 말포이, 퀴디치는 만들어낸 이름이구요. 모든 종류의 장소들에서 이름을 수집해요.. 지도, 거리이름, 만났던 사람들, 오래된 책들, 옛 성인들.... 음. 노리스부인은, 사람들도 알 것 같지만, 제인 오스틴에서 따온 것이구요. 덤블도어는 bumblebee의 옛 영단어지요. 알버스 덤블도어는 음악을 좋아하고, 전 그를 떠올릴때면 늘 콧노래를 부르고 있는 모습이 생각나거든요.

Billy: Hi! I was wondering how you came up with the main ideas for Harry Potter and how you came up with such interesting names for them?

JKR: Erm - As I - as I said, I collect names. I've always collected names, so I've got notebooks full of them, and I - I like inventing names; Quidditch I - the name 'Quidditch' I - I - it took me ages to find the right name for it - it took me about two days and - er - I've still got the notebook I did it in, and you can see 'quidditch' at the bottom of the last page of this notebook underlined about fifty times, because when I - when I stumbled across it, I knew it was the right one. As far as the storylines go, some of them are inspired by folklore. I mean there's some interesting stuff out there that you can use, but mostly it comes out of my head, and I know that's not a great answer, but it's the best I've got - I - where do ideas come from? I've no idea.

Lydon: Billy, what's your favourite name? In the books?

Billy: Er - I don't know. I like 'Quidditch' and I like 'Dumbledore'.

JKR: yeah, Dumbledore, as I said, was a - is an old English word meaning bumblebee. I like 'Dumbledore' - it sounds endearing and strangely impressive at the same time.

Lydon: These names are important, you know, Henry James' notebooks are full of names that he wanted to try out ...

JKR: Right! And I - I very much identify with that. Names are really crucial to me - as some of my characters has had eight or nine names before I - I, you know, hit the right one. And for some reason I just can't move on until I know I've called them the right thing - that's very fundamental to me

Lydon: yeah, it's fascinating. I heard John Updike say that - once, 'what novelist in the world would have dared to come up with a name like Darryl Strawberry?' [JKR laughs] Er the real-life outfielder for the Mets and the Yankees.

JKR: Right, exactly - it's a - it's a - it's a really weird thing.

B: 해리포터에 대한 메인 아이디어는 어떻게 떠올리게 되었나요? 그리고 재밌는 이름들은 어떻게 생각해냈는지!

JKR: 음.. 말했듯이 전 이름을 수집해요. 언제나 이름을 모아왔죠. 이름을 다 모아둔 공책이 있고, 이름을 만들어내는 것도 좋아해요. '퀴디치' 단어를 찾기 위해서 시간이 꽤 걸렸죠. 아직도 그 공책이 있는데, 이틀정도 걸렸어요.. 공책 맨 뒷장에 밑줄이 오십개 그어진 퀴디치라는 단어를 볼 수 있죠.  전개가 계속되면서부터는 folklore 에서 많은 영감을 받고있죠. 쓸만해보이는 흥미로운 요소들이 있을때 말이에요. 하지만 주로 머리속에서 튀어나오고, 그게 완전 딱 좋은 답이 아닌 걸 알면, 그때는 folklore죠. 음. 어디서 떠오르느냐 하면.. 모르겠네요.

사회자: 책에서 제일 좋아하는 이름이 뭐예요, 빌리?

B:음 글쎄요. 퀴디치하고, 덤블도어요.

JKR: 예,덤블도어. 말했듯이 옛 고어이고 bumblebee(귀엽...)를 의미한답니다. '덤블도어'란 이름, 저도 좋아해요. 귀여우면서(endearing) 동시에 아주 이상한 느낌으로 강렬하죠.

사회자: 이 이름들은 아주 중요하죠, 아시겠지만, 헨리 제임스의 공책은 그가 고르려던 이름들로 가득했어요-

JKR: 맞아요! 그리고 전 이름들로 그 캐릭터성을 정의해요. 이름은 굉장히 중요한 요소랍니다-제 몇몇 캐릭터들은 딱 이거야, 하는 이름을 정하기 전에 여덟개에서 아홉개의 후보들을 가지고 있었어요.. 모종의 이유들로.. 완벽한 이름을 골라주기 전까지는 다음단계로 넘어갈 수가 없죠. 굉장히 근본적으로 중요한 문제랍니다.

