(x: https://www.pottermore.com/features/the-hardest-wizarding-world-spells)
법사세계에서 가장 어려운 마법은 무엇일까요 번역
1. 순간이동(사라졌다/나타났다) 운전면허처럼 17세 이상이 되면 ㅁ법부 허가를 받아서만 사용가능. 고난이도의 멘탈스킬 필요: 3D(목적지,의지,신중함)
2. 무언/무지팡이 마법 마법은 어렵지만 제일전래어려운마법은 무언/무지팡이. 무언마법은 지팡이를 들고. 하지만 집중과 정신력 중요. 알파벳을 배우는것과 전쟁과평화 읽는 차이라고 생각하면됨.. 무언보다 어려운게 무지팡이마법.. 마법은 불과 같아서 사납고 /무질서하고/불안정하니까 지팡이를 사용하여 길들이는 것 무지팡이 마법은 끝판왕급 스킬과 제어하는 법 훈련하기 등등이 필요. 무지팡이마법이란 지진났을 때 두손놓고 자전거 타기와 같다
+)이야 영감즈 대단하내 가방 뺏고 박수로 홀에 걸린 휘장바꾸고
3. 패트로누스 전래 모든힘을 다해 행복한 기억에 집중하고 지팡이로 원을 그리며 "익스펙토 패트로눔" 주문 외워야시전됨 은빛만 나오는 경우와 수호동물(시전자의 성격반영)의 형체를 띠는 경우가 있음..감정/마법에 둘 다 집중해야해서 고난도 해리는 최연소시전자
4.오클러먼시 패트로누스급으로 어렵지만 다른 능력이 필요: 감정을 포용해야한다면 이건 감정을 비워야해서..그래야 레질리먼시로도 그 어떤 감정이나 생각도 읽지 못함. 안보이니깐.
+)오 이건 마침 정리중이었는데 ㅍㅌㅁㅇ에 뜨다니 운명같군. 05인터뷰 본문 알고있어서 추가서술하자면 해리가 ㅇㅋㄹㅁㅅ에 실패하는 이유는 감정의 영향을 넘 많이받기때문이고 damaged이고. 그치만 그 감정들을 정직하게 마주하고 감정과 기억들에 굴복하진않는다.. 드레이코의 경우는 그의 삶과 감정을 별개의것으로 잘 분리할 수 있는(compartmentalizing) 유형의 사람이며. 실제로도 언제나 그래왔음. D의 경우 그의 동정심(pity)과 연민(compassion)을 차단할 수 있고(shut down)~ 쨌든 감정적인 면을 많이 버리고 비워야 하는듯..
5. 비행 볼디가 마왕이 아니었으면 비행으로 유명해졌을 것이다. 그는 마법으론 불가능하다고 간주되어왔던 비행마법을 발명.. 이 엄청난걸 공개한 순간이 포터쥬기기위해서라니-<7명의 포터>에서 볼디는 빗자루도 세스트랄도 없이 날아다녔는데 역사상 처음이라고
6. 호크룩스 영혼을 쪼개 물건에 담는것으로 물건이 파괴되기 전까진 죽지않음 전래 다크하고 악랄한 관계로 비밀로 취급됨.. 시도는 많았지만 성공자는 딱 두명: 고대 그리스 어둠법사 Herpo the Foul이 한개 톰리들이 일곱개 전래 대단하죠(라고 써있음) 주문+말하기엔 전래 공포스러운 "할일들"을 해야함.. 영혼쪼개는 방법은 살인..살인은 악행의 최고봉이며 영혼을 찢어놓는 행위. 용서받지못할 저주처럼 영혼쪼개기도 네가 어떤 사람이냐에 따라 달렸다고. 프로세스도 어렵지만 "존재"도 문제. 영혼쪼개기란 덜충분한 영혼으로 살아간단것을 의미. 영혼을 7개로 쪼개니까 남은 영혼은 살아남기에 넘 취약했던것-그래서 해리를 죽일때도 영혼이 튕겨져나감. 그리고 자기신체도 훼손해야한다고..살수는 있지만 육체의 형태가 아닌채로..4권에서 V대사 "몸을 잃고, 영혼보다도 못한, 유령보다도 못한 존재였다. 하지만 난, 살아있었지"
하여간 썸업하면 -순간이동 -무언/무지팡이 -패트로누스 -오클러먼시 -비행 -호크룩스 세봤는데 겔 이중 넷 마스터 알은 세개? 볼디 네개 예예...먼치킨들이시다..
Remember the days when Wingardium Leviosa used to be tricky?
Magic, by its very nature, is difficult. That's why witches and wizards go to Hogwarts – to learn how to control it. But there are certain spells that go beyond the capabilities of the average wizard; that require more than just knowing how to perform magic, but how to master it.
Here are some of the toughest…
Apparition and Disapparition
Apparition – the magical form of teleportation – is not the spell of masters. In fact, it's a fairly common sight in the world of Harry Potter. But it is a spell that's notoriously tricky to get right, and particularly bloody if it goes wrong. Hence why, to Apparate and Disapparate, wizards need to be over 17 and have a licence from the Department of Magical Transportation, which requires them to pass a test. Similar to Muggles and driving tests, but with slightly more chance of leaving your legs at home.
Apparition is so tricky because it requires a high level of mental skill – a level that most wizards, especially kids, are not capable of. When teaching Harry's class in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Apparition Instructor Wilkie Twycross described the spell as consisting of three Ds: ‘Destination, Determination and Deliberation’. This, as you can imagine, leads to some wizards having their minds in two places at once, which usually ends in Splinching – having body parts in two places at once, as Ron gruesomely demonstrated in Deathly Hallows.
