'Harry Potter: A Blue Peter Special.' Blue Peter (CBBC), July 20 2007.
(x: http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2007/0720-bluepeter.html)
Source: 'Blue Peter', BBC One, British Broadcasting Corporation (UK).
Interviewers: Andy Akinwolere, Konnie Huq, Gethin Jones, Zoe Salmon and 25 competition winners.
Context: The interview was aired hours before the midnight release of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows.
Transcription credit:Jules and Meann of Accio Quote.
7월 5일에 녹음된 것으로 원 페이지는 소실되었음. 인터뷰는 7월 5일에 녹음되었다. 조나단 로스 쇼는 블루피터 스튜디오 바로 옆자린데 7월 5일에 조나단로스쇼에서도 나오고 다시 돌아와서 블루피터와도 인터뷰를 했다. 14세 미만의 영국 어린이들 사이에서 블루피터 스튜디오를 방문할 수 있는 컴페티션이 있었고.. 롤링을 만나 직접 질문할 수 있는 기회가 주어졌었다고. 25명의 어린이가 뽑혀서 7권을 공짜로 받았답니다.
애기들이라 말들 쉬워서 금방 읽었는데.... 1. 알버스 덤블도어는 정말 죽었다 2. 알버스 덤블도어는 사랑을 했었다 끝....
First clips from Blue Peter Interview
The BBC has posted some clips from the Blue Peter interview later today on the Blue Peter website. Some highlights are
- Dumbledore's death is important to the story.
- If you cried when Dumbledore died you will cry in book 7.
- Her favourite books to write were books 3, 6 and 7, with Deathly Hallows being the one she liked most.
- Trevor is just a toad.
- Having denied the Neville/Luna romance on her website, she started to see how it might have worked while writing book 7.
- Her favourite item from the magical world would be the pensieve, though there are one or two desirable objects coming up in book 7.
- She said that Albus Dumbledore was probably in love at some point in his life, though we shouldn't read too much into it.
- The time turners really were all smashed in the Ministry (she didn't want a Terminator like situation).
전문 중 인터뷰만 좀 추려냄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아이고 근데 애긔독자들이라서 넘 귀엽다
Harry, 11, from Trowbridge: "Why did you decide to kill Dumbledore in the sixth Harry Potter book?"
JKR: "Not because I'm horrible, but because it's an important part of the story. And he is dead."
GJ: Is he really dead?
JKR: He's Dead.
GJ: Is he really dead?
JKR: He's very dead.
Audience: Ooh!
GJ: Are you sure?
JKR and GJ: Yes. I should know, shouldn't I? If anyone should know I should know.
[Audience laughs]
GJ: Everyone's talking about the seventh book, even the doctor, Dr Who himself. If you don't believe me take a look at this...
[A clip is shown of David Tennant (Barty Crouch, Jr. in the Harry Potter movies) as the doctor in a scene where he is discussing the seventh book (from series 3, episode 2; "The Shakespeare Code")]
[Audience laughs]
왜 6권에서 덤블도어를 죽이기로 마음먹었나요?(해리, 11세)
-제가 못된 인간이라서가 아니라, 스토리의 중요한 부분이기 때문이지요. 그리고 그는 죽었답니다.
-정말 죽은거예요?
-진짜로 죽은거예요?
-제대로 죽었어요.
-네, 제가 알아야해요 그렇지않아요? 누군가 알아야한다면 제가 알아야죠.
-모두가 7권에 대해 얘기해요, 닥터, 닥터후 마저도요. 못믿겠으면 이것 좀 봐요...(HP영화에서 바티 크라우치 주니어 연기했던 데이빗 테넌트 클립) 봐요 닥터마저도 7권에서 해리포터 얘기중이라구요!
GJ: Natasha, you have a question.
Natasha, 9, West Wickham: "Will I cry when I read book seven?"
JK Rowling: "Have you ever cried before at a sad book?"
Natasha: "Well, I cried before when Dumbledore died."
JKR: "I think you'll probably cry at this book."
[GJ laughs and the audience says Ohhh!]
제가 7권을 읽으면 울게 될까요? (나타샤,9세)
-슬픈 책 읽으면서 울었던 적 있어요?
