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pottermore: All the exposés Rita Skeeter should have written

부분만 번역함

리타스키터는 볼드모트가 a thing이었던 시절 해리나 헤르미온느, 덤블도어 등에 대한 발칙한 기사들을 썼다. 리타, 정말요? (중략) 해리포터 시리즈에 등장하는 그녀의 문제 많은 저널리즘 커리어 내, 리타는 예언자 일보 기사를 통해 우리 모두가 사랑하는 대부분-해리, 해그리드, 헤르미온느 등-에 대한 명성을 흠집내기 위해서 아주 열심히 일해왔다. 알버스 덤블도어, 우리의 사랑받는 국보에 대해서는, 리타는 그의 비극적인 가족사를 파헤치기 위해 아예 책을 내기까지 했는데: 알버스 덤블도어의 삶과 거짓말. 심지어 말을 덧붙이자면 그녀는 이 책을 가엾은 남자의 죽음 이후 팔아치웠다.

리타, 팁을 줄게요. 누군가의 삶을 박살내는 폭로글을 쓸 때에는 당신 크기에 맞는 누군가를 고르도록해요. 혹은 당신이랑 모럴이 비슷한 사람을 말이죠. 흠, 미래에 기사를 좀 팔아볼 인물들을 몇 명 추천해주죠.

볼드모트 /루도 버그먼 /질데로이 록허트

겔러트 그린델왈드와의 불평(푸념)

두운을 맞추려는 거지만, 꽤 괜찮은 포인트일것이다. 리타는 알버스 덤블도어의 명성과 오점에 단단히 흠집을 내기 위해 그를 왜곡했다. 하지만 알버스의 예전 친구는 모든 나쁜 아이디어를 가지고 있는 한 사람인데. 만약 리타가 preachly on a high horse를 하고 싶다면, 반드시 이 마법사를 골라야 할 것이다. 그렇다, 우리는 <알버스 덤블도어의 삶과 거짓말>을 통해 그린델왈드에 대해 조금 알게 되었지만 이것은 그저 빙산의 팁일 뿐이다. 예를 들자면, 겔러트의 학창시절은 간단히 언급되는데, 부적절한 실험(twisted experiments) 떄문에 덤스트랭에서 퇴학을 당했다는 것이다. 약간 으스스하지만, 대체 그 부적절한 실험이 정확히 무엇이었는지 알 수 있지 않을까?

Gripes with Gellert Grindelwald
It’s alliterative, and it’s a fair-enough point. Rita may have skewered Albus Dumbledore to get that coveted spot at Flourish and Blotts, but Albus’s former friend was the one with all the bad ideas. If Rita wanted to get all preachy on a high horse, surely this was the wizard to choose. Yes, we do learn a little about Grindelwald during The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, but it was very much the tip of the iceberg. For example, Gellert’s school life is briefly mentioned, and it was noted he was expelled from Durmstrang because of his ‘twisted experiments’. Call us macabre, but what exactly were those twisted experiments, per chance?

말포이 가족 /돌로레스 엄브릿지 /애버포스 덤블도어 

Rita Skeeter wrote damning reports on the likes of Harry, Hermione and Dumbledore in a world where Lord Voldemort was a thing. Rita, really? Pick your battles.

Not that we’re trying to encourage Rita, but if you’re going to tarnish someone’s reputation with your Quick-Quotes Quill, at least pick someone who deserves it.

During her problematic journalism career throughout the Harry Potter books, Rita worked hard to ruin the reps of pretty much everyone we actually liked with her damning Daily Prophet articles, such as Harry, Hagrid and Hermione. With Albus Dumbledore, our beloved national treasure, Rita went one worse, cashing in on his family tragedies with a full book all about it: The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. For added measure, she flogged this after the poor man’s death.

Rita, here’s a tip: pick on someone your own size when you’re writing your life-ruining exposés — or at least someone with the same sized morals as you. In fact, here are a few suggestions of who to bug in the future.

Lord Voldemort is just a terrible person: the never-ending column
Hey Rita, one of the Darkest wizards of all time called — he just wanted to say that he is absolutely terrible. Why, oh why, was Rita wasting her time writing about 14-year-olds and friendly half-giants when the cruellest and most powerful Dark wizard of all time was hanging around?

Rita spent a long time reporting on the fates of Voldemort’s Death Eaters, but what about the man himself? We thought Rita loved getting into the nitty gritty of her victims’ flaws — so who better than Lord V? She could write a whole column on his nose alone, and surely the hack would love to get some scoops on the ‘tragedy’ of Voldemort’s family — especially his doomed mother Merope?

The secret disgraces of Ludo Bagman
If Rita Skeeter loves anything, it’s ripping apart the reputations of beloved wizards and witches — much more fun than the famously bad ones. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, we see a glimmer of Rita waiting to catch a hot scoop on former Quidditch ace Ludo Bagman, who had dealings with Death Eaters as well as a secret, crippling debt to goblins. Ludo Bagman’s squeaky-clean sporting-hero persona fascinated us, and we kind of hope Rita did find out about his life on the run.

Gadding with no one: the fictitious world of Gilderoy Lockhart
From one liar to another, an exposé on fellow hyperbolic writer Gilderoy Lockhart may be a bit pot-calling-kettle-black for Rita. But while her erroneous tabloid journalism writing might have not been entirely factually accurate, Gilderoy Lockhart was passing off his entire bibliography as biographical rather than pure fiction. Surely Rita would love to get her teeth into the story of the Gadding with Ghouls writer, seeing as he didn’t actually gad with anybody. Also, Gilderoy’s tragic ending when he lost his memory is bound to tug a few heartstrings, and Rita does enjoy milking the emotional side of things, as well as all the scandal.

Gripes with Gellert Grindelwald
It’s alliterative, and it’s a fair-enough point. Rita may have skewered Albus Dumbledore to get that coveted spot at Flourish and Blotts, but Albus’s former friend was the one with all the bad ideas. If Rita wanted to get all preachy on a high horse, surely this was the wizard to choose. Yes, we do learn a little about Grindelwald during The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, but it was very much the tip of the iceberg. For example, Gellert’s school life is briefly mentioned, and it was noted he was expelled from Durmstrang because of his ‘twisted experiments’. Call us macabre, but what exactly were those twisted experiments, per chance?

The Malfoy family: exposed
As much as Draco Malfoy liked to rattle on about his father, we’re dying to know about all the less impressive things the Malfoy family did. Yes, we know they’re rich, have a big fancy house, and have a penchant for pure-blood pride, but these complex characters all seem to have light and shade to them, and a huge tell-all bumper biography would be very much appreciated. Narcissa Malfoy is a particularly interesting case, as she didn’t technically become a Death Eater but was fine with being embroiled in Lucius’s dark life.

And what about enigmatic old Lucius? Did Lucius Malfoy have a happy childhood? How does he keep his hair in such beautiful condition? What was his early friendship with Snape like? And while we’re asking questions, how much is in the Malfoy’s family vault at Gringotts, really?

The rise and fall of Dolores Umbridge
Everyone loves a comeback, but what’s the one thing people love more? When a bad guy gets their comeuppance. Yes, Dolores Umbridge had a cushy life for a while, exemplified by her abundance of kitten plates and rising career status. But when she fell, she fell hard, and then some centaurs carried her off for good measure.

Imagine a whole book on Umbridge’s life — again, what was her childhood like? How did she get so far with that girly giggle? And how terrible were her prejudices beyond what we already know?

Aberforth Dumbledore: seriously, what was all that about?