+)옛날에 핼포 123권 나왔을 쯤일것이다 그때 책 뒤편에 덤블도어의 이름은 "땅벌"의 고어랍니다 이랬는데 사실 범블비면 꿀벌 종류고... 뎅벌이라고 써져있는 것도 있어서 검색했더니 땡벌이라고 아 땡벌......갑자기 존나 웃음지뢰됨

Joe: You were just saying how you read it to your daughter, that your six-year-old daughter ...

JKR: That's right, yeah ...

Joe: When we sat down we read this chapter by chapter every night the kids couldn't wait for the next night ...

JKR: Oh, that's so good ...

Joe: but, the characters are so great, you can come up with wonderful voices reading out loud to your kids ... for Hagrid - and Dumbledore and McGonagall ...

JKR: Oh, how wonderful

Joe: Did you get that with your daughter too, were you getting into the voices?

JKR: Oh, well, I'm really into the voices and I really let myself go when I was reading to my daughter, I'm not quite that uninhibited when I'm reading to a lot of people, but ...

Lydon: Joe, let's hear what Dumbledore sounds like ...

Joe: Well, I use a little Sean Connery for Dumbledore ... [JKR: Laughs] and I put a little slur in it 'Albush Dumbledorr,' but my favourite was Hagrid, he was more of a Monty Python character [JKR: Yeah!] [Joe does MP gumby voice ...]

-여섯살 딸에게 어떻게 당신 책을 읽어주는지에 대해 이야기하고 있었죠. 우리집 경우에는, 밤마다 한 챕터씩 읽어주곤 하는데 아이들이 다음밤까지 도무지 기다릴 수 없다고 하곤 해요. 캐릭터들은 정말 굉장해요, 아이들에게 책을 "읽어"줄때 목소리를 흉내낼 수 있을 정도로.. 해그리드, 덤블도어, 맥고나걸..

당신 딸에게 책을 읽어줄때도 목소리를 흉내내나요?

-음, 네 실제로 목소리를 흉내내요. 딸에게 읽어줄때 그냥 내가 아닌것처럼 나는 버리구요. 다른 사람들 앞에서 읽을때는 그렇진 않죠...

-덤블도어의 목소리는 어떤가요?

독자: 음..전 덤블도어 목소리는 Sean Connery처럼 내고 있는데요..약간 발음을 흘리죠.. 'Albush Dumbledorr...'

Lydon: Now I want to hear J.K. Rowling herself do ...

JKR: Do Dumble-, er - not Dumbledore - Hagrid!

Lydon: Either one ...

JKR: Well, Hagrid's sort of West-country - yokel - which is where I grew up - the part of Britain where I grew up, I didn't grow up in Scotland, I grew up on the border with Wales. So Hagrid's kind of ... 'Yes Harry Potter, sir' - like that - very slurred words - it's the accent English people always put on to sound stupid ... [laughs] Hagrid /isn't/ stupid, but he's got that kind of very country - you know, way of speaking ...

Lydon: And how about Minerva McGonagall?

JKR: Very clipped, and very, very - quite upper-class and very brisk - like a governess [Lydon laughs] I - I - I can't do it, but I kind of see Dumbledore more as a John Gielgud type, you know, quite elderly and - and quite stately.

Lydon: And Harry himself?

JKR: I suppose he sounds like me. I always do my voice for Harry, when I'm reading to my daughter.

Lydon: I wondered if you would give us the sound of J.K. Rowling, but maybe the sound of Harry Potter too, in that zoo scene ...

-자 그럼 JKR의 버전을 들어볼까요?

-JKR: 덤블ㄷ...음 덤블도어 말고 해그리드! 해그리드는 서부 사람이예요.. 시골뜨기죠.. 저도 서부출신인데요, 서부에서 자랐죠. 전 스코틀랜드에서 성장기를 보내지 않았답니다. 전 웨일즈 국경근처에서 자랐어요. 그러니까 해그리드는 일종의... "예, 해리 포터입니다, 써" 이런느낌으로... 발음이 많이 흐르겠죠..잉글랜드 사람들은 이 악센트 바보같다고 생각하죠(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 해그리드는 바보가 아니예요! 하지만 시골사람이긴 하죠. 아시잖아요, 그가 말하는 방식이라던가...


