다 찾아보고 덕질하는데 원작 캐논 개무시하고 덕질한다고 욕먹으면 넘 슬프지 디테일 부족해서 인터뷰 다 뒤져보는 덕질인데
원작 분량 쥐콩만한거 다 찾아보고 읽고 1편부터 7편까지 이어지는 언급 다 찾고 HBP-DH에서 이어지는 대사들 확인하고
작가에 제작자 인터뷰까지 다 읽고 영화 스크립트에 캐릭터북에 케이스북 찾을 수 있는 아티클은 다 읽고 캐해석하고 덕질하는데,,,원작 서사가 넘 찌통이라 해피월드 AU도 만들어서 드림썰도 풀고 하는거지여 캐릭터는 욕해도 덕질하는 사람들은 욕하지말아주라
아..하.. 좀 더 손쉬운 덕질을 위해서 검색을 해볼걸^^....JKR과 팬의 the relationship between Grindelwald and Dumbledore 담화 전문을 찾았내여 번역해보갰읍니다 출처: http://everythingharrypotter.tumblr.com/post/386974264/a-conversation-between-jk-rowling-melissa …
JKR:[re: Grindelwald] I think he was a user and a narcissist and I think someone like that would use it, would use the infatuation. I don't think that he would reciprocate in that way, although he would be as dazzled by Dumbledore as Dumbledore was by him, because he would see in Dumbledore, 'My God, I never knew there was someone as brilliant as me, as talented as me, as powerful as me. Together, we are unstoppable!' So I think he would take anything from Dumbledore to have him on his side.
MA:It reminds me of WICKED, did you ever read WICKED?
MA:Maguire does retellings of old fairytales and he made a very cerebral book about the Wicked Witch of the West, and Glinda, and how they used to be best friends.
JKR:Oh really...MA:It's very similar; she went one way to fight injustice and fight the wizard, and Glinda went the other, to be the political figure and play into the system. Really interesting.
JKR:Well, it's the old fallen angel idea in some ways, isn't it? It's God and Lucifer.
MA:I wanted to ask you about that, because Grindelwald resembles - the golden curls, the first person I thought of was Lucifer.
JKR:Mm-hm. So you can call it a fraternal bond, but I think it makes it more tragic for Dumbledore. I also think it makes Dumbledore a little less culpable. I see him as fundamentally a very intellectual, brilliant and precocious person whose emotional life was absolutely subjugated to the life of the mind - by his choice - and then his first foray into the world of emotion is catastrophic and I think that would forevermore stun that part of his life and leave it stultified and he would be, what he becomes. That's what I saw as Dumbledore's past. That's always what I saw was in his past. And he keeps a distance between himself and others through humour, a certain detachment and a frivolity of manner. But he's also isolated by his brain. He's isolated by the fact he knows so much, guesses so much, guesses correctly. He has to play his cards close to his chest because he doesn't want Voldemort to know what he suspects. Terrible to be Dumbledore, really, by the end he must have thought it would be quite nice to check out and just hope that everything works out well. [Laughter.]
MA:Because he's set up this massive chess game -
JKR:Mm, this massive chess game. But I said to Arthur, my American editor - we had an interesting conversation during the editing of seven - the moment when Harry takes Draco's wand, Arthur said, God, that's the moment when the ownership of the Elder wand is actually transferred? And I said, that's right. He said, shouldn't that be a bit more dramatic? And I said, no, not at all, the reverse. I said to Arthur, I think it really puts the elaborate, grandiose plans of Dumbledore and Voldemort in their place. That actually the history of the wizarding world hinged on two teenage boys wrestling with each other. They weren't even using magic. It became an ugly little corner tussle for the possession of wands. And I really liked that - that very human moment, as opposed to these two wizards who were twitching strings and manipulating and implanting information and husbanding information and guarding information, you know?Ultimately it just came down to that, a little scuffle and fistfight in the corner and pulling a wand away.
MA:It says a lot about the world at large, I think, about conflict in the world, it's these little things -
JKR:And the difference one individual can make. Always, the difference one individual can make.
J: 그린델왈드에 대해- 난 그가 user이고, 나르시스트라 생각해요. 그리고 내 생각인데 이런.. 사람들은, 음, 사람을 완전히 사로잡는(infatuation) 방법을 사용하죠. 그가 "로맨틱한" 방식("in that way")으로 보답하지는 않았을 거라 생각해요. 하지만 물론 그 또한 덤블도어에게 열렬하게 사로잡혀(dazzled)있었죠. .. "와 세상에, 전혀 몰랐어.. 세상에 나만큼 천재적이고, 나만큼 재능있고, 나만큼 파워풀 한 사람이 있었네. 함께한다면 우릴 아무도 막을 수 없겠지!"
해서 내 생각엔, 그(겔러트)는 자기 옆에 덤블도어를 두기 위해..덤블도어에게 뭐든지 취해낼 수 있었을 거예요.(I think he would take anything from Dumbledore to have him on his side.)