-전 덤블도어가 죽을때 울었었어요.
-그럼 아마 7권 읽으면서도 울게 될거예요.
Sarah, 8, from Harpenden: "If you were my mum I'd be pestering you to find out what happens in your next Harry Potter book. Do your children pester you?"
JKR: "Well, my two-year-old definitely doesn't know that I write Harry Potter and doesn't know what Harry Potter is [Audience laughs]. And my, my four-year-old, if you say 'What does mummy do?' and he says 'HARRY POTTER!' [Audience laughs] and then that's it, there's nothing more. But my nearly 14-year-old, it's better for her not to know, because it's a big weight for her to bear if she knows secrets that other people don't."
GJ: The best secret in the world. Well here's what some of your fans think might happen.
[Clips are shown of various fans and celebrities, stating what they might happen]
당신이 제 엄마였다면 전 다음 해리포터 책에 무슨 일이 벌어지는지 알려달라고 엄청 졸랐을 거예요. 자녀들이 당신을 귀찮게 하나요?
-음 글쎄요, 제 두 살 짜리는 제가 해리포터 책을 쓰고 있다는 사실을 명백하게 모르지요. 그리고 해리 포터가 뭔지도 모를거예요. 그리고 제 네살짜리 아들은, 당신이 "너희 엄마는 뭐해?"라고 말하면 "해리포터!"라고 대답한답니다. 그리고 그게 다예요, 뭐가 더 없죠. 하지만 제 열네살에 가까운 딸은, 그애가 모르는 편이 더 좋죠, 다른 사람이 모르는 사실을 안다는 것은 그 애에게 엄청난 짐이니까요!
-전 세계에서 제일 가는 비밀이죠. 자 당신 팬들이 추측한 것들을 좀 보실까요?
Sam: The last Harry Potter book. What do you reckon?
Mark: It's going to be exciting I think. You know that Snape guy?
Sam: Oh yeh, yeh.
Mark: Yeh, the one they all think is bad. I reckon he is going to turn into a goodie and save the day in the end.
Dani Harmer: Me and my dad reckon that Harry is either gonna die, he's going to turn really evil or he's going to lose all of his powers.
Tammy: Ron and Hermione, erm, get together.
Sian: No, Harry and Hermione get together!
John Barrowman: Hermione and Ron, will become boyfriend and girlfriend.
Phuoc: I think Harry dies.
Anthony Horowitz the writer: I really, really hope Harry doesn't die.
Melissa Anelli from the Leaky Cauldron: Harry is going to live! He is going to walk out of book seven alive, happy, in love.
George: Ron and Hermione die.
Lizo Mzimba from CBBC Newsround: I don't think we'll see Harry die. I'm sure he's gonna survive at the end of it, but I'm a bit worried about a few other people.
[JKR cackles mischievously]
GJ: Jo. Who's right and who's wrong, and who's completely off the mark?
JKR: Erm, a few people are, are quite near and a few people are wildly wrong.
[Audience laughs]
-해리포터 마지막 권! 어떻게 예상하나요?
-재밌을 것 같아요. Snape guy 알아요?
-네 네
-그쵸 모두가 나쁜놈이라고 생각하잖아요. 제 생각엔 그가 좋은 사람으로 밝혀지고 결말 부분에선 세상을 구할듯여
-저하고 제 아빠 생각엔 해리도 죽을 것 같아여, 전나 악인이 되거나 그의 모든 힘을 다 잃을 것 같아여
-론하고 헤르미온느!
-아니야 해리랑 헤르미온느!
-헤르미온느랑 론 애인 되겠져
-해리 죽을 것 같아여
-해리 절대 안죽었으면 좋겠어요
-해리는 살아남을거예요!! 7권 지난다음에 살아서 사랑속에 행복하게 살거라구요
-론이랑 헤르미온느 죽어요
-제 생각에 우리가 해리가 죽는 모습을 보게될 것 같지는 않아요. 확신하건데 끝까지 살아남을거예요 하지만 다른 캐릭터들은 좀 걱정이 되는데요
조. 뭐가 옳고 뭐가 잘못되었나요?