-맥고나걸은 very Clipped(딱딱 떨어지는),그리고 아주-아주-상류층 느낌의, 매우 활발한 톤이에요. 가정교사 톤으로요. 아..할 순 없는데, 개인적으로 덤블도어는 John Gielgud 스타일로 생각하고 있어요. 나이 지긋하고, 위엄도 있죠. 


-나랑 비슷할거라고 생각해요. 난 언제나 딸에게 읽어줄때 해리는 내 목소리로 읽어요.

(John Gielgud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuZGqfhSqXk) ----95년 인터뷰로 가져와봤다. 작가 공인은 이런 목소리 톤이었군..

Lydon: I am Christopher Lydon, this is The Connection with our guest J.K. Rowling, author of the world-famous Harry Potter books - the books that are going to make our kids and grandchildren readers again - just like old times. 1-800-4238255 makes the Harry Potter connection with the author. Just in general, J.K. Rowling, what's the - what do you think of as the moral of these stories? I hear a lot of your own sort of reliving school life - ah - in the form of Harry who is really gifted beyond his awareness, he could be much more powerful [JKR: Mmm] than he actually is. There's something deeply - er - deeply exemplary, moral, good about this young man. What are the stories trying to tell us about goodness?

JKR: Erm - again - I - I - this sounds like a huge cop-out, but it's - it's hard for me to give you the full picture without ruining future plots, and - because there are kids out there that are so attuned to these books that if I say 'well, you might just find out x, y or z' they'll think 'ah -right, so-and-so's going to die, so-and-so is obviously going to learn to do this' you know that - that they'll just know, so I have to be careful what I say. Erm ... Harry is someone is forced for such a young person to make his own choices. He has very limited access to truly caring adults - and he is guided by his conscience. Now, Harry makes mistakes, repeatedly, erm Harry ha- ... did things like ... he did - he did steal the flying car, that was a very stupid thing to do, he - but it seemed like a great idea at the time, we've all been there - er - but ultimately Harry is guided by his conscience. He is flanked by two friends, they work far better as a team than apart, though Harry tends to be the one who has to shoulder the most of the burden - he is the true hero in that sense, Hermione, who is really the brain of the outfit, and Ron, who is also a very brave character, I mean, I deeply admire bravery in all forms, and that's why ... in book one, if - if people have read book one they'll remember that Neville Longbottom, who is a - who is a comic, but I - he's not a tr- wholly comic figure to me, Neville is actually quite a tragic figure to me as well because there's a lot of Neville in me - this feeling of just never being quite good enough - I mean I - we've all felt that at some point, and I felt that a lot when I was younger, and I wanted to show Neville doing something brave - it's not as spectacularly brave as Harry and Hermione do, but he - he finds true moral courage in standing up to his closest friends - the people who are on his side, but he still thinks they are doing wrong and he tells them so - so that's a very important moment for me too in the first book.

Lydon: Dumbledore says to Harry at one point that it's the choices we make that show what we truly are - choices more than -

JKR: - rather than our abilities, yeah

Lydon: - Yeah ...

JKR: Yep. Well that is something I do truly believe and that's something we're - er - erm - we see very much with Harry - he is someone who has to make the choices and he - he generally has - as I say: he has very limited access to adults who can help him because most of his friends have parents at home - ok they're all existing in this wizard ... but they - they have a safety net. People who are - children who have loving parents or guardians or - or family, basically, they have a safety net; Harry doesn't have that, so he is more alone than most children are. Erm - and therefore his choices are revealing him as someone who is brave - someone who is trying to do the right thing, sometimes - someone who occasionally slips up, as we all do

이건 개인적으로 또 겔알 생각나서 주섬주섬... 겔러트 이후 재능이 번쩍번쩍 빛나는, 모두에게 칭찬받는 독버섯같은 톰 리들도 매의눈으로 보면서 저거저거 저새끼 저거...불순한데 저거 하는 눈으로 감시했던 것도 겔러트를 겪었기 때문이라고 생각하는데 abilities 대신에 choices 를 강조한다는 게.. 본인도 그가 사랑했던 유일한 사람도 능력치는 먼치킨이었으니까 아 또 광광운다 개인적 파멸 겪고 이성의 탑 쌓아올린 현자라니 넘 좋져 걍 산타할아버지 캐릭터였으면 나한텐 무매력이엇음

타캐릭터 관련 흥미로웠던 것 몇 개

릴리 (이건 중요한 내용 있어서 위로)

Peter: ... and I was wondering, are we going to learn a lot about Harry's mother?