150자로 번역 붙이기는 너무 힘들다..겔러트가 나르시스트인 건 넘나 당연한 말이었군요 나름 캐해석은 원작자의 마음에 맞게 하고 있었나보다 위키드의 모티브와 닮았다 겔을 보면 루시퍼가 생각난다는 말에 글쎄 그런 형제애적 관계보단..그게 덤블도어의 비극이었고..알버스는 감정적이기보다는 항상 (본인이 계획한)이성적 사고의 삶을 사는 사람이었고.. 처음으로 "감정"에 빠졌을 때 모든것이 완벽하게 대재앙이었으며..그때의 충격으로 여생을 감정으로부터 먼 삶을 살았고..
"And he keeps a distance between himself and others through humour, a certain detachment and a frivolity of manner."
오 이것도 젼나,, 중말년부터 온화하게 미친게 항상 자기 자아랑 다른사람들 앞에서의 자신을 분리시킨 것 같다는 생각했었는데 비슷하네요 다른사람들과의 거리지키기였다고 겔러트 외에 평생 자기가 그은 선을 넘은 사람은 다신 없었겠지
“Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. To an extent, do we say it excused Dumbledore a little more because falling in love can blind us to an extent? But, he met someone as brilliant as he was, and rather like Bellatrix he was very drawn to this brilliant person, and horribly, terribly let down by him.”
The deeper nature of the Dumbledore-Grindelwald relationship was first raised after the last Potter book was released in 2007, when J.K. Rowling revealed that Dumbledore was gay. She told a crowd of Potter fans at Carnegie Hall:
My truthful answer to you . . . I always thought of Dumbledore as gay. [ovation.] . . . Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. To an extent, do we say it excused Dumbledore a little more because falling in love can blind us to an extent? But, he met someone as brilliant as he was, and rather like Bellatrix he was very drawn to this brilliant person, and horribly, terribly let down by him. Yeah, that’s how I always saw Dumbledore. In fact, recently I was in a script read through for the sixth film, and they had Dumbledore saying a line to Harry early in the script saying I knew a girl once, whose hair . . . [laughter]. I had to write a little note in the margin and slide it along to the scriptwriter, “Dumbledore’s gay!” [laughter] “If I’d known it would make you so happy, I would have announced it years ago!”
So Dumbledore loved Grindelwald, but was it requited? Not quite. In 2010, Rowling clarified:
I think [Grindelwald] was a user and a narcissist and I think someone like that would use it, would use the infatuation. I don’t think that he would reciprocate in that way, although he would be as dazzled by Dumbledore as Dumbledore was by him, because he would see in Dumbledore, “My God, I never knew there was someone as brilliant as me, as talented as me, as powerful as me. Together, we are unstoppable!” So I think he would take anything from Dumbledore to have him on his side.
JKR: Mm-hm. So you can call it a fraternal bond, but I think it makes it more tragic for Dumbledore. I also think it makes Dumbledore a little less culpable. I see him as fundamentally a very intellectual, brilliant and precocious person whose emotional life was absolutely subjugated to the life of the mind - by his choice - and then his first foray into the world of emotion is catastrophic and I think that would forevermore stun that part of his life and leave it stultified and he would be, what he becomes. That's what I saw as Dumbledore's past. That's always what I saw was in his past. And he keeps a distance between himself and others through humour, a certain detachment and a frivolity of manner.
But he's also isolated by his brain. He's isolated by the fact he knows so much, guesses so much, guesses correctly. He has to play his cards close to his chest because he doesn't want Voldemort to know what he suspects. Terrible to be Dumbledore, really, by the end he must have thought it would be quite nice to check out and just hope that everything works out well. [Laughter.]
JKR: Mm, this massive chess game. But I said to Arthur, my American editor - we had an interesting conversation during the editing of seven - the moment when Harry takes Draco's wand, Arthur said, God, that's the moment when the ownership of the Elder wand is actually transferred? And I said, that's right. He said, shouldn't that be a bit more dramatic? And I said, no, not at all, the reverse. I said to Arthur, I think it really puts the elaborate, grandiose plans of Dumbledore and Voldemort in their place. That actually the history of the wizarding world hinged on two teenage boys wrestling with each other. They weren't even using magic. It became an ugly little corner tussle for the possession of wands. And I really liked that - that very human moment, as opposed to these two wizards who were twitching strings and manipulating and implanting information and husbanding information and guarding information, you know?
Ultimately it just came down to that, a little scuffle and fistfight in the corner and pulling a wand away.
2007: http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/2007/10/20/j-k-rowling-at-carnegie-hall-reveals-dumbledore-is-gay-neville-marries-hannah-abbott-and-scores-more/
2010: http://www.snitchseeker.com/harry-potter-news/j-k-rowling-explains-grindelwald-and-dumbledores-relationship-dracos-wand-transfer-71142/
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