-음, 몇몇 사람들은 꽤 근접했고 몇몇 사람들은 완전 틀렸어요
GJ: Ok. Great. Alright, James, You've got a question
James: Which book did you like writing most?
JKR: Three, Six and Seven have been the best to write, so that's Azkaban, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. And of them all, definitely my favorite is Deathly Hallows.
어떤 책 쓰는게 제일 재밌었나요?
-3권, 6권, 7권이 쓰기 제일 좋았어요. 아즈카반, 혼혈왕자, 죽음의성물이죠. 그리고 그 중 제가 제일 좋아하는건 DH예요.
GJ: Ok Hayley, you're up next.
Hayley, 10, from Newcastle: "Now you've finished the Harry Potter series, what new exciting projects can your millions of fans look forward to?"
JKR: "I'm not going to promise anything, I think, at the moment, because I really do want to take some time off. I've loved the writing of Harry Potter, but, erm, I think it's ... it's healthy for me probably to take a bit of a holiday now.
GJ: Well deserved as well.
이제 해포 시리즈 끝났잖아요, 당신의 수백만 팬들이 기대하게 될 다음 프로젝트는 뭐예요?
-아직 아무것도 약속할 수 없어요.. 음 지금은 말이죠. 왜냐면 일단 좀 쉬어야 하니까.. HP 쓰는 것 정말 사랑했답니다. 하지만 지금은.. 좀 휴식을 갖는게 건강한 해법일 것 같아요.
Zoe Salmon: And it's time for more questions now. Lucky Liam, you're up first.
Liam: When the new Harry potter theme park is ready, will you open it yourself the first to try out all the rides?
JKR: Oh I hope so!
[Audience laughs}
JKR: I don't know about opening it, but I, I've told them that I want to be the first on.
[More laughter; posters advertising the amusement park are shown]
JKR: I know what's coming and honestly, it'll be brilliant. I'd never have said they could do it if it wasn't going to be amazing, and I think it will be amazing.
HP 테마파크 열리면, 제일 먼저 기구 타볼 생각이예요?
-오 그러고싶어요!! 개장에 대해선 모르지만 제가 제일 먼저 타보고싶다고 말은 해뒀죠. 시설이 어떨지는 알고있어요, 그리고 정직하게, 아주 멋질거예요. 전 거짓말 안하거든요, 정말 환상적일거예요.
ZS: Eleanor, what is your question?
Eleanor, 10, from Milton Keynes: "If you were the Sorting Hat, which house would you choose for Gordon Brown and David Cameron?
JKR: [Laughs] "Ooh, I suppose, because Gryffindor is the red house, then Gordon Brown would have to go into Gryffindor. And by that logic, we'll have to put David Cameron into Ravenclaw because it's the blue house."
GJ: Ohhh!
Konnie Huq: Good answer [laughs].
당신이 분류모자라면, 고든 브라운하고 데이빗 카메론은 어느 기숙사로 넣을 거예요?
-오, 그리핀도르는 붉은 기숙사니까, 고든 브라운은 그리핀도르로 가야겠네요. 그리고 그 이론에 따르면 데이빗 카메론은 래번클로로군요 푸른 기숙사니까.
ZS: James Dexter, what is your question?
James Dexter: What do you do when you don't know what to write?
JKR: Sometimes I'll go for a walk. Erm, sometimes I'll go into the kitchen, and if my husband is there I'll, I'll say 'I can't do it! This book's terrible!'.
[Audience laughs]
JKR: And he'll say 'you always say that around about chapter 15'. And he's quite right, I do. And once on Deathly Hallows, I took a trip to the set to see Dan and Rupert and Emma, [A behind-the-scenes clip of the filming of Order of the Phoenix is shown] and mid-flight on my way to London, it [the writer's block] broke.
뭘 쓸지 모르겠을땐 뭘하나요?