Lydon: Will we?

JKR: yeah, you will. Erm - it's - errr - yet again kind of the - in - you won't find out ... OK, in book three, you're absolutely right, you find out a lot about Harry's father. Now, the - the important thing about Harry's mother - the really, really significant thing - you're going to find out in two - in two parts. You'll find out a lot more about her in book five, or you'll find out something very significant about her in book five, and you'll find out something incredibly important about her in book seven. But I can't tell you what those things are, so I'm sorry, but they - yes, you will find out more about her, because they're - both of them are very important in what Harry ends up having to do.

Lydon: Peter, what is your guess about Lily - the real story about Harry's mother?

Peter: Er - I don't really know, but I'm guessing that maybe she is going to come back to life, maybe in the seventh book or something like that ...

JKR: Well, it would be nice, but - I'll tell you something - you - you've raised a really interesting point there, Peter, because when I started writing the books, the first thing I had to decide was not what magic can do, but what it can't do. I had to set limits on it - immediately, and decide what the parameters are ... and one of the most important things I - I decided was that magic cannot bring dead people back to lifethat' - that's one of the most profound things, the - the natural law of - of - of death applies to wizards as it applies to Muggles and there is no returning once you're properly dead, you know, they might be able to save very close-to-death people better than we can, by magic - that they - that they have certain knowledge we don't, but once you're dead, you're dead. So - erm - yeah, I'm afraid there will be no coming back fro- for Harry's parents

Peter: OK

Lydon: Peter, did you want to take another stab at it - the real story of Lily or not?

Peter: Nah

JKR: Nah - don't blame you ...

Lydon: You done good, Peter

JKR: Very good!

-제임스에 대해선 많이 이야기가 나왔는데 릴리에 대해서도 정보가 풀릴까요?

-네, 그렇게 될거예요. 그렇죠 3권에선 해리의 아버지 이야기가 많이 나오니까.. 이제 해리의 엄마 이야기를 할 차롄데 정말, 정말 중요한 이야기예요. 두 부분에 걸쳐 등장할텐데 5권에서 그녀의 이야기를 많이 보게 될 것이고, 5권에서 그녀에 대해 굉장히 중요한 것들을 알게 될 거예요. 해리가 결국 해야할 것들과도 연관되어 있으니까요.

-독자가 7권 쯤 그녀가 부활하지 않으려나 이야기를 하자

-와, 굉장한데요. 정말 흥미로운 포인트를 잡아냈는데 왜냐면 책을 쓰기 시작한 순간부터, 제일 먼저 결정했던 것은 마법이 할 수 있는 것을 정하는 게 아니라, 마법이 할 수 없는 것을 정하는 일이었기 때문이죠. 한계선을 정해야했고, 즉각적으로, 그 한계선은 가장 중요한 것들 중 하나이니까.. "마법으로 죽은 사람들을 되돌릴 수 없다" 로 정했구요. 가장 근본적인 것들 중 하나이니까.. 마법사에게 죽음이란 머글들과 마찬가지로 "적절하게 사망하게 되면 돌아올 수 없다".. 거의 죽음에 가까운 사람들이야 마법으로 살려낼 수 있겠지만, 그들은 우리가 모르는 것들을 많이 알고있으니까.. 하지만 일단 죽으면, 죽음인 것이다. 그러니까, 해리의 부모님은 부활하지 않는다.

새삼 오..했던 것 사랑의 힘과 죽음은 주요 주제이고 소재로서 계속 등장하고 막판 제목도 Deathly Hallows에 주요 인물들의 반전들이 풀리면서 클라이막스에 도달하니까..

사실 연대적 의미까지 포함하는 사랑의 힘(연애감정 우정 가족애 등등..)보다 죽음에 관련된 내용들이 더 흥미롭긴 했다 

강한 여캐가 많지 않다는 비판에 대해

Tim: I have a couple of questions. Er - you write those fabulous characters, but they're almost all boys, Hermione is a swot - a very wonderful person, but almost a cardboard cut-out in some ways - do get ...

JKR: Please don't - please don't say that, because she is actually based on me

Tim: Oh, dear ... if you will I'll stop now ... Do you get criticisms that you don't have enough females in strong positions in your stories?