Non-verbal spells and wandless magic
As already established, magic is a difficult thing. But for difficulty level extreme, you need to go silent, or even hands-free.
Non-verbal spells are those typically performed with a wand, but without saying the incantation out loud. The advantage, according to Professor Snape, is that ‘those who progress to using magic without shouting incantations gain an element of surprise in their spell-casting’. But it's a feat that requires enormous ‘concentration and mind power’, with the spell-caster having to summon the spell in their mind, rather than out loud. It's the difference between learning the alphabet, and having to read War and Peace – the students of Hogwarts experience it in their sixth year, when they’re expected to only perform only non-verbal spells from then on.
Even harder than that, however, is wandless magic. To perform magic without a wand is beyond most wizards. As much like fire, magic can be raging, chaotic and volatile – that's why wizards use wands to channel it – and requires the utmost skill and discipline to control. Wandless magic is like riding a bike with no hands – during an earthquake.
Patronus Charm
To cast the Patronus Charm successfully, the wizard casting it must concentrate, with all their might, on the happiest memory they have: it’s fuel for the Patronus, which is a projection of positive energy. They must then draw circles with their wand, and say the incantation ‘Expecto Patronum'. If it works, then there are two forms of Patronus that can be cast. A non-corporeal one, which is just a burst of silver light from the wand; or a fully formed corporeal guardian, taking the shape of the animal that best reflects the caster’s personality.
To cast either is an achievement, although the latter is so difficult as to be considered unusual. This is because very few wizards possess the skill to concentrate on both the spell and their emotions. Even so, Harry Potter was able to master the spell in his own time at Hogwarts – making him one of the youngest wizards to do so – and he even taught it to members of Dumbledore’s Army, way beyond their years.
A spell that Harry certainly did not master during his time at Hogwarts was Occlumency, the obscure and ancient art of closing your mind against Legilimens, those who intrude upon other people’s minds. In terms of difficulty, it is probably on the same level as the Patronus Charm, but both demand very different disciplines, one which Harry excelled at, and one he just couldn’t nail.
Because while the Patronus Charm requires you to embrace emotion, Occlumency requires you to empty yourself of it – to clear your mind. Only then will you be able to prevent a Legilimens from discovering any feeling or thought, because there are no feelings or thoughts to discover.
So Occlumency requires a certain type of mentality to work. This is why Draco Malfoy, who had to use Occlumency to hide his plan to kill Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, excelled where Harry had failed.
In an interview in 2005, J.K. Rowling even confirmed as much: ‘I think Draco would be very gifted in Occlumency,' she said, ‘unlike Harry. Harry’s problem with it was always that his emotions were too near the surface and that he is in some ways too damaged. But he’s also very in touch with his feelings about what's happened to him. He's not repressed, he's quite honest about facing them, and he couldn't suppress them, he couldn't suppress these memories. But I thought of Draco as someone who is very capable of compartmentalising his life and his emotions, and always has done.’
If Lord Voldemort wasn't one of the most evil wizards the wizarding world’s ever known, then he would surely be remembered as one of its most brilliant. Case in point: he achieved what was long thought to be a magical impossibility, and invented a spell that allows the user to fly. Not levitate, not ride a broom, but fly unaided high among the clouds. How incredible is that? It's just a shame that his first public display of it was an attempt to kill Harry Potter.
It happened during the 'The Seven Potters' chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where the Order of the Phoenix are trying to move Harry to a safe location, but are attacked on the way. Here's the shocking moment: 'And then Harry saw him. Voldemort was flying like smoke on the wind, without broomstick or Thestral to hold him, his snake-like face gleaming out of the blackness, his white fingers raising his wand again.'
Given that only Voldemort can perform it, there's no way of knowing for sure how difficult flying is. But given that he was the first wizard in all of history to create such a spell, it's safe to assume that Madam Hooch has nothing to worry about.
Creating a Horcrux
And so we arrive at creating a Horcrux, one of the – if not the – most difficult and extreme pieces of magic the wizarding world has to offer, for various reasons.
A Horcrux is created when a wizard takes an object and binds a piece of their soul to it. The purpose is immortality, with the logic going that as long as a piece of your soul survives within the object, then you can never truly die. It's magic so Dark, so heinous, that it's been kept a secret from most of the wizarding world. Yet despite many trying, there are only two known wizards to have discovered how to perform it: an Ancient Greek Dark wizard called Herpo the Foul, who created one Horcrux; and Voldemort, who mastered the spell and created seven. Again, as with flight, it's an example of how Tom Riddle's exceptional talents have been twisted into evil.
The actual process of creating a Horcrux is unknown; according to J.K. Rowling, it involves a spell and a 'series of things you would have to do' that are 'too horrible' to say out loud. What we do know, however, is how to split a soul – murder. According to Horace Slughorn, murder is, 'the supreme act of evil... Killing rips the soul apart. The wizard intent upon creating a Horcrux would use the damage to his advantage: he would then encase the torn portion.' As with the Unforgivable Curses, the difficulty of splitting your soul depends upon what kind of person you are – on how easy you would find it to kill.
But then, beyond splitting your soul, beyond the mysterious process of welding a piece of it on to an object, there's also the matter of simply existing. For to split your soul means to have less of a soul to live with. By splitting his into seven parts, the remnant of Voldemort's soul is said to have become unstable – which is part of the reason why it finally broke apart when he tried to murder baby Harry in Godric's Hollow. What followed next was the toughest part of creating a Horcrux – the physical body being destroyed. You live on, you see, but in a non-corporeal form. Voldemort described it in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 'I was ripped from my body, I was less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost… but still, I was alive.'
As Professor Slughorn once said, 'Death would be preferable.'
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