-산책을 합니다. 음 가끔 주방에 가서, 남편이 그 곳에 있으면 "아 못해먹겠어!!! 이 책 끔찍해!!"라고 말할거예요. 그리고 그는 "당신 한 챕터 15부터 맨날 그 소리 하잖아"라고 하겠죠, 그리고 그가 맞아요, 제가 그래요. 그리고 DH에서, 댄/루퍼트/엠마를 보려고 영화 세트로 여행을 간 적이 있었거든요.(5편 영화촬영 비하인드씬에 나와있음) 그리고 런던으로 날아왔고, 막혔던게 해소되었어요.
머 고든 브라운 포함해서 젼나 감사 인사... 럴링 눈물을 닦으며...
다니엘 메시지도 있음.. "안녕 블루피터, 안녕하세요 조. 음 gold blue peter 뱃지 받는다고 들었어요. 오 행운아시네여. 그리고 저도 6편하고 7편 찍고나면 제 생각에 저도 받을 수 있겠죠!"
Daniel Radcliffe in pre recorded message: Hello Blue Peter. Hello Jo. Um, I hear you are receiving a gold Blue Peter badge, you lucky thing you, and I hope, that after film six and seven are completed, I think I thoroughly deserve one too!
[Jo laughs as the credits roll]
Transcript of the extended interview. This bonus footage was only available to digital viewers.
QUESTION: Why did you just make seven books, why not more?
JKR: Well, the story I had planned really worked well as a seven-book series, because it's one book for every year of Harry's, erm, schooling. So I planned, erm, I planned the way it would end quite a long time ago, and that was at the end of the seventh book.
왜 7권으로 구상했죠 더 많이 쓰지 않구요?
-시리즈는 7권짜리로 계획했었답니다. 왜냐면 한 권당 해리의 한 해이고, 학교에서 보내는 것 말이죠. 옛날부터 계획했고 7권으로 끝냈죠.
GJ: Are you sad that this will be the end, there is no more Harry Potter books?
JKR: I ... I am sad, yes, but erm, I've had a long time to get used to the idea that it would finish at the end of Book Seven. So, so there's also a big sense of achievement that I've got where I've been planning to get for seventeen years, so it's like finishing a huge exam in one way.
QUESTION: During the course of the seven books you've written, have any of the characters developed in an unexpected way that has surprised even you, the creator of them?
JKR: Ummmm ... sometimes characters misbehave a little bit, and want to do their own thing. But I think I know them very very well, so they've never really taken me by surprise. Except -- I can say this because it hasn't happened but there is speculation at one point on the internet that Neville and Luna would end up together (audience giggles). And I said, "No, that won't happen." But you know what, while writing Seven, I started to feel a bit of a pull between Luna and Neville in a way. I started to see how that could work, but it hasn't happened. That was an interesting thing. The moment I'd said, "Of course, they would never fancy each other," I go... I don't know... You know, I kind of see that.
7권을 진행해오는동안, 당신이 생각하지 못했던 방향으로 디벨롭되었던 캐릭터들이 있나요?
-으으음.... 가끔 캐릭터들은 조금씩 misbehave 하긴 해요.. 자기들 스스로 움직이려고 하죠. 하지만 제 생각에 전 그들을 아주 잘 알고 있고, 캐릭터가 절 놀래킬 일은 절대 없었어요. 음..하나 뺴놓고. 일어나지 않았던 일이니까 말할 수 있답니다. 어떤 추측이 있었는데 인터넷에서.. 네빌과 루나가 이루어질거라고 말이죠. 그래서 전 말했어요, "그런 일은 일어나지 않아요." 하지만 아시겠지만 7권을 쓰는동안, 네빌과 루나 사이에 끌림을 느끼게 되었죠. 이게 어떻게 일어나는지 보려고 했는데, 뭐 결국 일어나지 않았어요. 흥미로운 일이었죠. 그 순간 전 말했었는데 "오 물론, 서로 절대 끌릴 일이 없겠지" 했는데...모르겠어요.... 약간 그런걸 봤었네요.
+)그리고 영화에서 예이츠가 써다먹었지..
GJ: Hannah.
HANNAH: Do the Harry Potter books have a deep meaning about life or are people reading too much into them?