JKR: Well, in fact, if you run down the staff-list at Hogwarts, I have - people have said this to me before, I - I - I have to say that. Erm there are many things that I can say to that ... The first thing I should say is I've - I had been writing this book for six months before I myself - and it did take me six months - stopped and thought 'Hang on, why is it Harry - why isn't it Harriet? Why is this a boy?' [Tim: Right] Now the answer is that Harry came ... came to me so complete, so real that if I had stopped at - after six months of writing and thought 'well, change into a girl. I'm going to be politically correct, I'm going to make a heroine,' it would have been putting Harry in drag. He was too real to me by then to turn him into a girl - he was a boy in my head, and I - erm - and I'd - I had Hermione and I had Ron, and I was too fond of them by then to want to tamper with them - so that is my answer, and I'm sticking by it, and I'm unapologetic about it. Er - if you look down the - the staff-list in - in the school, you will find that it is exactly 50% women and 50% men as teachers. Now, people possibly don't realise that enough. I see Professor McGonagall, for example, as a - as a very strong female character. I did get an e-mail the other day from someone in America saying 'when are we going to see a strong female character?' And I wrote back and told her that I was deeply offended because I think Hermione and Professor McGonagall are very strong characters ... but I did say to her 'but if you mean a nasty female character - er - wait till book four!

-여섯달동안 고민했다.. 왜 주인공이 소년이어야 하는것인가. 왜 해리, 해리엇은 안되는거야? 왜 남자애여야하는거지? 하고 육개월간 고민하고 그래 피씨해지자. 여주로 바꾸자..했었는데 머리속에서 "해리"의 이미지가 너무 강렬하게 살아있었고, 헤르미온느와 론도 함께였기 때문에 이 캐릭터들을 다 뒤엎기엔 너무 아까웠다고.. 

(99년에 이렇게 인터뷰하구 16년엔 또 남주이잖ㅇr....담 프랜차이즈에서는 단독여주 나오길 희망해..)

-학교 스태프들은 정확히 성비 반반이고 자신은 맥고나걸을 굉장히 강한 여성 캐릭터로 생각한다. 가끔 왜 강한 여캐는 없나요란 독자의 메일을 받을때면 자긴 헤르미온느와 맥고나걸이 매우 강한 캐릭터라고 생각하지만.. nasty한 캐릭터를 원하는거라면 4권을 기다리시라 (리타 스키터?)

권마다 나이먹는 설정에 대해

Tim: Oh, okay ... I have a ...

Lydon: Uh huh!

Tim: I have a very serious question as well. [JKR: Mm-hmm] Harry is aging about a year per book ... at the moment ...

JKR: Yes, he is, yeah ...

Tim: Now I have a nine-year-old, who is utterly dedicated to Harry, and I have a seven-year-old who is coming in - coming on stream. [JKR: OK] Harry at 14 or 15 [JKR: Mm-hmm] will not relate to my nine-year-old, I think, in - in the same way. Is - is he going to slow down his aging process or is he going to grow like a year per book?

JKR: No, I'm not. Now - I - I'd - I've given some thought to this and I - I've chosen the way I'm going to do it; if - if people are unhappy with it, then - then I'm going to be sorry about that, but, you know, I have to go the way that - that I think is best to go, and the way I think is best to go - I - I always wanted Harry to grow up plausibly - I - you know - we're going to see him - the plot demands that he ages about a year a book, the plot demands that he comes of age in the final book. Now I have a real moral objection to books that freeze children in pre-pubescence even though they're actually - in earth-years - sixteen years old, but you're still - they're still behaving as - as eight- or nine-year-olds. Now if I get the tone right, I do believe that your nine-year-old will still be interested in a fourteen-year-old Harry - obviously it is inappropriate in books like these - it would be totally alien to the tone of these books if we - if I got into - erm - too - too - grittily realistic an area that, you know - we're - we're not going to be looking at teenage pregnancy here, we're not going to be looking at drug-taking here, you know, this would be totally alien to the spirit of these books. However, I do want Harry to grow up in a realistic way ...

Lydon: Does this mean we're going to see the hormones kicking in?