JKR: Well, there are deeper meanings in there because I'm dealing with, erm, with Death. You're, you're exploring quite, well, very big themes, really, when you're talking about life and death and evil and goodness and, and the nature of loyalty and so on. So, erm, yes, but that doesn't mean to say that, ummmm ... I don't think they're worthy books in the sense that you, you don't, I hope you don't feel that there is a moral being rammed down your throat at every page. I think they can be read as a straightforward adventure story, and you can take from them what you want. So that's probably why they work quite well for people of different ages.
-해리포터책이 삶에 대한 깊은 의미를 가지고 있는건가요 아님 사람들이 너무 나간건가요?
-음, 깊은 의미들이 있어요 왜냐면 제가 dealing with한 거니깐, 음, 죽음에 대해서 말이죠. 당신은 아주 큰 테마를 탐험하고 있는거예요.. 당신이 삶과 죽음, 선악에 대해 이야기 할 때, 그리고 충직에 대한 본성에 대해 말할때...말이죠. 그래요 하지만.. 그게 가치있는 책이라고 생각하진 않아요. 매번 책장을 넘길때마다 도덕적일것을 강요받는 기분이 들게 만드는 책이라면요. 모험이야기로 직관적으로 읽힐 수 있죠. 하지만 당신이 원하는 걸 취할 수 있어요. 그러니까 다양한 연령대의 사람들에게 잘 들어맞는 책이 된 것이겠죠.
GJ: Ready and willing in his fantastic cape over there, it's James!
JKR: It is a great cape. I like it, I like it a lot.
JAMES: Did knowing that the later books would be turned into films affect how you wrote them, in particular how the actors portray the characters.
JKR: I'm often asked that, and I think it's a very good question. The truthful answer is No. I think maybe twice, literally in the writing of the whole series, and one of them was when I wrote the giant, Grawp. I thought, "They've gotta film that. Oh well." That was one time when I stopped and thought, because CGI, Computer Generated Imagery, is very expensive to do. But I can't. That's the glory of being a novelist, you know, I probably spend billions of Pounds on a page... It's Warner Bros.' problem, so they keep up with me. So, no, it doesn't affect what I write. I suppose you become a little bit more aware when you stand back from the story, that it might be challenging to do as a film, but that never affects me while I'm actually creating it, or stops me doing anything or makes me do anything.
이전 책들이 영화로 만들어지는 걸 알고 있었던 게 당신의 글 작업에 영향을 미쳤나요, 구체적으로, 어떻게 배우들이 캐릭터를 연기하는지 같은 점들이요.
-가끔 들었던 질문인데, 음 아주 좋은 질문이네요. 솔직히, 아니요. 아마 두번 생각해봤지만, 글자 그대로 전체 시리즈를 쓰는동안 말이죠, 하나는 거인 Grawp에 대해 쓸 때였어요. 전 생각했죠, "영화로 만들겠지, 그래." 그때가 제가 잠깐 멈추고 생각했던 때랍니다, CG때문에요.. CG작업이 굉장히 비싸잖아요. 하지만 어쩔 수 없더라구요. 이건 소설가로서의 영예랍니다, 아시겠지만, 페이지마다 수백만 달러를 펑펑 쓰고 있죠... 그건 워너브라더스 문제고, 뭐 그들이 저랑 계속 같이 일하니까요. 그러니까 제가 글 작업 하는것엔 영향을 미치지 않아요. 이야기에서 조금 거리를 두고 주의깊게보면.. 영화로 만들어지기 조금 까다롭지만, 뭐 쨌든 저한텐 영향을 미치지 않아요 제가 실제로 만들어내는데는요, 제가 뭔가 해내는걸 멈추지도 않구요, 제가 뭘 만들어내게 하지도 않구요.
GJ: Interesting. Okay, Rhys is next.
RHYS: If you can have one item from the world of Harry Potter, what would it be and why?
JKR: Ummmm.... I think the Pensieve would be tempting. Very tempting. To be able to go back and relive moments and look at them from different angles would be wonderful, but quite frightening as well. The thing is, most of the magical objects in Harry Potter are double-edged in some way. There are very few objects that are straight -- that are completely benign. They all seem to have some sort of negative quality to them. So, and it's how you use them. And there are a couple of objects in Book Seven that might be quite desirable, but you have to wait to find out about that.
GJ: What would you choose, Rhys?
RHYS: I'd probably choose a wand, because there's a lot you could use it for, but you have to use it in a good way. There's a lot of advantages to having one if you could.
해리포터 세계에서 하나 아이템을 고를 수 있다면 뭘 고를거예요?
-음 펜시브가 좋겠네요. 오 끌려요. 돌아가서 순간을 relieve할 수 있죠. 그리고 다른 시각으로 보는건 아주 멋지잖아요, 조금 무섭기도 하지만. 해리포터에서 가장 마법적인 물건이죠...어떤 의미로는 양면적인. 몇몇 물건들은 아주 직관적이고--그것들은 아주 순수하구요. 모두 약간 negative quality를 가지고 있는 것처럼 보여요. 그러니까, 당신이 쓰기에 따라 달린거예요. 7권에 나오는 물건들이 있는데 아마 끌릴거예요, 하지만 그게 뭔지 알려면 좀 기다려야해요.
GJ: Alright, Naomi.
NAOMI: Can you tell us a bit more about Trevor the Toad? Is he an animagus of Neville's Uncle Algie?
JKR: See, I love all these theories, I really love this. Ummm, no. But I love the fact that everyone is now so tuned in to the Harry Potter world that every tiny part and character is closely examined through a microscope by devoted readers to decide what they're hiding. But no, Trevor really is just a toad. That is definitely it. He's not the dead Dumbledore come back to help anyone... (unintelligible).
두꺼비 트레버에 대해서 좀 더 말해주세요, 네빌의 삼촌 Algie가 변한 애니마구스인가요?
-오, 전 이런 썰들 정말 좋아해요. 정말 좋아해요 하지만 아니요. 하지만 전 이런거 정말 좋아해요.. 모두가 해리포터 세계에 빠져서 엄청 세밀한 부분들과 캐릭터를 현미경으로 보듯이 샅샅이 조사하고 있죠..뭐가 숨겨져있는지 알아내려는 충성스런 독자분들이 말이예요. 하지만, 트레버는 그냥 두꺼비예요. 정말 두꺼비랍니다. 그는 누군갈 도와주기 위해서 돌아온 죽은 덤블도어가 아니예요...
GJ: Rose, you're up next.
ROSE: My question is did Albus Dumbledore ever fall in love?
JKR: Ummmm... Well, in the course of a long life, I think nearly everyone falls in love, but you probably shouldn't read too much into that answer.
-알버스 덤블도어는 사랑에 빠졌던 적이 있나요?
-음......네, 물론요 그는 긴 삶을 살았으니까요. 제 생각에 대부분 모두가 사랑에 빠지지 않을까요, 하지만 그 질문때문에 너무 깊게 읽지는 말아요..
GJ: Great stuff, fascinating. Even Lucy's come back... Ally, what's your question?
Ellie: Why didn't Harry use the time-turner to save his parents?
JKR: Oh, that's a very good question, that. But it would take us into "Terminator" territory, if you've ever seen the "Terminator" films... but never mind. Well, the time-turner was a very difficult invention for me, because it created as many problems as it solved. And anyone who's read Order of the Phoenix may have noticed that during the climactic scene in which they chase through the Ministry of Magic, they shatter all the time-turners, thereby preventing them using those in the future.
왜 해리는 부모님을 구하기 위해 타임터너를 쓰지 않죠?
-좋은 질문이예요, 하지만 우리 "터미네이터"를 생각해봐요... 보지 않았더라도 말이에요 뭐 신경쓰지 말아요. 음 타임터너는 저한텐 꽤 어려운 발명품이었어요. 왜냐면 그게 문제를 해결하는것만큼 많은 문제들을 만들어내니까요. 그리고 5권을 읽었던 독자라면, 마법부의 클라이막스 신에서, 그들은 모든 타임 터너를 깨부숴버리죠... 그래서 아무도 미래에 타임터너를 쓸 수 없게 되구요.
ZS: And it's time for more questions now. Jade.
Jade: If you were stranded on a desert island for a day and you could only pick one character from all of your books to keep you company, who would it be and why?