JKR: Yeah - the hormones do kick in at - in book four ... I - You know - I - The - the bottom line is, I can't be led by what people want me to write - I have to write what I want to write. That's just the way it's got to be! I've got to write what I want to write - if by book six I'm only writing for six people and I've lost everyone else - then yeah I'm going to be sorry about that, but - but I will feel that I have to - I have to stand by what I want to do. I sometimes get letters from parents saying 'well, we love your books, but they're a little too scary, so could you stop doing that?' Well, I'm afraid, no I can't. I have to write what I want to write - I'm not writing to order here. So - so I'm going to be sorry if - if children don't want to keep up with Harry, I - I personally believe that they will, I do not believe I'm going to be doing anything that will alienate a nine-year-old.

-더 느리게 할 생각 없고, 무조건 1권당 한살씩 먹는 설정. 플롯상 한 권당 한살씩 먹어야하고, 마지막 권에서는 17세여야함. 그리고 책에서 설정해둔 현실적인 도덕적 방향성이 존재한다.. 어린이들을 사춘기 전에 잡아둘.. 나이가 들어 열여섯살이 되더라도 그들은 여덟아홉살처럼 행동하지않나..  뭐 사춘기 얘기하는데 애들이 약할건 아니고  쨌든 현실적으로 성장했으면 함.

-4권에선 호르몬작용이 돈다는 것.. 암튼 사람들이 원하는거 말고 내가 쓰고싶은것을 써야함. 이러다 6권쯤 되면 독자 한 여섯명만 남는 것은 아닌지.. 그래도 그렇게 할 것이다. 

해그리드 이야기

JKR: OK, I like you, because he is one of my favourite characters of - yeah- of - if you - if you take away Harry and Hermione and Ron, then I love Hagrid the best, definitely! Erm - I'd - he is - he is going to be around, you're going to keep seeing him. I - I suspect that the reason you're asking this is because there's a rumour going around that people are going to die [Pete: Right] in the upcoming books, and people are going to die, and I am not going to tell you who is and who isn't because that, for a very obvious reason ...

Lydon: How do rumours like this get started?

JKR: Because I answer questions honestly and then they get posted on the internet [laughs] - someone said to me 'is anyone going to die?' and I said 'Yeah - there're going to be deaths,' and the next thing eve-, you know, there was rumours flying about everywhere that I was about to murder Ron in book four - er - it's - you know - these things get - get blown ... up

JKR이 좋아하는 캐릭터 중 하나. 골든트리오를 제하고 나면 해그리드를 가장 좋아한다고(완결 이후에는 덤블도어라고 함) 해그리드는 계속 출연할거고 계속 보게될거다. 이런 말 하는 이유는 다음권에 누가 죽는대!하는 루머들 때문인데 .. 인물들은 죽게 될 것이다 하지만 그게 누구고 안죽는 사람은 누군지는 말할 수 없다..

솔직히 대답하면 이제 인터넷에 올라오고ㅋㅋㅋㅋ독자 중 한명이 '누군가 죽게되나요?'라고 질문해서 '네, 죽는답니다'하면 그다음날 밤에 이제 온갖곳에 내가 4권에서 론을 주겨버린다는 소문이 도니까....

Lydon: What about Snape?

JKR: OK. Snape is the - er - very sadistic teacher loosely based on a teacher I myself had, I have to say. Erm .. I think it ... Children are very aware - and we ... we're kidding ourselves if we don't think that they are - that teachers do sometimes abuse their power and this particular teacher /does/ abuse his power. He is not a - he is not a particularly pleasant person at all. /However/, everyone should keep their eye on Snape, I'll just say that, because there's more to him than meets the eye, and you will find out part of what I'm talking about if you read book four. And no, I am not trying to drum up more sales; go to the library and get it out, I'd rather people read it.

Lydon: Er - one of our connec- ... one of our internet correspondents wondered if Snape is going to fall in love?

JKR: Yeah? Who on earth would want Snape in love with them, that is a very horrible idea. Erm ...

Lydon: But you'd get an important kind of redemptive pattern to Snape

JKR: It is, isn't it ... I got ... There's so much I wish I could say to you, and I can't because it'd ruin ... I promise you ... whoever asked that question, can I just say to you that I'm - I'm slightly stunned that you've said that - erm - and you'll find out why I'm so stunned if you read book 7. And that's all I'm going to say.

Lydon: Mmmm - this is - this is encouraging.

말포이가 해리를 싫어하는 이유

JKR: Yeah - why is - why is Malfoy - why does he like - dislike Harry so much in the first book?

Pete: Yes!