JKR: I think on a desert island it would have to be Hagrid, wouldn't it. I think he'd be really handy. 'Cause he could reach coconuts and things without really... he could just climb a tree, he could break stuff for me, any wild animals around... mind you he would keep them, he wouldn't want to get rid of them, so... But I think if you're looking for someone who'll be very useful on a desert island, it would have to be Hagrid.
하루동안 무인도에 가게 된다면 책에 나오는 캐릭터 중 데려가고 싶은 단 한명은 누구인가요? 이유는요?
-무인도라면 해그리드요. 그는 굉장히 handy하니까요. 그는 코코넛에도 손이닿고, 뭐 나무를 오를 수도 있고, 절 위해 물건들을 부셔주거나.. 근처에 있는 동물들을 사냥해오거나... 음 그가 그들을 데려가려고 하면... 그쵸 야생동물을 죽이진 않을 것 같네요... 하지만 누군가 무인도에 데려갔을 때 유용한 사람이라면 그건 바로 해그리드라고 생각해요.
ZS: Ellen.
ELLEN: When you're writing scary bits do scary tunes come into your head?
JKR: Scary tunes? ("Psycho" tune plays in background) Like the "Jaws" thing or something? Ummm... not really. I have been a little bit scared of ideas that come to me. But then I write them, and then you stop being frightened. But funnily enough, one of the scariest things that had ever occurred to me was the face in the back of the head in the first book. Whenever people say to me the books have gotten so much scarier, which I think they have. They have become darker and darker because Voldemort is getting stronger and stronger. I'd always look back at that first book, and think that wasn't all fluffy and lovely, was it? That was pretty creepy.
무서운 장면을 쓸때 머리속에 무서운 음악이 생각나나요?
무서운 음악이요?(배경음악으로 싸이코 비쥐엠 나옴) 뭐 죠스같은거요..?음 아니요. 머리속에 비쥐엠이 깔린다니 좀 무섭네요. 하지만 제가 쓰는 순간 그때부터 무섭지 않아요. 좀 웃기지만, 저한테 제일 무서운 것들은... 1권 첫부분을 다시 읽어볼 때랍니다.. 사람들이 저한테 아 책이 너무 무서워졌어요라고 이야기하면, 책은 계속 계속 어두워졌고...왜냐면 볼드모트가 점점 더 강해졌으니까요. 전 언제나 1권을 다시 보곤 하는데, 모든게 보송보송하고 사랑스럽지는 않았다고 생각해요, 안그래요? 좀 크리피하죠.
KH: Karen, you've got a question.
KAREN: If you made your own Horcrux what would the object be?
JKR: Well, of course, I would never make a Horcrux because it does terrible damage to you. It's quite evil magic. So, no I don't... I think to have the mentality that you'd be looking out for objects to turn into Horcruxes would be pretty bad, so I'm not interested in making one of them [giggles].
당신의 호크룩스를 만든다면 무슨 물건일까요?
-음 물론 전 호크룩스를 절대 만들지 않을거예요 왜냐면 엄청난 데미지를 주니깐요. 아주 악한 마법이랍니다. 그러니까 안할거예요... 호크룩스로 만들 물건을 찾아보는 멘탈은 아주 나쁜 거예요... 그러니까 전 호크룩스 만드는데는 관심을 두지 않겠어요.(웃음)
QUESTION: What is your favorite invention from Fred and George's joke shop and why?
JKR: Skiving Snackboxes of course. Well actually... no, that's not quite true. The very best thing for me that they did was the ummm... Daydream. When you sort of... it's sort of a portable daydream that you can experience the moment you want to. Someone here has read the book about ten times, so she can remember the exact phrasing better than I can. That's my favorite thing. But the thing that you see them use is the Skiving Snackboxes, they would be very handy. I used to be very prone to nosebleeds when I was younger and it was excellent sitting there in your classes and there I go, I'm off, I'm out. And that's where the idea came from, because one of the things that they make is Nosebleed Nougats, something that you can just make happen to get you out of class.
프레드와 조지의 장난감 가게에서 제일 맘에 드는 것은 무엇인가요?
-Skiving Snackboxes(번역이 어떻게 되었었는지 기억이 안남) 이죠 물론. 음 사실... 사실은 아니예요. 저한테 제일 좋은 건..Daydream이요.
GJ & ZS: Handy. George. What is your question?
GEORGE: If you could visit Diagon Alley, what shop would you spend the most time in and why?
JKR: Ummmm... that's a really hard one. When I visited the set of Diagon Alley ages ago now... I didn't know... 'Cause they make all the inside of the shops as well not just... and you can walk into them. So I just didn't know where to go first. So, ummm, I think probably Flourish and Blotts [the bookstore in Diagon Alley]. I think I would want to see those books more than anything else.
다이애건 앨리를 방문하게 된다면 제일 쇼핑하고 싶은 곳은 어디인가요?
-음 어려운 질문이네요. 예전에 다이애건앨리 세트를 방문한 적이 있었는데... 모르겠어요.. 가게 안을 다 잘 꾸며놨더라구요. (중략) Flourish and Blotts (서점)일 것 같아요.
ZS: Joshua, what is your question?
JOSHUA: What was the reason for making Harry Potter a boy and not a girl?
JKR: Well I've been asked that a lot, and the reason, I think, is that that's how he came to me. I had an idea for a boy and not for a girl. He came very suddenly, and I saw him very clearly and so, there he was! He was a boy. I never even thought about turning him into Harriet. He's always been Harry to me.
해리의 성별이 남자여야 했던 이유?
-(97년부터 계속 나오는 질문이군) 질문 많이 받았었던 질문이고, 그냥 해리가 나에게 왔기 때문. 소녀가 아닌 소년의 이미지가 있었고, (중략)
AILEEN: What shape would Snape's boggart take and what would he see if he looked into the Mirror of Erised and why?
JKR: Well. I'm not sure what his Boggart would be. But it's closely related ... well I suppose I do know, I've never thought about it before, but I suppose, thinking about it, I do know what it would be, and it would be related to what he saw in the Mirror of Erised. So I really don't think I can answer that.
Snape의 보가트와 소망의 거울에 비치는 모습은 무엇인가?
-보가트가 무엇일 진 모르겠지만.. 아주 깊게 연관되어 있을 것 같은데. 내가 안다고 가정하고, 그 전에는 생각해본 적 없었는데 -소망의 거울에서 보는 그것과 아주 연관이 깊을것이라 생각해요.
ANDREW: If you were a wizard and you knew nothing about Muggles, what everyday Muggle item would intrigue you the most?
JKR: Oh, ummmmm. I have to think myself into Mr. Weasley's mindset there. And I think Mr. Weasley would probably give his left leg for a computer. Because he's fascinated, rightly, by how ingenious we -- because we have to be so clever to invent the things that the wizards can do by magic. And computers do a lot of things that wizards can do with a wand, in getting information and creating things, so, probably a computer.
당신이 마법사고 머글에 대해 알고있다면, 당신이 가장 흥미를 가질 에브리데이 머글 아이템은 무엇일까요?
-아서에게 빙의해보겠습니다.. 아서는 컴퓨터에 흥미가질 것 같네요. 왜냐면 그가 완전히 매혹되어있기 때문에.. 얼마나 천재적인가! 법사들이 마법으로 할 수 있는 것들을 발명해내다니! 컴퓨터는 법사들이 지팡이로 할 수 있는 많은 것들을 할 수 있으니까요. (중략)
ZS: Jordan.
JORDAN: If you had to cast the Patronus charm then what would your happy memory be?
JKR: Oh, I've got loads and loads and loads of happy memories that I can draw on. Ummmm... I think that the births of each of my three children would probably produce the strongest Patronuses. But finding out that Philosopher's Stone was gonna be published would be a very close fourth.
AA: Hey, Jo, thanks very much for coming to answer these questions. Have you guys all had a good time?
당신이 패트로누스를 불러낼 때 상기할 행복한 기억은 무엇인가요?
-세 아이가 태어나던 날이 가장 강력한 패트로누스를 불러낼 수 있을 것 같다. 1권 출판했던 기억도 네번째로 가장 행복한 기억 쯤 될 것 같네요.
Original page date 20 July 2007; last updated 25th July 2007.
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