JKR: Well! If you notice, the very first time that Malfoy meets Harry and knows it is Harry he makes an effort to be his friend - he does actually want to be associated with Harry because he knows it will be - it will be cool to turn up at the school being Harry Potter's friend, because Harry is so famous. Well, Harry rebuffs him because Malfoy has been so rude about Hagrid and about Ron, who Harry likes so much, and it's at that point that Malfoy turns against him, because Malfoy is - er - yet again this is so frustrating; I can't tell you everything I could tell you because it would ruin future books for you, but Malfoy comes from a family who has strong associations with - er - with Dark magic, as you know - and you're going to find out more about that in book four, so - erm - Malfoy is kind of - he wanted to be Harry's friend, Harry didn't want him as a friend, and tu- and that made him bitter - that - that's the starting point

말포이가 해리를 처음 만난 순간 그는 아 얘가 내가 친구먹으려고 노력 좀 해야할 해리 포터라는 사실을 알아챘다. 사실 말포이는 해리랑 어울리고 싶었는데 그게.. 학교에서 "해리 포터의 친구" 위치는 존나 쿨할것이었으니까...해리는 증말 유명하고... 하지만 해리는 말포이가 해리가 정말 좋아하는 사람들인 해그리드와 론한테 무례하게 굴었기 때문에 말포이를 깠고, 이게 말포이가 척을 지게 된 이유이다. 왜냐면 말포이는..음 나머지 책에 나올거라서 다 말을 못하겠다 말포이는 어둠의 마법과 깊이 연관된 가문 출신이니깐.. 4권을 보면...음... 말포이는 해리랑 친구가 되고 싶어하지만 해리는 말포이를 친구로 원하지 않는다는게 말포이를 전래 씁쓸하게 만들고 그것이 출발점임

Chelsea: I wanted to know if Professor Lupin is going to turn up in any of the other stories?

JKR: Professor Lupin OK yeah. Now for people who maybe haven't got that far, or - erm - haven't read the books at all, Professor Lupin is the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher in book three. Now he is one of my favourite characters in the whole series and - erm - yes, he will be coming - he will - you will see him again. Quite a few of the characters that crop up in - in the books do - do come back, because, I mean, you know, they're friends of Harry's now even if they're not actually living at Hogwarts. You will see Professor Lupin again in book five, not in book four. Also Dobby, the House Elf, who you see in the second book, he also crops up again - er - so - so you've got to keep your eye on these characters, because they do come back.

Lydon: Chelsea, I wondered why you asked about Professor Lupin?

Chelsea: Because I like him a lot.

JKR: Oh good! I'm glad, because do you know what? I'm - from - from the moment I started writing book the one I've been looking forward to writing book three because of Professor Lupin, because I knew that's when he made his first appearance and he is - he is one of my favourite characters.

호그와트를 졸업하고 해리와 친구들은 어떻게 되나요

Class: Hi (in background)

Kathleen: Anyway, it's very exciting; we just love Harry Potter, so we're curious - well - first of all we can't wait for books four, five, six and seven [JKR: OK], but after that, we're curious as to whether Harry is going to have a life after Hogwarts? Or if maybe Harry might be a Hogwarts teacher?

JKR: Erm, well, because all your kids said hello so nicely in the background there, I'm going to give you information I haven't given anyone else, and I will tell you that one of the characters - er - one of - one of Harry's class mates, though it's not Harry himself, does end up a teacher at Hogwarts, but it is not maybe the one you'd think - hint, hint, hint! So, yes one of them does end up staying at Hogwarts, but - erm ...

Lydon: Does the kids want to have a guess at it, Kathleen?

Kathleen: Do you like to have a guess at who it is?

Class: Ron

Kathleen: They say Ron ...

JKR: Noooo - it's not Ron ...

Kathleen: [to class] it's not Ron ...

JKR: ... because I can't see Ron as a teacher, no way.

JKR+Kathleen laugh.

-해리의 같은 반 친구들 중 하나가, 음 해리는 아니고, 호그와트의 교사가 된답니다. 힌트! 생각해본 적 없는 사람일거예요.(네빌!!!!!!) 그들 중 하나가 호그와트에 남게 되지요 하지만...

-누굴것 같냐는 말에 "론!!" / "론이라네요... " /"아니에요 론이 아니에요...."/"론이 아니래.."/"론이 교사라니 생각조차 못해봤어요...."(일동 웃음)